Sunday, December 30, 2018
Dance history Essay
Ballet is a orchestrate of dancing dischargeed for theatre audiences. Like new(prenominal) bounce forms, concert dance may read a story, establish a mood, or simply reflect the music. But a ballet dancers technique (way of performing) and special skills differ greatly from those of other(a) dancers. Ballet dancers perform many movements that atomic number 18 unnatural for the body. But when these movements are tireface executed, they look natural. The beginnings of ballet can be traced to Italy during the 1400s at the time of the Renaissance. During the Renaissance, mass genuine a great have-to doe with in fraud and learning.At the corresponding time, trade and commerce expanded rapidly, and the dukes who command Florence and other Italian city-states grew in wealth. The dukes did very untold to promote the arts. The Italian city-states became rival art centres as well as competing commercial-grade centers. The Italian dukes competed with one another in giving cos tly, fancy entertainments that include dance performances. The dancers were not professionals. They were noblemen and noblewomen of a dukes hook who danced to please their ruler and to stir the regard and envy of his rivals.Catherine de Medici, a member of the judgment family of Florence, became the queen of France in 1547. Catherine introduced into the French move the same kind of entertainments that she had known in Italy. They were staged by Balthazar de Beaujoyeulx, a able musician. Beaujoyeulx had come from Italy to be Catherines question musician. Ballet historians consider one of Beaujoyeulxs entertainments, the Ballet Comique de la Reine, to be the for the first time ballet. It was a magnificent spectacle of intimately 51/2 hours performed in 1581 in awarding of a royal wedding.The ballet told the old-fashioned Greek myth of Circe, who had the magical great power to turn men into beasts. The ballet included specially written instrumental music, singing, and commu nicate verse as well as dancingall based on the story of Circe. Dance technique was passing limited, and so Beaujoyeulx depended on spectacular costumes and view to impress the audience. To make sure that the audience understood the story, he provided printed copies of the verses used in the ballet. The ballet was a great success, and was much imitated in other European courts.French leadership. The Ballet Comique de la Reine established genus Paris as the capital of the ballet world. mogul Louis XIV, who ruled France during the late 1600s and too soon 1700s, strengthened that leadership. Louis greatly enjoyed dancing. He took divorce in all the ballets given at his court, which his nobles performed, but stopped after he became fat and middle-aged. In 1661, Louis founded the Royal honorary society of saltation to train professional dancers to perform for him and his court. Professional ballet began with the kings dancing academy.With serious training, the French professionals d eveloped skills that had been impossible for the amateurs. Similar companies developed in other European countries. One of the sterling(prenominal) was the Russian Imperial Ballet of St. Petersburg, whose schooling was founded in 1738. The French professional dancers became so skilled that they began to perform publicly in theatres. But in 1760, the French choreographer dungaree Georges Noverre criticized the professional dancers in his book Lettres sur la danse, et sur les ballets (Letters on Dancing and Ballets).Noverre complained that the dancers cared too much astir(predicate) wake their technical skills and too little about the true purpose of ballet. This purpose, he said, was to counterbalance characters and express their feelings. Noverre urged that ballet dancers stop using masks, bulky costumes, and large wigs to illustrate or explain plot and character. He claimed that the dancers could express these things using only their bodies and faces.So ache as the dancers d id not look strive or uncomfortable doing difficult steps, they could build such emotions as anger, joy, fear, and love. Noverre developed the ballet daction, a form of hammy ballet that told the story completely by means of movement. Most of Noverres ballets told stories taken from antediluvian Greek myths or dramas. But during the earlyish 1800s, people no longer cared about old gods and heroes. The romantic period began as people became interested in stories of light from the real world to dreamlike worlds or foreign lands.
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
'Behavior: Sociology and Psychological Core Essay\r'
'1. How is Unilever applying its understanding of internal consumer processes in the psychological core to market its products?\r\nvirtuoso company that has maintained its dominance over time is Unilever. The company tally apply of their understanding of internal processes which are a series of changes that occur within the individual, which includes the psychological processes: motivation, perception, spot and knowledge. They market their products to get more customers by explaining to them how and why they should white plague a product in order to make their lives better and also to make them legal opinion good about doing that action and this one, is a part of knowledge in the psychological core. They also try to make the use of the product in easier steering and to view with the environmental issues which is a part of attitude in the psychological core.\r\n2. Which of the quatern extraneous processes in the consumer’s gardening do you think have been the inti mately chief(prenominal) to the success of come down’s charge up for Real dish aerial? Why?\r\nThe four external processes in the consumer’s culture are religion, ethnicity, reference groups, and social class. For me, the most important external process in the consumer’s culture to the success of Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty is the ethnicity. It is the fact or state of be to a social group that has a common national or pagan tradition. Dove’s Campaign aims to oppose customers by telling them that there is no norms for beauty, every women is beautiful with her own features. They typeset up this campaign without any categories of women in order to reach women of all ages, races, or sizes. The idea was to target all kinds of consumers as possible. The campaign worked out very hygienic because consumers recognized themselves in the ads.\r\n3. Do you harmonise with Unilever’s decision to joining its brands with efforts to come on h ealthy and environmentally sustainability carriages? Explain your answer.\r\nDefinitely, yes I agree with Unilever’s decision to link its brands with efforts to encourage healthy and environmentally sustainability behavior because it is another way to catch more customers and spread a good doubling of the organization. It also shows that Unilever really care with the customer’s health. Unilever not just only sell products but they also apprised that the consumers pull up stakes fit and satisfied with their products. And it will be a best way for them to keep their customers, as well as to build loyalty.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
'Hipaa Essay\r'
'HIPAA\r\nAbstract\r\nThe wellness Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or weaken k straightawayn as (HIPAA) began in 1996 as an Act to support individuals keep their wellness insurance as they moved from champion job to a nonher. As the future brought hot publicitys HIPAA evolved to include much more(prenominal) than portability. HIPAA now includes m any(prenominal) complex rules to protect tolerant privacy along with the apply of teaching applied science that transfers medical examination records.\r\nHIPAA\r\nNearly a decade ago, lawmakers tried to combine the erst turn(a) age ethical tradition of tolerant privacy with unseasoneder age wellness technology advances, in hopes of saving more lives and trim down such(prenominal) high medical costs. coitus’ intention of the HIPAA Privacy Act was to postulate the health fearfulness industry into the 20th century, while saving U.S citizens billions of dollars.\r\nAs health c be technologies advance so d oes the rules, redress hands, and regulations of HIPAA. It’s distinguished to know the â€Å"in’s†and â€Å"outs†of HIPAA and these new advancement’s. Having a knob speaker system for HIPAA helped me call for and realize these new advancement’s, a long with what HIPAA really stands for, the salutarys of longanimouss, and what a recrudesce is and how to prevent it. In the rowing of the guest speaker, HIPAA equals privacy. Each letter in HIPAA stands for and explains exactly what the Act is. The letter â€Å"H†in HIPAA stands for health, the health of the forbearing. â€Å"I†in HIPAA stands for insurance, the availability of health plans for the patient of. The â€Å"P†in HIPAA stands for portability, it’s portable. â€Å"A†is for accountability, they be responsible for here actions. And finally the last â€Å"A†in HIPAA stands for act, the action of carrying something out. All of these earn may make up HIPAA tho it’s most-valuable to know what they rattling mean and stand for. After education the patient rights from the guest speaker I commemorate it makes up the most historic part of HIPAA. Knowing your rights under HIPAA stick out save you from trouble in the future. The frontmost right of HIPAA is The discipline to Access, how you the patient drive out admission fee their health training and be aspire copies of their health learning.\r\nThe second patient right is The Right to Restrictions which gives you the right to restrict certain(prenominal) disclo sure as shootings of your health information. Another important patient right to HIPAA is The Right to Amendment, it gives you the right to crave on amendment to your health information. The next right is The Right to Accounting of Disclosures, this right makes sure your request on accounting of revealing do on your health information is met. The next patient right is The Right to Complain of Privacy Rights Violation, which I think is the most important. It gives you the right to complain if you tonicity that your health information has been use or disclosed inappropriately. The last patient right the speaker talked about was how the patients’ health information us used and disclosed. Which allows many ways on how your health information is used or disclosed in regards to treatment, payment, and health care operations. Also patient rights of allowance to release medical or health information and the right to revoke authorizations. As you suffer see in that respect are many rights that the patient has. These rights ensure that patients get the right care in regards to health and how medical records are stored. Even though these rights protect patients there are comfort major problems that can happen. One of the major problems with HIPAA is a breach. A breach is the unofficial access use, or disclosure of protected health information that co mpromises the privacy of such information. According to the HIPAA guest speaker, penalties for a breach can equal up to 1.5millon a year. For individuals found guilty of breach, penalties can be up to $100,000 per year, per violation and or up to ten years in prison. You may be wondering how they decide if there is a breach. several(prenominal) exceptions to breach that the guest speaker informed us of are unintentional access or use of health information. Only if that information accessed was made in a good credence within employment and the information was not further accessed or used, it is not considered a breach. Another exception of a breach situation is churl abuse. Law Enforcement must(prenominal) collect medical evidence to investigate and prosecute a possible child abuse case. Along with Law Enforcement Officials, affectionate Services also have HIPAA exceptions so they can serve victims of abuse, neglect, and domestic violence.\r\nA breach in HIPAA can be very serio us, so it’s important to practice good prevention precautions. Some of the guest speaker’s tips on preventing a breach were locking files to adept important papers. Also securing areas that have any health information, so only the mint who are trustworthy have access to them. Not only do health care workers take precautions to avoid a breach, but so does HIPAA. HIPAA officials do stochastic checks on health care patients in different facilities to ensure that only the authorized workers had access to their medical records. One of HIPAA’s main goals are to protect the patient’s privacy. Taking these precautions as a health care worker can prevent any complications regarding HIPAA and most significantly patient privacy. Having a guest speaker come into class helped me understand more concepts of HIPAA I didn’t understand. She taught me what HIPAA is really about, patient rights, and how important it is to prevent a breach. training more about HI PAA will help me in my future career. HIPAA will straightaway affect my future, as I am currently going for a medical assistant degree. But HIPAA doesn’t well(p) affect people going into the medical field it affects the patients. Therefore it is important for everyone to learn and understand the importance of HIPAA.\r\nReferences\r\nLaw and moral philosophy (For the Health Professions) 6e (2013). HIPAA. Pages From74 †To 76\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n'
Monday, December 24, 2018
'Leadership practices Essay\r'
'The same situation applies to technological know-how, I generally understand the skilful know-how of my Job and by chance not actualise with Just a few policies and procedures because I haven’t had the chance to stagger with them. The interpersonal competence need to be deviseed further as I have not developed anything in that demesne in the business sensory faculty and some of the skills have been acquired in affectionate groups such as the church. The Social-emotional competence likewise scored quite high which is real a true reflection as I am a person who is actually concerned about emotional and eudaemonia of the people where work is involved.\r\nThe anagerial and entrepreneurial competences had just scores which are actually true, maybe because I am not really in a conductorial take at work and I do think that more need to be developed in this state. The intellectual competence had the lowest percentage score of 40% and I also do believe that I need the chance to develop and show my intellectual skills. B. The managerial competence scored 50% which is Just an clean value. agree to Daft (2008, p. 15) Management focuses on establishing comminuted plans and schedules for achieving specific results. This has similar characteristics to quadrant C of the only wizard model.\r\nWhat is livelong brain thinking) shows that a person who has quadrant B (green) dominance has the following characteristics: organised, sequential, planned and detailed. The managerial competence has similar characteristics with the quadrant B and these two score sheets gave similar results. They showed average competence as a manager and the need to improve in this area. The inter-personal competence gives an average percentage which also when compared to the whole brain, the quadrant C (Red) is also has normalize results. The whole brain quadrant A (blue) had the highest results which confirmed the Job competence and good know-how.\r\nI am an engineer by professional and hence so numerical by nature of my Job. C. The ways of improving drawship effectiveness include From the Managerial competence, the percentage was 50% which implies there is more to be done in the area hence need to improve as a leader by culture to be a leader who should snuff it from stability to change and Crisis Management (Daft 2008, p. 8). The whole competence analysis had varying percentages, leading effectiveness can be alter by becoming a tuition leader thus â€Å"a leader who is open to learning and change and encourages the growing and development of thers†(Daft 2008, p. 2). Need to improve on intellectual competences by getting the ample picture, a leader who is up to reckon with what is happening in the core area of business.\r\n'
Sunday, December 23, 2018
'A Contrasting Comparison of Women at Home and in the Work Field\r'
'The young twenty-four hours muliebrity has become much than than on the nose a counterpart in a male dominated work. She has become the substitution class of a successful person. The modern twenty-four hours rusher muliebrity often wears 2 hats or much. Her personality has become more than flexible as the needs in her disembodied spirit give way grown more complex and cartridge clip consuming.Yes, a wo art object today is more than just a woman is. She is now a daughter, married woman, find, friend, economist, and any(prenominal)thing and e very(prenominal)thing else that she has to be in between. Seeing a modern day wife and mother makes me marvel what it was like for the children and husbands of yester geezerhood. Before the hectic life of today, when most families be forced to be on 2 incomes from the husband and wife, a woman seemed to lead a filtrate wanton life.Her hardly worry because was how to cook the chicken defrosting on the kitchen counter. Wh en on the nose did this change happen? How has it moveed the room a family functions these days? Believe it or non, there was actu eachy a age in history when wowork force stomached at blank space and took direction of the family. This was all before cosmos War 2 changed the landscape of the workplace as the people of and so wise it to be.Before the war broke out in 1948, wo hands were content to stay at category. Wives took reverence of the household while the men worked and provided the pecuniary resource needed to sustain his family. Women were content to stay home and chance upon care of the children.The children were riant because they came home from school or mould time and had somebody at home with a glass of thirst extinction lemonade for them or freshly baked cookies for a snack. The women were more supportive of their brood.As a mother, the women make convinced(predicate) that the children were well taken care of, more secure in the estimate that their mother loved them because they could see her and retrieve it more and often. A mothers role then is just as important as a mothers role now. Mothers then were not as stressed out as they are today. Yes, women then were also commonplace and stressed out.They were very busy and already had 24 hour work days. They were happier though. This is because they dealt with only one slur at a time and the routine did not take off that often so that dealing with any problems posed before them seemed so trivial and common sensical.Then unexpectedly, the United States got involved in World War 2 on June 6, 1944. This is the date that changed the family and working mans landscape forever. Women were at this time already slowly entrance various workplaces.The war accelerated their incoming even more. As most men shipped off to fight the war, women were left at home and were forced into the unexpected situation of having to be some(prenominal) mother and father, care giver and provider for t heir brood. Women began working where men apply to work as a show of support for the soldiers overseas who were loose their lives in order to make sure that the families of the world would continue to live free from tyranny.This was the start of the subtle changes in the family dynamics into what we now know it to be. Slowly, the mother and wife figure, the woman kids could always trust and intercourse to, their mom, the woman who made sure that a hot meal waited for her husband when he got home tired from work started to go from the world.After the war, women chose to continue down the new mode that had opened up for them. Women felt that it gave them adjoin footing with men and working gave them a new sense of fulfillment that they used to augment what was now to them a dense life of a woman of the house.This movement continue to evolve until women finally became the dual passageed women of today. She is both a mother and an employee. A wife and an executive, you name it, she target do it. Women of the twenty-first century have seemingly improve the art of multitasking.All of this progress in the womans say-so movement came at a senior high school bell to their families though. As women discovered that they are more than just pretty faces who could do other things aside from care for the men and the family, the very foundation that had the woman as its supportive backbone suffered a bulky blow. The families of today have become very vulnerable to disintegration.Now, because both parents are already working referable to the high cost of living, nobody is around to supervise the raising of the children anymore. Latchkey kids are now the norm and the wish of parental supervision have allowed kids the emancipation to experiment with crime and drugs.Divorce has become more common these days. As the husband and wife lose time for their family, lose the time to talk to each other and recuperate out how they are faring in their lives as individu als, a couple and parents, the end up following the misguided belief that more money means a stronger family. funds does not make for a gifted family.Togetherness and understanding does. This is what the families of yesteryears had that we no longer have today. These days, a woman, as a mother and wife does want to give her family their due respect, love and understanding. But she is just so burned out from work all the time that she unintentionally vents on her family by taking what little time she wad offer to them in terms of attri entirelye time away from them.This usually happens because the woman already loses her sense of self worth(predicate) and who she really is. Once again, this is something that did not know for women before 1942.The war did not affect just the psyche of men; In fact, the effects of that war have reached farther than ever thought possible. It took away the pureness of women and replaced it with females who have a need to incessantly prove tha t they can equal the man in any field or work place.I guess it will take more time before the women can complete their evolution into the perfect being. In my mind, this is the woman who can be career driven in the work place, but still be the caring housewife and mother who existed back in the years before World War 2.Works Cited:Cristina Giampolis Homepage. score 175 Project. November 25, 2006. <>\r\n'
Friday, December 21, 2018
'Contingencies to Airasia’s Marketing Strategy Essay\r'
'Suggest spark offle contingencies communicateAsia should consider and rationalize your choice. What are the principal(prenominal) passings to the current marketing dodge should AirAsia try to respond to these contingencies. There are bend of threats that AirAsia faces thus it should work well-prepared contingency plans in fibre certain situations occur. The fol blueing depart focuses on analyzing three main contingencies that AirAsia should stick into consideration as well as the modifications to the current marketing strategy that it would have to make to respond in matter certain events occur.\r\nWhat if price fight happens… To debate with the rivals, each airline introduced its own strategy. re todayned full military helper carriers like capital of Singapore Airlines and Thai Airways have set up commencement cost subsidiaries. Malaysia Airlines launched competitive forwarding scheme while independent affordable airlines like Valuair focused on change guest services with oblation additional benefits to customers. Obviously, the harsh competitiveness in the character intones the probability that price war efficacy happen. Price war happens when nearly entirely airline companies simultaneously moolah to reduce their prices and the region’s zephyr industry as a self-colored fails to deliver profit.\r\nPrice war readiness have a serious daze on AirAsia if it, together with other airlines in the region, starts to reduce its prices to compete. Customers now will have various choices and would be able to spot turns to the airlines that offer them the best price as well as best service. If price war does happen, AirAsia should make the fol mooing modification to its current strategy: Increase customer satisfaction by improving on-flight service quality as discussed in judiciousness in the third paragraph of misgiving one. What if customers decide to switch to other airlines…\r\nAir Asia now has to face up w ith increase competition not single from low cost subsidiaries of full service carries exactly also from the emergence of independent low cost airlines. With the increasing emergence of late airlines which provide customers with not only low fares precisely also â€Å"a level of service far beyond that expectâ€Â, the probability that customers switch to other airlines is precise high. Recently, AirAsia has been receiving galore(postnominal) complaints from passengers who are unsatisfied with the service quality. Focusing intensively on retentivity costs low, AirAsia neglected the satisfaction and convenience of its customers.\r\nThus, the company should consider the possibility that customers king switch to other airlines. In this case the following modifications to the strategy should be make: AirAsia should offer incentives for the customers to stay with the company by introducing frequent flyer bonus miles. To act customers’, AirAsia great deal also offer social station cards which would provide them not only with additional miles but also with steady customers’ discount on precise flights to specific destinations or at special time period of time.\r\nWhat if AirAsia is unsuccessful in entering saucily markets such(prenominal) as mainland China and India… AirAsia is now looking for expanding routes to other countries in the region and China and India are a considerable potential. However, these markets have completely different economies and thus thither is a probability that the market will not support a in the raw airline. Also, for example, when going to China †a huge market, AirAsia needs to be gear up to face tough competition. Besides acceptable reputation in the market, well-established airlines in China such as China Airline, chinaware Pacific, etc. are offering very high quality service to customer.\r\nIn addition to that in the meantime, AirAsia has to compete with many tough competitors in its local market. Thus, there is possibility that AirAsia might not take the lead when entering new markets and might not be able to partake its targets in new markets. Therefore, AirAsia should take into written report the possibility of low consume and be ready to make modifications to its strategy in order to respond: The prodigious Games 2008 would be a great opportunity for AirAsia to strengthen its image in customers’ mind.\r\nTo take this advantage, AirAsia should channelize some activities to promote the company. Other salient companies will certainly promote itself through and through taking part in such activities as surpassing Sponsorship, On-Air advertisement, etc. AirAsia should subscribe a different tactic. Instead, it can earn association between AirAsia and the Olympic through programs spread via mass media such as: design logo for AirAsia used during the Olympic time or organize a lottery program the prizes of which would be Olympic tickets or flying ticke ts inside China.\r\nAirAsia can also use other promotion programs like offering round trip tickets flying to cities where the Games would take place at the price of 1 reminbi (Chinese currency) for the first 10 customers buying tickets at a random period of time during 6 months out front the Olympics. This should help build up the demand for AirAisa’ services among the customers and enhance its position in customers’ mind.\r\nTo conclude, it is important for AirAsia to be aware of all contingencies that whitethorn happen during its operations and to be ready to apply modifications to the strategy to entertain itself from any possible issues that might occur. These contingencies may not come to reality but it is essential to have contingency plans and to be able to make necessary modifications to the strategy in case of the price war, or lost of the customers, or difficulties entering the new markets in order to adapt to these changes and pertain to operate successfu lly.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Pain in the Chain\r'
'Exceso is a supposititious company taken from a Harvard mooring Study. In reference to the four assigments we motive to present our analyze. The Case study describes the station of Exceso, which is a manufacture and the proviso mountain range of Exceso. The Situation shows that they are obviously in trouble. In the following we try to tally their lines. As the manufacture in the supply filament they lease many divergent problems. It seems to be that they induce over-ambitious sales targets, which stirred the whole supply image process. further much Exceso heavily discounting their products in order to step-up their customer base.Perhaps that leads to more trouble in the future(a) period. â€Å"If we go with deeper discounts, we’ll move more product. Duh! But it’s not passage to sell through. It’ll end up in their warehouse. We know that. †This quotation shows that Exceso could have problem to increase their turnover in the next period b ecause the market is saturated. Based on your analysis we want to offer well-nigh solutions in order to improve the plaza of Exceso. We try to provide a tincture on an optimal supply chain design. As a start Exceso have to change their output obsessed sentry and shall adhere to their customers’ demands.All participants in the supply chain have to work together. They need a collaborative, planning system. This involve a sozzled tie relationship between Exceso and their distributors. furthermore they have to work out a shared interest business plan. They have to amalgamate their forecasts, where possible. Finally they need a demand- ground product mix planning. How could be this aims be achieved? What is necessary to be done for implementing your prompt? In our opinion they could implement an electronic data interchange system (EDI) for mannikin a supplier †portal based on an internet-platform.EDI is very useful in the supply chain because it helps to structure the nurture flow. Moreover the communication with EDI leads to more stop number in which trading partner receives and incorporates the reading in comparison to paper documents. too it could reduce errors such as raptus an billing errors. Finally it will hopefully keep disparities between over- and underproduction to a minimum. manduction information could replace high stocks and perchance they are able to handle increase demands.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'Cultural Anthropology\r'
'Culture is a well organised unity divided into two fundamental aspects †a body of artifacts and a system of customs †Mammalians. â€Å" gentle patch cannot eat, breathe, defecate, mate, reproduce, sit, move ab bulge out, sleep or Ill rarify without following or expressing some aspect of their smart set civilization. Our purifications grow, expand, and evolve. It is their nature. †â€ Marvin Harris. The farming of a customarywealth is an ensemble of texts, themselves ensembles, which the anthropologist strains to subscribe to over the shoulders of those to whom they properly belong. †Geezer, Balinese Cockfight (p. 2). â€Å"Man is an animal suspend in webs of significance he himself has spun. I catch last to be those webs, and the analysis of it to be and then not an experimental science in see of law but an see to itative one in search of meaning. †Greet, Interpretation of Cultures (p. 5). â€Å"People do not realize how greatly cult ure Influences their valet de chambrener until they jazz across other ways of doing things. †â€Å"Culture is knowing port. †A person is not born with a culture. Culture is universal. both human being possesses it by virtue of their biological state. Cultural Anthropology) Is Inherently pluralistic, want a framework In which the distinctive perspectives of each culture world can be appreciated. †â€Å"[Cultural practices ar meaningful actions that occur routinely in day-by-day life, are widely shared by members of the group, and get with them normative expectations about how things should be done†(Gooding, miller and Sessile, 1995). â€Å"A collective name for whole behavior patterns socially acquired and socially transmitted groups. †Dictionary of Sociology and cogitate Sciences. Culture is a civilization… s that interlinking whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, custom, and both other capabilities and habits acquired by man (sic. ) as a member of society. †â€ Edward Taylor â€Å"Culture embraces all the manifestations of social habits of a community, the reactions of the individual as unnatural by the habits of the group in which he lives, and the harvest of human activities as determined by these habits. †-Franz Boas. coloratura Anthropology focuses on how language, customs, and culture in general develop.Cultural Anthropologists comparison and contrast the vast range of cultures with the popes of better rationality â€Å"the diversity of human behavior, and ultimately to develop a science of human behavior. †â€ Fried,J. Cultural Anthropology. What is traditional (or folk) culture? â€Å"Traditional culture is the habitual behaviors or thoughts of whatever given social group, and there is not and the chance of customary behaviors occurring; customary behaviors are evaluate and generally required by members of the society (Smith- Seymour, 1986).Folk culture is a precedent of the peasant community characterized by economic self- efficiency, intimate social ties, the strong authority of ritual and tradition, and the relative isolation from urban centers. The theory of folk culture is that it represents an attempt to characterize the value and social structure of traditional, rural communities existing in spite of appearance complex societies. What methods do they use to study culture? Fieldwork: visiting and living among a dampicular flock.Mapping, inventories, census, behavior protocols, questionnaires, projective tests, collecting genealogies, kinship terminologies, oral traditions, recording cases, and move networks†(Hunter and Whiten, 1976). In ramble to study these cultures, ethnographers had to become part of them. Live with the mass for extended periods of time. To study diverse groups of spate, the scientists had to become immersed in their study. One important capacity that anthropologists should poss ess is a strong awareness of their won culture.Although it is necessary for Anthropologists to be as culture tendencies in order to comprehend anothers culture. Therefore, absolute objectivity, which would require that the Anthropologist give up biases, and in research exult no culture at all, should be given up in favor of a relative objectivity ground on the characteristics of ones confess culture. The Anthropologist is forced to include himself and his stimulate way of life in his subject matter.In order to study others, and to study culture in general, the Anthropologist uses his own culture. What is tangible culture? Culture involves much much than behavioral traits; it includes all produced artifacts †in additionls, art, books and texts, etc. â€Å"Probably no other country in the world has much(prenominal) high regard for material culture as the United States. â€Å"Cultural materialism is a example of analysis that looks at ecology and economics for descript ion of cultural beliefs and practices.It tries to explain cultural habits in ground of basic needs. ‘A cultural materialist view of news report looks for relationships between the use of new technologies, population booms, the material improvement of life, and the collapse of civilization†(fisher, 1986). What is cultural scattering? â€Å"The worldwide tendency of human populations to share and family creative efforts which are in origin topically known and used. †-David Hunter.\r\nCultural Anthropology\r\nConstruct a model of cross-cultural misunderstanding, using the information presented by downwind in this article. There are many cross-cultural misunderstandings including language barriers, the way hatful speak and interpret words, as well as actions performed. /ontah experienced these cross-cultural misunderstandings in the remotest corners of the Kalahari Desert, while living by the Bushman. Every year the commonwealth would slaughter an ox and cou nterpane and dance in celebration during Christmas time./ontah decided to procure the biggest ox he could find; he was regal of it until the ! Kung people started ridiculing his kill by gradeing that it was too thin to feed all of the people. They continued to say that Christmas would be a disaster, and that they would all go to backside hungry. This troubled /ontah because he was sure that he had a fat ox, but many men cognizant him it was only big boned. He searched for a shift but could not find it.On the day of Christmas, they neck into the ox, and /ontah was saying how big and fat the ox is and how the people must be out of their minds. The ! Kung started laughing and /ontah could not understand why. He soon found out that the whole time they had been tricking him in believing that his ox was worthless, when they were actually excited to eat it on Christmas. 3. wherefore do you think the ! Kung ridicule and denigrate people who have been successful hunters or who have p rovided them with a Christmas ox?Why do Americans expect people to be grateful to receive portrays? The ! Kung like to frivol away each other to make sure that their people don’t become arrogant. When one man â€Å"brings home the bacon,†then he starts to believe that he is the big man of the group and will magnify of his superiority. Eventually, his pride could cause him to kill other people. Therefore, the people treated /ontah the same way they would treat any other Bushman, especially because /ontah provides tobacco to the people.The Bushman had good intentions by hiding the true meaning of their actions and words, even though it did not make sense to /ontah. It was part of their tradition, which is polar from American tradition; in America, most people are taught to be grateful for any gift they receive and not to complain. For example, â€Å"you get what you get, and you don’t throw a fit†is a common saying repeated to children at school. This story shows that the logical thinking behind an action may have incompatible meanings in separate cultures.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Beauty Contest: Do they serve any purpose in society? Essay\r'
'A. stunner struggle almost xxxx refers to strife for women xxxx is usually for both genders; however for men argon ar in general body building contest. most(prenominal) contest are designed for women. Beauty contest compels peculiarly women to conform to certain type of deception or unrealistic form of witness.\r\nB. This topic is weighty because mantrap contest affect women of all ages much or less the human worlds on so many levels. It affects how women observe themselves against other women. Most of all it affects women self cocksure and self-esteem and how peach is defined in general.\r\nC. Beauty contest or shows have been in globe since 1857 but became popular in 1920’s. The commencement sweetheart pageant was in 1854 but was protested against so untold that the contest had to be put on check over for a season. In 1888 , the starting time-class honours degree ever mantrap faerie was crowned in holiday resort-Belgium in 192. The 16 year old Margaret Gorman was crowned as the first throw the States. Since then many countries have followed; particularly Germany and USA.\r\nD. Beauty contest is a competition which mainly focuses on physical peach the participants usually women are judged on their attractiveness with a prize and oftentimes a title awarded to the winner.\r\nE. at that place has al behaviors been divide opinions when it comes to the topic of sweetheart contest and how important it is. There have been argument for and against the solves of beauty contest in society especially today. In my opinion beauty contest does not serve any purpose in our society today.\r\nBeauty content were first introduced in the USA in 1854 and was put on hold due to the intense criticizes made by the general public. The very first beauty queen crowned ever was crowned in Spa in Belgium in 1888 followed by many countries especially Germany and USA. 16 years old Margaret Gorman was the first scat America crowned in 1921. In 1922 and 1923 1 person xxx after which the rules changed so no hotshot person can win the title more than ones.\r\nOriginally exclude America was travel toed the interior(a) Beauty Tournament and then the organizers decided to call it Miss America as presently known. When the Miss America pageant started as a way to improve tourism on the New island of Jersey coast in Atlanta City. At the first beauty pageant contestants were asked to send pictures from which 21 were selected to front before a panel of judges.\r\nCurrently at that place are four main big global pageants; Miss World founded in 1951, Miss world founded in 1952, Miss International in 1960 and Miss Earth in 2001. In 2004 Brazil win all four beauty pageants. The purpose of beauty pageant in society has always been a controversial topic because women from all over the world are judged by the corresponding standard of beauty present by these pageants.\r\nThere is the argument that beauty pageants promotes women empowerment because part of the goal of the organizers of Miss America was to empower vernal women to achieve their personal goals while providing a forum in which to express their opinion, talent and intelligence. This may be true to some sway ; afterall in that location is xxxx. Where contestants are required to enter with a platform a course to advocate during their one yearlong reign. Time to persue her own cause is particular(a) at best-per Amanda Angelotti in confessions of a â€Å"beauty pageant drop out†published in campus progress. Secondly, how it’s looking comfortably and attractive for men whether through with(predicate) beauty pageant or cosmetic cognitive operation real empowerment. Moreover as observed by Prof. Stoeltyle â€Å"that is to say that women should continue to be seductive and to be governed by the powers.\r\nIn view of all the to a higher place reasons, beauty pageants obviously does more harm than good to the women and the society as a whole. Women gather up to peck the true meaning of beauty that their unique temper and inner beauty is what makes a phenomenal woman. Women need to be enlightened and to understand that it is not satisfying to be judged by other people’s perspective; being beauty or otherwise. Courtney E. Martine motive of â€Å"Perfect Girls†starring daughters describe how the quest of saint is having young women.\r\nâ€Å"Beauty pageants must die..!. I would alternatively live in a world where those same girls don’t have to learn hours to head in high heels to afford college. Lately there has been a tremendous increase in youngster beauty pageant and the age keep dropping. pose the same kind of pressure on being evaluated solely on the looks on children who don’t even understand the make of their bodies yet. If the harmful results of beauty pageants are not highlited enough and women are educated to accept themselves just as they are more and more wome n both young and old pass on continue to search for this unatainable ideal beauty which is however a fantasy resulting in more young women suffering from various dietry disorders and more.\r\nThe buttom line is that, â€Å"beauty is an constitutive(a) process not a contest. Women deserves better says Courtney E. Martin; in her article to New York Times â€Å"Beauty flourish Should Dieâ€Â.\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'The Lesson: Issues on Financial Stability of Families\r'
'In this research proposal I will address issues on fiscal constancy of families, economy and education. â€Å"The Lessona€? reflects the attitudes and education of minorren in the lower workings class. A point was made in the composition that brought up old emotions. On page 474 a student states, †Imagine for a minute what harming of society it is in which some people drop spend on a toy what it would exist to feed a family of six or sevena€?. †Thats non much of a democracy if you ask me.\r\n passable chance to pursue happiness means an qualified opportunity at the dougha€?. Our society would much or else spend money on building prisons and obtain malls than on recrudesce take and homes. No child should have to go with less than livable housing, or be deprived from a decent education. I was told all of my life that the standards in the wealthier schools (where nighly whites went) were better than the schools in the lower parts of the ci ty (where most blacks went). The sad fact was that it is true.\r\nI attended two schools. It made me think, why is the high achievers/summit classes at the poorer school if the other school gets the most money. The altogether thing that is funded in the poorer schools was the athletic department. We all merit the same opportunities as our peers no matter what the financial situation may be. I also came to turn back in the (black schools) the work was easier and the athletes were given grades. Mostly drug dealers, and dropouts hung around the school.\r\nAt the predominantly white school they had police and security, but the black school had teachers and coaches as hall monitors. In an overview of educational statistics black and Hispanic children were at the bottom. If we are receiving the same education accordingly why is there such a divergency in knowledge? Politicians constantly speak just about equality, but they not making a residuum? We all deserve the same chance at life rather than being mock and talked about as children as never going to be anything, and we will be in jail by the time we are 16 at to the lowest degree twice.\r\n'
Sunday, December 16, 2018
'Ethical behavior Essay\r'
'One of the original rules of conduct in the medical profession is â€Å"First, do no harm,†and it is upon this directive that most social occasions of ethics in medicine can be grounded. Ethical appearance rests on this principle. It is the norm and is what is expected from only rectifys and nurses. For instance, providing a patient with all relevant information to change him to make an informed decision on whether to tolerate surgery or not is considered ethical and proper.\r\nmost wrong behavior, on the other hand, stems from a hope for profit, although the performual partiallyicipants (nurses, in particular) in an unethical act may only be taking part to preserve their job. A blatant (although unlikely) example of unethical behavior in a doctor would be the performance of surgery while under the captivate of alcohol or another substance that adversely affects mental functions. Another is the recommendation and performance of supererogatory surgery (where sim pler treatments would have sufficed) for extra profit.\r\nFor many doctors and nurses, committing ethical or unethical acts is partly a matter of conforming to their organization’s rules. Ethical dilemmas touch base directly to the organizational effectiveness of the system of doctors and nurses who travel togetherâ€participation in ethical and unethical acts has a direct bearing on the efficiency of this system. In the case of routine circumcision, for example, a doctor may choose to continue encouraging newborn parents to get their babies circumcised because it would mean extra profit, in nastiness of the misgivings of his fellow doctors.\r\nHowever, it is not only the â€Å"cooperative†position of ethical and unethical behavior that is significant. Even if all members of an organization agree to cooperate in unethical behavior, an awareness of the â€Å"unethicality†of their actions can leave a staidly negative impression on the organizationâ€℠¢s members, which could adversely affect their performance and thus regress the organization much less than optimally efficient. It would wherefore be towards the benefit of an organization to abide by practices that are generally considered ethical.\r\n'
Saturday, December 15, 2018
'How to Structure a Dissertation: Chapters & Sub Chapters\r'
'The following post acknowledges a condensed and in-depth overview of the chapters and subchapters norm eachy contained within a dissertation. These would be very(prenominal) exerciseful when deciding what should go where, and what you should lay aside next. We use this template at our site when assisting students with their dissertations and in ill-tempered writing dissertation chapters. We hope you benefit potently from it as well. language Chapters & Sub Chapters talks should be structured in the following manner:TITLE PAGEACKNOWLEDGEMENTDEDICATIONABSTRACTTABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF TABLES (If available) LIST OF FIGURES (if available)INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION TO THE record ORGANISATION UNDER STUDY PROBLEM contestation RESEARCH OBJECTIVE DISSERTATION STRUCTURELITERATURE follow-upINTRODUCTION LITERATURE REVIEW FINAL SUBCHAPTERS SHOULD INCLUDE: LITERATURE REVIEW summary RESEARCH QUESTION\r\nDo not be descriptive in your books follow-up. For every sensation of 2 reviews on a busy subject, sleep together up with equal critiques by opposing authors to swallow a balanced critique of the subject you are reviewing.METHODOLOGYRESEARCH PHILOSOPHY RESEARCH APPROACH RESEARCH outline DATA COLLECTION DATA ANALYSIS coming RELIABILITY, VALIDITY, AND GENERALISABILITY ETHICAL ISSUES RESEARCH LIMITATIONS\r\nDissertation Chapters\r\nFor most sections of the methodology, you should include an appropriate rationale for why you chose to use that particular methodology over an opposing methodology. If you choose confident(p) over interpretivist, why did you do it? RESULTSIf Quantitative, you should include all the figures, along with a description of the results. If Qualitative or Case Study, you should include the relevant findings in a descriptive format.DISCUSSIONJustification of research topic (why you chose that topic) palingenesis of literary productions Review, and Methodology Justification of Sample Brief Recap of Results compendium †Split the res earch distrust into different sections, and answer each one of the sub questions, found on Literature Review and Results. Then eventually, write a summary that answers the whole research question. Analysis †Make sure you answer the research question. The results should be analyzed in line with the Literature you reviewed in Chapter 2.CONCLUSIONRECOMMENDATIONSREFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHYAPPENDIXYou must be a good storyteller to write a dissertation. You are not pass judgment to interview or survey anybody, but you must be able to understand the organisation, literature review and methodology, up until the point that you can write a convincing thesis to answer your proposed research question (ask for samples if you need them).\r\nI suggest and totally commend that you start from the literature review. We have provided a round-eyed guide called, how to write a dissertation the literature review, that might be helpful to you. Since you are not really conducting the interview s and reports, the literature review would give you a well-rounded overview of the topic.\r\nMost social sciences and Law dissertations put on secondary research, compared to business dissertations that primarily use prime Research. Ensure that your choice of research is the most fair to middling for the topic you are working on.\r\nSummary subscriber John †WP Admin Review Date 2017-08-18 Reviewed Item Dissertation Writing Guide: How to Structure a Dissertation? Author Rating 5\r\n'
Friday, December 14, 2018
'Upper Tier Rights\r'
'There are more nerves in the history of essential law that ingest the wording of the linked States Constitution. One case that deals with many parts of the constitution is Miranda v genus Arizona. This was a case that the haughty chat up voted on in 1966. This is a case of upper tier responsibilitys, because it deals with the constitutional uprights. It broadly speaking deals with the ordinal amendment which is a right to due accomplish and the sixth amendment which is a right to counsel.A umbrageous, Ernesto Miranda, was arrested on broadly speaking circumstantial evidence for the kidnapping and rape of an 18 year octogenarian female. During the interrogation by the practice of law Miranda confessed to the kidnapping and rape of the female. He also sign a paper that said he was swelled a voluntary statement to the jurisprudence and that the police were non forcing him to confess to the execrations which he may or may non nurture committed. To most this soun ds handle the police did an alright job they got a defense surface of him and there was no signs of abuse by the police.So many would say what is the problem? Why is this still considered a constitutional law case? How did Miranda v. Arizona turn into a landmark join States independent woo case? When this case went to essay Miranda’s court appointed attorney found out that the police never in spend a pennyed Miranda of his Constitutional right to counsel. So in fact by not informing Miranda that he had the right to counsel the police violated his Fourteenth Amendment which is the right to due lay out and his sixth amendment which is a right to counsel.If he would have had counsel present in the room he may never have signed that form confessing to the kidnapping and rape of that 18 year old woman. Miranda’s court appointed attorney at trial objected to the confession saying that his clients fifth, sixth, and fourteenth amendment rights were violated. The tri al judge overruled the objection mainly because the defendant never formally asked to have an attorney present or to see or speak with his attorney. So Miranda was convicted of the crime and sent to up to 30 years in prison.Miranda’s attorney the appealed the decision all the steering up to the Arizona supreme court. The Arizona Supreme lawcourt ruled that they also believed that his rights were not violated because he never asked for an attorney. The Next step Miranda’s Attorney took was that he asked the United States Supreme Court to hear the case and they did. Then on June 13th, 1966 past United States Supreme Court ruled that Ernesto Miranda’s Constitutional rights had been violated by the police. The vote was cheeseparing it was a 5-4 vote.Chief Justice Earl Warren along with Justices, Black, Douglass, Brennan, and Fortas ideal that Miranda’s rights were violated and Justices Clark, Harlan, Stewart, and White thought that the police had acted i n the correct manor. This was one of the most historic cases in United States Supreme court history. This essentially told police that if you did not inform the individual that he has a right to counsel you can not use any confession or selective information gathered from that. This is considered an upper tier rights case because it not unless deals with one amendment but it actually deals with cardinal others.The fifth, sixth and fourteenth amendments all come into play with this case. Police no Mirandize all suspects before public lecture to them and almost all law enforcement personal actually do it as they are arresting the suspect just to make sure. A suspect has the right to waive Miranda but then can not use it in the court case subsequent on. In conclusion Miranda v Arizona became a land mark case in United States law history because it one had many constitutional rights broken in it that were corrected by the United States Supreme Court.It also actually helped the la w enforcement agencies do their job better. It helped prevent other suspects from having their rights broken wish well Ernesto Miranda had his. Like stated earlier this is a prime of life ex international amperele of upper tier rights because it not only deals with one constitutional right but trey and they are three of the most important amendments, the fifth, sixth, and fourteenth amendments.Sources Miranda v. Arizona, U. S. Supreme Court Case Summary & Oral Argument. (n. d. ). The Oyez Project | U. S. Supreme Court Oral Argument Recordings, Case Abstracts and More. Retrieved December 10, 2010, from http://www. oyez. org/cases/1960-1969/1965/1965_759 Miranda v. Arizona. (n. d. ). cardinal | Legal Information Institute at Cornell uprightness School. Retrieved December 10, 2010, from http://www. law. cornell. edu/supct/html/historics/USSC_CR_0384_0436_ZS. html The Supreme Court . Expanding Civil Rights . Landmark Cases . Miranda v. Arizona (1966) | PBS. (n. d. ). PBS: habitual Broadcasting Service. Retrieved December 10, 2010, from http://www. pbs. org/wnet/supremecourt/rights/landmark_miranda. html\r\n'
Thursday, December 13, 2018
'Bureaucracy and Liberalisation\r'
'After freedom the newly emerged Indian State was characterized by the dominating role in all the spheres of society. It was a wellbeing state whose prey was to secure political, social and stinting justice to all the sections of Indian population. The Westminister model of parliamentary democracy with universal adult franchise was adopted. In social field, various evils in the society were seek to be eradicated by the State.Untouchability was abolished and social reforms were undertaken. In the sparing sphere, the state not only regulated the market, it besides emerged as the major employer providing employment opportunities to the people. India adopted the policy of mixed economy/a powerful macrocosm sector was created. For Nehru, the public sector undertakings were the temples of modern India. Their objective was to assist in the rapid economic egression and industrialisation of the country.Over the years their number and enthronisations have egotism-aggrandizing i n size and quantity. While in 1951, in that respect were five central public sector undertakings (PSUs) with an investment of Rs 29 crores, now there be as many as 243 enterprises with a total investment of Rs 1,78,628 crores. The private sector was also to play an chief(prenominal) role in the mixed economy. thus far it was super regulated and control direct economy as far as the private sector was concerned. Rightly it was called the licence-quota permit Raj.However the devote of socialist political and economic system in earstwhile Soviet Union and other socialist states led to the emergence of a global economy which designatet introducing free-enterprise(a) markets, liberalising foreign trade and opening up the economy for foreign investment. According to Marina Pinto â€Å"Liberalisation is the policy of remotion of restrictions, trade barriers and protectionist measures to enable the free flow of capital, engineering science and services. It is generally seen in the context of globalization and privatization. †In eighties liberalisation process started taking infinite in India economy.But the severe foreign exchange and monetary crisis in early 1990s compelled India to take massive impart from IMF and world Bank which as critics point out, dictate India to liberalise its economy. This was done under the leadership of Dr. Manmohan Singh, the pay Minister in P. V. Narsimha Rao Government. The New Industrial policy of 1991, stated that â€Å"Foreign investment and technology coaction allow for be welcomed to obtain high technology, to attach exports and to expand the production base. †The Licence-quota permit Raj has been given a good-bye and the economic system has largely shape competitive.Even in the public sector the nine major public sector undertakings or Navratnasâ€Bharat Heavy Electricals contain (BHEL), Bharat Petroleum pot limit (BPCL) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL), Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOC), Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Limited (IPCL), matter thermic Power Corporation Limited (NTPC), Oil;National Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), Steel endorsement of India Limited (SAIL) and Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL) have been given spacious financial and functional autonomy.The Government was also considering to allow in more public sector undertakings in this list. However this does not mean that the role of the State would crawfish and it would only concentrate on the maintenance of equity and order. The state continues to be a welfare state. It will continue to ameliorate the conditions of poor and down-troddens. The economic policies are to be realistic. Jagdish Bhagwati, one of the leading economists says that the first lambert years of independence has been â€Å"half a ascorbic acid of foolish policies, which cost her (India) growth and hence a significant opportunity to ameliorate poverty. Now lucid policies are to be drafted and implemente d with due cipher to monitoring of policies in stages. This also means that the generalist administration will either be substituted by the experts or they be given their due role in the administration. The bureaucracy will have to be responsive and transparent and infact the entire work ethos has to be changed. It also means maximum possible missionary post of authority and sufficient decentralized control. Ultimately it whitethorn lead to debureaucratization of the administration.The 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment providing for local self government is designed to transfer the developmental functions to the local self government. We may be witness to gradual decrease of the state and its administrative machinery. But this does not mean that state would recede in the background. It may be a scenario where we have a reoriented, purposive responsible and transparent administration as a friend, philosopher and guide. The requisite condition for all this is poliucal will , integrity and honesy at higher levels of politics and de-criminalisation of politics.\r\n'
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