Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Anarchy State and Utopia Essay
Distributive Justice Robert Nozick From Anarchy, State, and Utopia, 149-182, with omissions. Copyright @ 1974 by Basic Books, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Basic Books, a subsidiary of Perseus Books Group, LLC. The minimal state is the most extensive state that can be justified. Any state more extensive violates people’s rights. Yet many persons have put forth reasons purporting to justify a more extensive state. It is impossible within the compass of this book to examine all the reasons that have been put forth. Therefore, I shall focus upon those generally acknowledged to be most weighty and influential, to see precisely wherein they fail. In this chapter we consider the claim that a more extensive state is justified, because necessary (or the best instrument) to achieve distributive justice; in the next chapter we shall take up diverse other claims. The term â€Å"distributive justice†is not a neutral one. Hearing the term â€Å"distribution,†most people presume that some thing or mechanism uses some principle or criterion to give out a supply of things. Into this process of distributing shares some error may have crept. So it is an open question, at least, whether redistribution should take place; whether we should do again what has already been done once, though poorly. However, we are not in the position of children who have been given portions of pie by someone who now makes last minute adjustments to rectify careless cutting. There is no central distribution, no person or group entitled to control all the resources, jointly deciding how they are to be doled out. What each person gets, he gets from others who give to him in exchange for something, or as a gift. In a free society, diverse persons control different resources, and new holdings arise out of the voluntary exchanges and actions of persons. There is no more a distributing or distribution of shares than there is a distributing of mates in a society in which persons choose whom they shall marry. The total result is the product of many individual decisions which the different individuals involved are entitled to make. Some uses of the term â€Å"distribution,†it is true, do not imply a previous distributing appropriately judged by some criterion (for example, â€Å"probability distribution†); nevertheless, despite the title of this chapter, it would be best to use a terminology that clearly is neutral. We shall speak of people’s holdings; a principle of justice in holdings describes (part of) what justice tells us (requires) about holdings. I shall state first what I take to be the correct view about justice in holdings, and then turn to the discussion of alternate views. Section 1 The Entitlement Theory The subject of justice in holdings consists of three major topics. The first is the original acquisition of holdings, the appropriation of unheld things. This includes the issues of how unheld things may come to be held, the process, or processes, by which unheld things may come to be held, the things that may come to be held by these processes, the extent of what comes to be held by a particular process, and so on. We shall refer to the complicated truth about this topic, which we shall not formulate here, as the principle of justice in acquisition. The second topic concerns the transfer of holdings from one person to another. By what processes may a person transfer holdings to another? How may a person acquire a holding from another who holds it? Under this topic come general descriptions of voluntary exchange, and gift and (on the other hand) fraud, as well as reference to particular conventional details fixed upon in a given society. The complicated truth about this subject (with placeholders for conventional details) we shall call the principle of justice in transfer. And we shall suppose it also includes principles governing how a person may divest himself of a holding, passing it into an unheld state. ) If the world were wholly just, the following inductive definition would exhaustively cover the subject of justice in holdings. 1. A person who acquires a holding in accordance with the principle of justice in acquisition is entitled to that holding. 2. A person who acquires a holding in accordance with the principle of justice in transfer, from someone else entitled to the holding, is entitled to the holding. . No one is entitled to a holding except by (repeated) applications of 1 and 2. The complete principle of distributive justice would say simply that a distribution is just if everyone is entitled to the holdings they possess under the distribution. A distribution is just if it arises from another just distribution by legitimate means. The legitimate means of moving from one distribution to another are specified by the principle of justice in transfer. The legitimate first â€Å"moves†are specified by the principle of justice in acquisition. Whatever arises from a just situation by just steps is itself just. The means of change specified by the principle of justice in transfer preserve justice. As correct rules of inference are truth-preserving, and any conclusion deduced via repeated application of such rules from only true premisses is itself true, so the means of transition from one situation to another specified by the principle of justice in transfer are justice-preserving, and any situation actually arising from repeated transitions in accordance with the principle from a just situation is itself just. The parallel between justice-preserving transformations and truth-preserving transformations illuminates where it fails as well as where it holds. That a conclusion could have been deduced by truth-preserving means from premisses that are true suffices to show its truth. That from a just situation a situation could have arisen via justice-preserving means does not suffice to show its justice. The fact that a thief’s victims voluntarily could have presented him with gifts does not entitle the thief to his ill-gotten gains. Justice in holdings is historical; it depends upon what actually has happened. We shall return to this point later. Not all actual situations are generated in accordance with the two principles of justice in holdings: the principle of justice in acquisition and the principle of justice in transfer. Some people steal from others, or defraud them, or enslave them, seizing their product and preventing them from living as they choose, or forcibly exclude others from competing in exchanges. None of these are permissible modes of transition from one situation to another. And some persons acquire holdings by means not sanctioned by the principle of justice in acquisition. The existence of past injustice (previous violations of the first two principles of justice in holdings) raises the third major topic under justice in holdings: the rectification of injustice in holdings. If past injustice has shaped present holdings in various ways, some identifiable and some not, what now, if anything, ought to be done to rectify these injustices? What obligations do the performers of injustice have toward those whose position is worse than it would have been had the injustice not been done? Or, than it would have been had compensation been paid promptly? How, if at all, do things change if the beneficiaries and those made worse off are not the direct parties in the act of injustice, but, for example, their descendants? Is an injustice done to someone whose holding was itself based upon an unrectified injustice? How far back must one go in wiping clean the historical slate of injustices? What may victims of injustice permissibly do in order to rectify the injustices being done to them, including the many injustices done by persons acting through their government? I do not know of a thorough or theoretically sophisticated treatment of such issues. Idealizing greatly, let us suppose theoretical investigation will produce a principle of rectification. This principle uses historical information about previous situations and injustices done in them (as defined by the first two principles of justice and rights against interference), and information about the actual course of events that flowed from these injustices, until the present, and it yields a description (or descriptions) of holdings in the society. The principle of rectification presumably will make use of its best estimate of subjunctive information about what would have occurred (or a probability distribution over what might have occurred, using the expected value) if the injustice had not taken place. If the actual description of holdings turns out not to be one of the descriptions yielded by the principle, then one of the descriptions yielded must be realized. The general outlines of the theory of justice in holdings are that the holdings of a person are just if he is entitled to them by the principles of justice in acquisition and transfer, or by the principle of rectification of injustice (as specified by the first two principles). If each person’s holdings are just, then the total set (distribution) of holdings is just. To turn these general outlines into a specific theory we would have to specify the details of each of the three principles of justice in holdings: the principle of acquisition of holdings, the principle of transfer of holdings, and the principle of rectification of violations of the first two principles. I shall not attempt that task here (Locke’s principle of justice in acquisition is discussed below. )†¦ . How Liberty Upsets Patterns It is not clear how those holding alternative conceptions of distributive justice can reject the entitlement conception of justice in holdings. For suppose a distribution favored by one of these non-entitlement conceptions is realized.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
A cream cracker under the settee
Dramatic monologue is a variation of lyric poem in which the character expresses his/her emotions, actions, feelings or motives. It is written to reveal the situation as well as the character.In dramatic monologue, a single speaker who is not the poet utters the poem at a critical situation thereby adding depth to the character. In fact, we come to know about the myriad aspects of the character by listening to the speaker. This was developed during Victorian era and Robert Browning perfected this form.In the dramatic monologue â€Å"A cream cracker under the settee†, Alan Bennett puts forth his views on the society’s treatment of the elderly and the consequences thereof. He accomplishes this by describing an elderly lady’s view of the world and her loneliness.The play starts with Doris, the elderly lady sitting on the floor of her living room. She has fallen down while cleaning the photo of her late husband Wilfred. She strongly believes that the world of her tim e is much better than the present. She feels that people of her time were cleaner and more responsible than the people of today.This shows why she disapproves her domestic help, Zulema, who had not cleaned the photo in the first place. She enjoys her old memories and the lovely time she had with her husband as can be seen by the way she talks to her dead husband’s old photographs. This also shows that she is lonely and misses company.She feels she is â€Å"left behind†by the people of her generation. This loneliness can also be attributed to the lack of self-understanding and the understanding of others. Through the entire play, Doris attempts to alienate herself from the so-called â€Å"corrupt†society of today.Doris has a compulsive obsession with cleanliness. In her younger days, she had forbidden her husband Wilfred from taking up any hobbies that could be messy. When they were younger, they had a baby that died during birth.The nurse had wrapped the baby in newspaper, which according to Doris was â€Å"dirty†. This reveals that she did not want her child, even though dead, to be associated with anything dirty. She is very concerned about what her others would say if she is not spotlessly clean.This can be seen when the leaves from the next door blow into her garden and she says â€Å"I ought to put a sign on the gate, not my leaves†. She was scared that other her neighbors may not think high of her hygiene and so she asked her husband Wilfred to concrete the garden so that it would be easier to clean.While Doris is on the floor, she looks at her wedding photo and talks to her husband about her loneliness and how she was happier in her days. Her happiness in her younger days could be due to various reasons and one of the important reasons would be the total independence and the â€Å"ruler of the roost†that she enjoyed. She also laments about the need for â€Å"home help†now. This is why she disapproves of her home help, Zulema.She cannot accept that she needs Zulema because that means she is forfeiting her independence. She feels that she is not dependent on Zulema for anything. She gets very picky when Zulema tells her â€Å"you’d be better in Stafford House†. Stafford House is the local old age people’s home.Though Zulema’s intentions were right, she said that because she wanted someone to take control of Doris’s life, Doris felt that as an intrusion into her independence. According to Doris, Stafford House represents domination by others and the acceptance of her dependence on someone. She cannot accept her own inability to support herself physically.This yearning for independence is very evident when a policeman comes to check on her. The policeman asks her, â€Å"Are you alright?†Doris replies, â€Å"No. I’m all right.†This also reflects that she has gotten herself into a mindset which makes it difficult for her to acc ept the hardships and difficulties of old age.
Monday, July 29, 2019
The Personal and Professional Development of Students Essay
The Personal and Professional Development of Students - Essay Example My decision to appeal is mainly motivated by the fact that it has always been my cherished desire to pursue my higher academic qualifications from the university. The university is renowned for its personalized and excellent academic programs that significantly contribute to the personal and professional development of students. I strongly believe that my consistent high grade of 3.89 GPA in the academic programs and nomination to the Dean’s list would be a vital element in the reconsideration process. Moreover, last fall, I was not able to complete pre-calculus class (Math 43) due to ill health which was probably an important factor in my rejection. The calculus sequence would be completed by the summer, thus fulfilling all major requirements for the transfer. I am a self-driven individual with a passion for learning and tend to use paradoxical thinking to seek an innovative solution to mundane problems. I have actively participated in the Honors Program and Phi Theta Kappa t o push myself to a higher limit and motivate peers. Most importantly, the various modules of the course curricula are designed to provide persons with a strong knowledge-based degree which would facilitate more efficient and accurate decision-making process in the professional field in the area of economics and management. This would considerably complement my basic inquisitive nature and empower me with skills and information that can be applied to current situations and areas within personal and professional lives. I sincerely believe that the degree programs would be the right choice for me and help me realize my dreams and meet the challenges of time with great success.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Genghis Khan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Genghis Khan - Research Paper Example Temujin had three brothers namely Khasar, Tumuge and Khajiun, and a sister referred to Temulen. He also had two half brothers Belgutei and Bekhter. Temujin early life just like the other Mongolian tribes was not an easy one. When Temujin was at the age of nine years, his father took him to his mother’s tribe in the neighbourhood where he was required to work for several years so that he could earn himself a bride named Borje. While his father was returning home, he was poisoned by the Tatars tribe as he had a meal with them. The Tatar tribe had been enemies of the Mongolians for a long time. After the death of Temujin’s father, Temujin returned to his homeland to take after his father’s position among the Khans. However, his father’s tribe refused to be led by a young boy but instead Yesukhei’s two windows and seven children were expelled by their father’s clan. (, 2010) Hoelun and her family were left without protection and for the next several years, lived in poverty and survived by feeding on roots, fish and rodents which were hunted by Temujin and his brothers. Temujin’s mother tried all she could do to keep her family together after they were expelled by the family patriarchy when her husband died. Hoelun taught Temujin skills which were needed to survive in the desert lands of Mongolia (, 2011). During a hunting expedition, a 13 year old Temujin killed his half brother Bekhter. The incident left Temujin as the head of the household. In 1182, Temujin was captured and held a prisoner after a raid which was conducted by the Bjartskular, his father’s former allies. He stayed in captivity for more than five years. He was later released at the age of sixteen and went to look for his wife Borje. His wife Borje was still waiting for him and soon afterwards the two got married. The marriage was meant to cement a strong alliance between Temujin and other tribes. Genghis Khan also had six Mongolian wives with whom he had many children with. He also married many daughters of a foreign king who submitted to his rule (Sailer, 2003). This children and wives were not to succeed Temujin. Soon after Temujin and Borje got married, Borje was kidnapped by the Merkits and she was given away as a wife. With the help of his friends and his future enemies, Jamuka and his protector, Ong khan of the Kerait tribe, Temujin was able to rescue Borje. Nine months afterwards, Borje gave birth to a son known as Joshi. While at the age of 27, Temujin organized a ‘kuriltai’ among the Mongolians and was elected the Khan. As the leader of Mongolians, Temujin gave high office positions to his relatives and his followers who were loyal to him. (, 2011) By 1206, Temujin was able to unite a majority of the Mongolian tribes and this was what earned him the title Genghis Khan (, 2011). With the help of his army, Genghis was able to conqu er China, Samarkand, Central Asia and even Russia. Genghis and his army raided every community that resisted, killed and enslaved men. The then captured women were distributed upon the army and raped. More often, Genghis derived pleasure in sleeping with the daughters and the wives of the enemy chiefs. (Hudson, 2011) In 1227, Genghis Khan died shortly after defeating the Tangut people. The reason for his death remained unknown to many historians. References: (2011). The Mongols in World History. Retrieved 1st December
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Account for the increasing number of children incarcerated in the UK Essay
Account for the increasing number of children incarcerated in the UK. Is this an effective means to tackle youth offending - Essay Example uss different aspects of youth incarceration, especially in the context of Youth Justice System of the United Kingdom, and will endeavor to analyze available options of tackling youth offenders. It is a fact that every government has been giving significant importance to youth crime, in order to eliminate anti-social agents from the society from its roots; however, none has been able to achieve such objective due to a number of factors, such as unemployment, poverty, etc. On contrary, youth prison population has increased dramatically that has resulted in extreme criticism, as effects of youth imprisonment do not affect young offenders only, but families and communities as well. According to the UK government, (Home Office, 2008) tough penalties for young offenders cannot be avoided, as it is essential for a safe and healthy society; however, studies have observed that these tough and punitive penalties and custodies have resulted in contrary results, rather than allowing offenders to recover and break their offending cycle. Although steps are being taken to prevent young individuals from falling into this black hole; however, youth imprisonment presently seems to be the on ly option that is taken as effective, regardless its adversities. Policymakers believe that innocent public stays protected by custody and imprisonment sentences to young offenders; however, it is an agreeable fact that punishment confronted by young offenders in prisons results in isolation from society that is adverse for children according to a number of child psychologists. Studies have noted that children are unable to acquire proper guidance in custody and remand and end up with getting opinions from wrong people, such as serious criminals and offenders, which seems to be quite true with the fact that a majority of youth offenders are convicted after two years of going from the police custody. In the past, local services used to coordinate with magistrates, and after confirming presence
Friday, July 26, 2019
Application Paper on Film Jerry McGuire or Dead Man Walking Movie Review
Application Paper on Film Jerry McGuire or Dead Man Walking - Movie Review Example In the movie under study, most of the characters exhibited mindless listening in several events. This can be attributed to the field that the characters are in which is sports promotion of athletes. In such fields, talking is more valued than listening because agents need to sell and to promote their clients to advertisers and other stakeholders in sports. This is productive specifically when the speaker can deliver his messages successfully. The main character, Jerry Maguire is a perfect example of a good speaker. He has 72 clients during the start of the movie which is considered as a successful feat, thus, he is one of the most important sports agents in the company. This changed when he realized that he needs to change his lifestyle. The situation where he is in can be considered to be caused by the lack of listening skills. He constantly talks in his job and that became his normal manner of communicating with other people. Lack of listening skills can lead to miscommunications a nd for Jerry Maguire lack of proper connection with other people. He always tends to speak which is considered as one of the most common examples of challenges in the process of listening.
The Cannabis (Licensed Premises) Act 2000 (CLIP) (a fictitious act) Essay
The Cannabis (Licensed Premises) Act 2000 (CLIP) (a fictitious act) permits cannabis to be sold lawfully from licensed premises. Anyone wishing to sell cannabis - Essay Example Under the law, you are entitled to a fair assessment of your application and in the event of a denial such denial must be communicated to you replete with the reasons that the Council has for refusing your application. It is rudimentary under public and administrative law that a public agency must apprise a denied applicant the grounds for denying his application for license so that the applicant can prepare himself or herself with the appropriate rejoinders to such grounds for denial in the event that the applicant will elevate and appeal his case to the same board or a higher authority. In addition, flatly refusing you to put your case in person before the council, again without justification, so that you can appeal is in contravention of all known administrative procedural processes. The acts of the Bumbling Council, has in effect, denied you of your basic rights to notice and hearing under the fundamental tenets of due process constitutionally guaranteed by our laws. Existing statutory laws on premises licensing all enshrine these basic principles. The Licensing Act of 2003, for example, which is the current legislation and basis for premises licensing for use on licensable activities like alcohol sale and certain entertainment related businesses provide a mechanism for approving and denying applications. Specifically, Section 23 of Part 3 of the said law mandates the licensing authority to give notice of such denial with reasons, to wit: The CLIP, an older legislation, although silent on the matter is presumed to follow the elementary precepts of due process. In addition, the rationale for giving notice to the applicant of his denial and laying down therewith the grounds and reasons for such denial is founded not only on the basic principle of due process but for practical considerations as well. A denied applicant in premises licensing may seek to subsequently elevate his denied application to the magistrate court which will then
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Customer Relationship Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Customer Relationship Management - Essay Example The paper tells that privacy refers to a state of personal information being kept free from unsanctioned intrusion. It is concerned with the handling and protection of personal information that is sensitive. Individuals often give such information in the course of everyday business. On the other hand, data security is a means of ensuring that personal data is kept safe from corruption and access suitably managed and controlled. The differences between privacy and data security are important in handling customer information. This is the reason many organizations have staff responsible for data security totally separated from those in charge of privacy. The differences will ensure that the company responsibly uses customer data to avoid legal suits related to misuse of customer information. It will also help in building customer trust. Building customer trust is vital for the company’s success. This is because it has the impact of building or breaking customer loyalty with the c ompany. For this reason, customers prefer that their private information be kept secret, only being disclosed to authorized persons under their consent. It is, therefore, important that the company maintain both data privacy and security. Customers mainly trust those companies that they believe maintain a high degree of privacy and security of their information. However, companies that do not maintain security and privacy of customer’s data may not be able to ensure customers’ trust. This in most cases resulted in legal action by customers who feels aggrieved by leakage of their personal information... Selladurai, (n.d) notes that companies that apply mass customization realized many positive outcomes. The advantages they attribute to the fact that mass customization increased their market share, customer satisfaction, expanded customer knowledge, and reduced their order response time. Others reported reduced manufacturing cost, which resulted in increased profits. Customers benefit from the fact that they are reasonably priced, and products are manufactured in accordance with their personal preferences and specifications. Disadvantages of Mass Customization Companies that practice mass customization reported a number of disadvantages. Most notable one is the fact that it increases the cost of production. This is due to the use of premium cost that the manufacturing system incurs for factoring in the flexibility of customization, and for sacrificing a certain degree of cost efficiency that is associated with standardization. Mass customization also lowers on time delivery to the cu stomers. It lowers supplier delivery performance due to uncertainty in customer specification, which result in increased order response time. The method may also result in low product quality. On the customer’s point of view, mass customization result in increased lay over time. This makes the product take longer to reach them. Customers are also not given a chance to return a customized product in case they are unsatisfied with the quality (Selladurai, n.d). Types of Mass Customization Component Sharing Modularity Mass Customization In this case, component swapping modularity is used to customize products by reusing a functional module across a variety of products. It can be a single motor across the power tools or in case
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Prison Gangs and Youth Street Gangs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Prison Gangs and Youth Street Gangs - Essay Example Prison gangs and youth street gangs are different from lifestyle to group operations. Obviously, street gangs can do the operations freely. Prison gangs don't. The latter might not be difficult to organize though; and because these people are experienced, they can think and act more grave actions. The fact that they are in prison is not a restriction to the gang. "The criminal activity of the S.T.G. does not only exist inside the confines of the walls but has flowed to the outside world."1 Such criminal acts involve money, drugs, guns, exploitation of women and children, gambling, illegal trading, and power. Compare to prison gangs, youth street gangs are popular only for misconduct actions such as bullying, vandalism or graffiti, destroying someone else's property, fighting with another street gang, etc. These acts are considered unscrupulous and disgraceful but not notorious. However, guidance of elders is highly advisable because once these kids be tolerated; they might end up getting more serious troubles that could lead them in a series of crimes.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Should You Let Your Teenagers Drink by Cassandra Jardine Essay
Should You Let Your Teenagers Drink by Cassandra Jardine - Essay Example Acccording to the report in â€Å"Should You Let Your Teenagers Drink?†, Jardine provides a realistic discourse of an issue for which Sir L. Donaldson holds a rigid stand as a Chief Medical Officer. By experience, Jardine and several other parents know exactly that to a certain extent, they ought to give in to the act of spoiling their kids in order to keep them from the perils of binge-drinking. Donaldson, however, opposes such an idea or practice, claiming that teenagers should refrain from alcoholic drinking until they are 15 years old. Throughout the Western world, youths of such age have had access to liquor markets and statistical figures are truly upsetting, so Jardine could well ascertain how a stance toward abstinence should work as imposed upon those experimenting in the â€Å"free-houses†.This discussion stresses that 'mother knows best’ and this clichà © is strong enough for the ground of taking the perspective which Jardine looks at on deciding a bout the resolution to opt for. Having spent considerable amount of time with her children, Jardine may be imagined in a setting where she can readily engage with their thoughts and thereby become sensible to their needs as the situation goes with an increasing sense of fluidity. This way, she can gradually bring across the main point that it is not necessary to keep young people from drinking for as long as parents employ the attitude of affectionate watchfulness.... With her story shared in the article, Jardine demonstrates how important it is to have a two-way communication process with her children so that the latter are allowed the flexibility to express themselves and air their particular concerns or reasons for exploring stuffs that are new to them. It appears that with parents who tend to be otherwise repressive, teenagers are rather more likely to stay away from confiding with the elderly having gone against the children’s freedom to seek identity and establish conformity with peers they feel are the true ones who can relate with and care for them. In all fairness, Jardine does not miss on identifying why Donaldson has made his own stand, exemplifying concrete details via the youth-gone-wild of the British culture. She further exhibits support for his stand by featuring the impact drinking alcohol bears on the development of pliable brains among teens. Clearly, Jardine perceives the probable consequences of a misguided drinking hab it where alcoholism or addiction to drinking emerges to cause a threatening influence on teenage people who eventually incur failure in studies or lack of interest in healthy activities. Unsafe sex and unwanted pregnancy are no new stories either. Hence, in this light, the Chief Medical Officer deserves credits for his proposition. If parents, on the other hand, were to be more subjective by way of constant communication, this would enable the young ones to convey the core substance of their values and priorities. It is particularly fascinating to learn that Jardine makes a spontaneous flow of conversation with her children of ages 13, 14, and 19, all of whom seem to
Monday, July 22, 2019
Routed vs Routing Protocols Essay Example for Free
Routed vs Routing Protocols Essay Routing is the process of choosing paths in a network and deciding the path on which it is supposed to be sent. It is carried out on many communication systems, like phone and Internet. In switch networking, routing provides data forwarding and the transportation of reasonably located packets initial locations toward their final destinations working on the foundation of layer 3 of the OSI Model; usually hardware systems called routers and bridges are used. Normal computers can also carry out routing, but cannot do so because of being an un-dedicated hardware for this purpose, and may undergo failure (Odorn, Rus Donohue, 2009). Routed vs. Routing Protocols: Routing Protocols are the software that permits routers to broadcast and know about routes, deciding on accessibility the path to be followed and following the best routes to a target. The internet codes of collection include Ciscos Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Routing Information Protocol (RIP and RIP II) and Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). The procedure followed in transferring information in a networking system is known as routing. Inside a network, every user is openly reachable and does not require passing data via default gateway. All the users in network are connected and can converse directly with each other. Routed Protocols only transports data transversely over the networks and nothing more than that. Routed protocols include Internet Protocol, Xerox Network System (XNS), Open Standards Institute networking protocol, Novell IPX, DECnet etc (Odorn, Rus Donohue, 2009). Classful vs. Classless Protocols: Classful routing protocols do not send subnet disguised data through their routing modernization. A classful routing protocol will react in any two ways when getting a route: If the router has a straight connected boundary of the same main network, it will apply the same subnet disguise but if the router does not belong to the identical network, classful subnet pretense will be applied to the to the route. Classful protocols include Routing Information Protocol (RIPv1). Classless protocols send the subnet pretense by means of their updates so; Variable Length Subnet Masks (VLSMs) are permitted when classless protocol is in use, it includes Routing Information Protocol (RIPv2) and Ciscos Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP). Distance Vector vs. Link State Protocols: Distance Vector and Link State are expressions used to explain routing protocols used by routers to transfer packets among networks. Distance is the charge of getting to a place, generally based on the number of points the course goes from beginning to end, or the check points present during the whole course while vector from the perspective of routing protocols is the boundary that traffic will be advanced to arrive at the respective target of network at that path; while the path is selected by the routing protocol so the Distance Vector Protocols make use of a process calculation and also a departing network border usually a vector for selecting the finest course to an objective network. Then the protocols like IPX, SPX and IP transmit information via best routes. Link State protocols follow the position and connection kind of every link and construct a planned metric based on these factors, including some positioned by the network superintendent. Link state protocols are familiar with whether a link is up or down and at what speed it should be sent in order to get there on time. As routing protocols decipher how to reach the target we can take link states as being the status of the line on the router. Link State protocols go on the route that has more hops, but at a high speed which is more than the one which takes a less hopping path (Odorn, Rus Donohue, 2009). However the distance vectors are well supported and they include Routing Information Protocol (RIP). Conclusion: It is said that differentiating between Switching and Routing can be difficult, therefore in simple terms it can be elucidated that switching and routing are not the identical things. Switching comprises of transferring packets among devices on the similar network. On the contrary, routing includes the moving of packets between diverse networks. So these networking processes are useful in transferring data packets from one destination point to the other and therefore require better routing protocols and router to do it efficiently and in a better way. References: Odorn, W. , Rus, H. Donohue, D. , (2009), CCIE Routing and Switching Certification Guide, 4th edn, Cisco Press, USA. (Odorn, Rus Donohue, 2009)
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Impact Of Advertising On Consumer Price Sensitivity Marketing Essay
The Impact Of Advertising On Consumer Price Sensitivity Marketing Essay Selling things are the focus of any business and to sell a product marketing is a key factor and main step to make people buy the product. In addition, the foremost thing under marketing is advertising, which is the only way with which you can change the perspective of the product in peoples mind. It is actually a form of communication intended to persuade and audience (viewers, listeners or readers) to purchase the product. The intention of actually enlightening on advertising is to know whether advertising has any impact on consumer price sensitivity or not. It does affect the consumer and their buying behavior but to what extent what are the variables and how this is effecting consumers sensitivity toward purchasing a certain product is been elaborated below. H0: Advertising Have an Impact on Willingness to Pay by a Consumer It is relevant to my article because of using demand curve to gather the impacts of advertising on consumer price sensitivity. In this paper The Impact of Advertising on Consumer Price Sensitivity in Experienced Goods Markets written by Tullen Erdem, Michael Keane, Baohong Son (2007), four categories of consumer goods are considered to examine how TV advertising and other marketing activities affect the demand curve facing a brand. Advertising affects consumer demand in many different ways. The authors observed in this article, that advertising is a reason to fall consumers price sensitivity for a particular brand. To understand how advertising effects price sensitivity one needs to estimate how it shifts the shape of the demand curve, which means estimating a demand system for all brands. Estimation of demand among four products, resulting one had a different response in WTP and that is because of focusing on one distinctive feature of the product. The effects of advertising on the shape of the demand curve depend on vertically or horizontally differentiated (attributes) of the product. Advertising stresses on vertical (claims marginal consumers) and horizontal characteristics (a brand perceived as having an advantage) will increase WTP most for those infra-marginal consumers. A supermarket scanner data used on four product categories to examine how advertising use experience, price, promotional activity in the determination of demand. Advertising affect the price elasticity of demand in two different ways: Firstly, advertising affect the limits of the demand functions of individual consumers more or less price sensitive, secondly advertising may affect the number of the set of consumers. The toothpaste and toothbrush panels cover 157 weeks including households in Chicago and Atlanta while ketchup and detergent panels cover 130 weeks included households in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and Springfield. Weekly advertising intensity measures gross saving points for each brand in the market and 60% of households linked to TV ads for last 51 weeks restricted only who bought 3 times over the period. The toothpaste panel contains 345 households who made 2880 purchases, toothbrush panel contains 167 households who made 621 purchases; detergent panels contains 581 households who made 3419 purchase and ketchup panel contains 135 households who made 1045 purchases. Advertising provides more soft information in the ketchup category (differentiated horizontally e.g. thickness in Heinz) and more hard information (vertically differentiated like quality, such as cavity fighting power in toothpaste, removal of plaque in toothbrush and cleansing power in detergent) and is obvious that nat ure of ad varies according to product. Advertising is more likely to increase price sensitivity and lead to more pro- competitive effects when the hard information is in advertising (e.g. relative quality information) rather than soft (e.g. image oriented). All products observed by different brands of same category by market share, mean price, ad frequency, display frequency, feature frequency and mean coupon availability. The statistics are in this way that there are three kinds of variables, like percentage of purchases (covers brand loyalty), ad viewing habits, and willingness to pay with reference to prices that offered. For all 18 brands, advertising reduces price sensitive but increases the prices. Advertising is not profitable because it lowers the elasticity of demand, but lifts the level of demand. The more the noisy signs of product attributes in advertisements have lower variance alternative and have greater WTP while non-risky consumers have higher variance even for the same features. This relates to the view that non-price advertising affect differently due to consumers diverse tastes. Advertising raises the level of demand by increasing the equilibrium price elasticity and decreasing the equilibrium price. Price advertising and non-price advertising affects the demand curves by costs of gaining information related to price, types of consumers and consumers tastes that visits the stores. People who are less sensitive to price are uncertain about attributes. Price advertising affects stores demand curves differently if consumers have different costs of acquiring price information, and differe nt types of consumers visit each store. It means that advertising is complimentary to consumption and is consistent with models where advertising increases WTP for a brand by producing artificial differentiation and conveying information about brand attributes Variables: Brand choice, Information and market power, Quality of the brand, Existence of the brand, Heterogeneity of consumers tastes, Attributes of the brand, Awareness of substitutes, Ad design, Brand differentiation, Barriers to entry and Experience. H0: consumer price sensitivity moderated by brand credibility This article How Advertising Influences Brand Credibility and Consumer Price Sensitivity written by Tulin Erdem, Joffre Swait, Jordan Louviere (2001), connects with my topic in this way that it explains the implication brand credibility of an advertised brand on consumer price sensitivity. Every brand has different affects on consumers on various stages on their decision of choices of a brand. It passes through different utility functions. The paper enlightens the fact, brand effects with information economics depth to analyze whether consumer price sensitivity, consumer valuation of a products overall attractiveness or utility, has an impact by brand credibility, after making a choice of a brand by advertising. The impact of brand credibility on consumer price sensitivity across class that absorbs different levels of consumer ambiguity, four different types of products utility analyzed which are Frozen concentrated juice (Dole, Minute Maid, Sunkist, Tropicana and Welshs); Jeans (Cal vin Klein, Gap, Lee, Levis, Wranglers); Shampoos (Clairol, Herbal Essence, Pantene Pro- V, Pert Plus, Salon Selective) and Personal computers (Apple, Compaq, Dell, Gateway, IBM) Two types of data relevant the hypothesis; firstly, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to obtain brand credibility of the most advertised brands at individual level in each of the four categories; and secondly, by price manipulations of the same brand to know the credibility. Subjects rated all five brands individually to estimate the credibility by them and completed a simple pricing choice experiment involving 17 choice sets in each of two product categories in addition to this, there was a distracter task that includes questions regarding their personal values to minimize the chances of linking two tasks. These four products chosen subjects could relate to them. They asked to assess how confident they would feel measuring new products in 21 different product categories before trial, after one trial and after a year of use (using 7- point agree/disagree scales) These results suggested that, as a group, the subjects viewed frozen juice concentrate more as a search good, jeans and shampoo as more short- to medium-term experience goods, and a PC as a longer-term experience good. Subjects in the pre-test (n = 31), main and supplementary (n = 170) surveys were undergraduate students at two major North American universities. Final sample sizes for the main survey were, respectively, 221, 232, 217 and 198 for juice, jeans, shampoo and PCs. The main survey took approximately 35-40 minutes to complete. Brand credibility decreases price sensitivity but the intensity of the consumers choices differs with products. The emphasis is on the product category factors that could affect the impact of brand credibility on price sensitivity. Consumer characteristics also might determine the level of impact of brand credibility and price sensitivity. Observed results suggest that the interaction between brand price and credibility is heterogeneous, which suggests that it is likely to be associated with consumer specific characteristics and the level of advertisement occur in certain period. These types differ in consumer uncertainty about product attributes plus in specific features in categories that affect sensitivity to uncertainty. It argues on the impact of price on consumption of a credible brand when there is asymmetric information through advertising. Economic framework suggests that brand credibility moderates price sensitivity under uncertainty. In high latent risk and high involvement categories, in which consumer purchase decisions may be quite complicated, the predicted effect was bigger. Price effects strongly recommend that credibility offer number of consumer benefits, which decreases price sensitivity. Variables: Brand credibility (trustworthiness, expertise, usage), Brand choice, Product category, Product attributes, Brand name and Consumer benefits. H0: online medium effects consumer price sensitivity more than offline medium To see the impact of online advertisement on advertising price sensitivity is the reason behind choosing this article. According to article The online medium and consumer price sensitivity written by Venkatesh Shankar, Arvind Rangaswamy, Michael Pusater (1999), paper explains a logical framework regarding the assumption that internet increases price sensitivity and intensify price competition and factors characterizing the online medium, consumers and intermediaries to explain the main reasonable effects of the online medium in price sensitivity. The articles inspect two main aspects of price sensitivity, the intensity of customer attaches to price relative to other attributes (Price importance and price search). About 1/4th of revenues in online shopping industry come from travel services, data set 1comprises of both medium but specified only to Marriott international and a same with data set 2 for making different hotel reservation but for any hotel chose by the respondent with same questionnaires. They asked questions regarding most recent online reservation and most recent offline reservations. Investigation in data set 1extends from the brand level to the product category level and overcomes problems due to self- selection bias in data set 1, to reduce impartiality, the differences in the frequency of shopping between the samples accounted for analysis. For data set 1 primary data collected for the customers of Marriott international and comparing the attitudes and behavior demographically to the population that differ in the medium usage, examine the online medium moderation on price sensitivity and lastly stresses the effects of website factors on price sensitivity. For offline medium consumers questionnaires mailed to customers through Marriott international customers data while for online customers, the survey posted on Marriotts website with a new tag. Only 214 form online and 306 from offline usable recipients (15%) enabled to respond. Data set 2 had to go through a test provided by hospitality sales and marketing association international and customers chose on the basis of using both online and offline medium, Receiving 144 responses from a sample of 2000 customers randomly selected from the list, who chose hotel both online and offline (a response rate of 7.2%) Talking about online medium factors interactivity and perceived depth of the message helps dampen price importance but at the same time ease of price search increases price importance, content and information interactivity does not give any significant result. Using an intermediary and product/price bundling increases price comparison and price importance. Brand loyalty and time value reduces online price search. Looking at offline medium, the perceived range of option does not diminish price importance or price search; but price search reduce because of product/price bundling by an intermediary. Price comparisons using intermediaries has a much stronger impact on price search offline than online. For both sets, the result is consistent as the online and offline models are similar. Online medium effects price importance more because Highlights the range of product options and price bundling by an intermediary to diminish the price importance then it put emphasis on brand loyalty which decreases price search and the effect of price comparison by an intermediary and lastly it is easier to search for price information which reduces the search cost and time as well. Price/product bundling proves to be a strategic advantage for the firms, more online than offline. The price comparison using intermediaries will be more beneficial if online intermediaries are used and provide proper service/ good description with prices and get it linked to the other sites as well. Variables: Price search, Price importance, Price information, Non-pricing advertising, Web-site design, Targeting distribution, Brand loyalty, value of time, frequency of shopping, Alliance strategies, Online attributes price importance influence by medium- product category, demographics. H0: Advertising Effects Evaluates In Three-Dimensional Space of Product (Experience, Affect, Cognition) This paper named How Advertising Works written Demetrios Vakratsas, Tim Ambler (1999) by related to my topic in this way that it talks about the impacts of advertising on consumers which helps observe what features of ads influences consumer behavior or changing their buying behavior. The authors gather the information about how advertising affects the consumer. Advertising effects classified into intermediate effects, for example, on consumer beliefs and attitudes, and behavioral effects, which relate to purchasing behavior, for example, on brand choice. The authors propose that advertising effects studied in a space, with affect, cognition, and experience as the three dimensions. The EAC Space adjusted according to the context: product category, competitive environment, other marketing mix components, stage of the product life cycle, and target audience. The article has reviewed former research of intermediate and behavioral effects of advertising using models from market response. Advertising can be estimate in a three-dimensional space using the dimensions of experience, affect, and cognition (the EAC Space). The coordinates of the three dimensions can verify the importance of a specific advertising promotion. The article have classified and reconsider preceding research of intermediate and behavioral effects of advertising using a arrangement of models preliminary from market response and ending with integrative and nonhierarchical models. The principal overview concerned the persuasive hierarchy (CA) category of models of advertising effects. Although such models dynamically engaged for 100 years but still flawed on two bases: the concept of hierarchy on which its origin cannot empirically sustained, and have eliminated experience effects. The article suggest that behavioral (brand choice, market share) and cognitive and affective (beliefs, attitudes, awareness) directed industry to analyze the edge of context, intermediate effects, and long- and short-term behavior. In this attempt, determination of affective reactions from cognitive partiality evaluated and this is especially important for low-involvement products for which habit and affect are much more important than cognition. On the contrary, it is safe to say that effects of advertising can calculated by (EAC) space of any product but the dimensions can vary from product to product and hence the importance of dimensions as well. Variables: Consumers beliefs, Consumers attitudes, Purchasing behavior, Brand choice, Ads goal diversity, Product category, Competition, Stage of product cycle, Target market, Market share and Awareness H0: Price Advertising Positioning Tactics Increases Brand Equity, Price Importance and Consumer Price Sensitivity H1: Non-Price Advertising Positioning Tactics Decreases Brand Equity, Price Importance and Consumer Price Sensitivity The article The impact of advertising positioning strategies on consumer price sensitivity written by Ajay Kalra and Ronald C. Goodstein (1998) examines the relationship of brands positioning strategies through advertising with consumer price sensitivity. The authors examine the link between advertising and price effects and that this bond depends on the definite advertising positioning strategies. The advertising has different objective, depending on the competitive perspective of the brand and others positioned to narrow the supposed difference between brands. The authors recognize that price- oriented advertising raises sensitivity while non-price oriented advertising decreases sensitivity. Non-price advertising examines two tactics that fail to increase brand price equity: value-oriented positioning, attribute (meaningless) differentiation, while comparative tactics increase price importance and sensitivity at the category level. In addition, findings bring about that advertising effectiveness measured at both the brand and category levels. The hypothesis tested in two experiments transversely different product categories, entailing that advertising effectiveness must extend other than brand rate related to attitude. Testing of how non-price advertising positioning strategies affect brand equity, price importance, and category price sensitivity. Opposing to the accepted vision, numerous types of non-price positioning tactics can diminish equity and increase price sensitivity. Ninety graduate students at a major west coast university volunteered to contribute in experiment carry out in one of four experimental surroundings and as an incentive for $100 lottery given. They asked to analyze a rough advertisement for a new product and under high-involvement, circumstances and advertising positioning varied without the alteration in the brand attribute information in the advertising copy. The experiment designed within one factor and four level of advertisement positioning. An advertisement can have particularly dissimilar effects at each level like at comparative level will be beneficial for minor brands but not for premium brands, because it will increase price sensitivity for whole product category. The results also suggest that brand equity and advertising effects must assess in terms of both attitudes and behavioral manifestation. Pricing effects happen because of advertising, when attitudes extracted from the analysis. Nevertheless, the case is different in low involvement where meaningless attribute positioning and celebrity endorsements could significantly affect brand equity and category price sensitivity. Emotional appeals and fear appeals as attitudinal effects also influence advertisements in a cognitive manner. On this note, the conclusion made that non-price advertising positioning strategies affect brand equity, price importance, and price sensitivity and promotional price advertising increases price sensitivity, whereas non-price advertising decreases price sensitivity. Several types of non-price positioning tactics can decrease equity and increase price sensitivity and brand equity measures extend beyond attitudes and include the ability to demand a premium price. Variables: Advertising- positioning strategies, Brand equity, Celebrity endorses positioning, Meaningless attribute differentiation, unique features positioning, Brand comparison and Value positioning H0: Price Sensitivity is Measureable The paper Price Sensitivity Measurement written by Robert C. Lewis and Stowe Shoemaker (1997) elaborates on the measurement of price sensitivity through hospitality industry, to see the determinants of price sensitivity are the reason of choosing this article. Instead of using price methods on trial basis and error to determine the right price for products or services, a hotel or restaurant operator can use a relatively simple survey tool to measure customers price sensitivity. The prices for services faces at least three complicating factors: Customers often have inaccurate or limited reference prices (i.e. right prices) for services, they use price as a key signal for quality and monetary price is the only cost for service customers. Reference prices have complicated the different needs of customers in two ways: The interpretation of price (value based) on the buyers view and the relationship between price and value. A price sensitivity measurement determines how consumers percepti ons of the value affected by the interaction of price and quantity. A study conducted in which consumers asked to state the highest and lowest prices to which they purchase selected inexpensive items, showed that price act as a quality indication but not an absolute barrier to purchase. Actually, the price sensitivity measurement examines price perceptions by determining levels of customers resistance as they relate to perceived quality and the market range of acceptable prices for a specific product or services. Authors examined the application of the price sensitivity measurement model (PSM) to the association meeting market. The five components of our hypothesis are as follows: firstly, a point at which hotel room rates considered cheap or expensive; the price considered too cheap and quality questioned; no matter what the quality and price is, it is too expensive and purchase is beyond consideration and lastly a way to measure the above points. In addition, these are the questions to analyze the value of a product or service. The last two questions are actually to measure the optimal price point. Room rates are a definite factor in the meeting planners purchase decision. The hypothetical situation considered was to plan an annual convention for organization to hold in Des Monte with expected attendance of 300- 500 attendance, which will last four days, and hosted in first class hotel. Rooms single occupied and participants will stay at the same hotel and the chosen (four) hotels without a ny prior experience. Final decision based on four questions and the design made with two objectives in mind: to minimize the intervening variables that might enter into the situation, thereby affecting their respondents and expect respondents to projects their associations needs and into the situation. Survey to send to a random sample of 443 association-meeting planners and received 115 usable responses (constituting 33% response rate). The study has indicated the existence of a range of acceptable prices for meeting planners. it can be helpful in determining to compare the perception of specific brands, the competition and variables within a product line. The result showed that the price sensitivity measurement technique could most likely apply to the hotel industry though there is no basis for interpreting the results. It could give the indifferent point, an indifference percentage, and an optimum pricing point, a stress level and a range of acceptable prices on lodging industry benchmarks with which to compare those values. In addition, the conclusion made that some meeting planners have in mind threshold prices outside of which price will inhibit their decisions to purchase. The degree to which they are price sensitive (respondents) is difficult to determine. Variables: Quality, Product features, and consumers perception of value H0: An increase in non-price advertising leads to lower price sensitivity among consumers H1: The use of price advertising leads to lower prices H2: An increase in price advertising leads to higher price sensitivity among consumers The paper Empirical Generalizations about the Impact of Advertising on Price Sensitivity and Pricewritten by Anil Kaul and Dick R. Wittink (1995), is linked to my topic in this way that this paper have made generalization statements which works as a medium for measuring the impact of advertising on consumer price sensitivity. The term empirical generalizations suggest the same results comes out in different circumstances and are gathered on outcomes from varied marketing strategies and the result will help estimating the price insensitivities and making a strategic decision about market segmentation, price-marketing activities and competitive market strategies. Two types of advertising are Non-price advertising (national advertising) gives the information about the brand positioning and its intentions to communicate about the characteristics (unique) of the brand and Price advertising (local characteristics) gives the information related to price and availability of the brand. A chan ge in price sensitivity is measured either by Researchers employing experiments (interaction between advertising and price) or by econometric researchers (use price elasticity). It generates a set of three empirical generalizations after studying the previous marketing methods: The approach is to analyze the characteristics and results of previous studies providing explanations on the relevance of these generalizations means the relationship between advertising and price sensitivity observed by an overview of 18 studies. The observations made from a large set of products e.g., new products, mature products, consumer (non-durables) and durables, services with identification the type of product, the number of brands, the type of advertising, the measure of advertising and price sensitivity, and the type of interaction (result). Three implications considered to assess the link between advertising and price sensitivity: Firstly, the difference between price sensitivity of current consumers from additional consumers attracted by increased advertising. Secondly, the measurement of price sensitivity whether aggregate (price elasticity) or disaggregate (brand choice to price) data. Third consideration is about target market. If market were highly price-sensitive, t hen the ceiling effect would be a partial effect of price advertising on sensitivity but if it is of price-insensitive, non-price advertising will slightly influence the price receptiveness. The results specify that in nine studies price sensitivity increases with higher advertising, in seven studies it decreases with higher advertising, and in two cases both effects are attained. Considering only those cases where at least three studies have provided the same result. Focus is on the area of price advertising as moderators such as market share, similarity of brands characteristics or benefits, product life cycle, and the number of competitors, in affecting this relationship and is large enough to alter the brand choice. Moreover, creates variation on price sensitivity due to increase advertising from 20% to 180%. Considering this fact that product-related and other factors that affect the amount of change in price sensitivity in such situations, the conclusion is that non-price advertising reduces the price sensitivity( accepts H0 ) and falsifies H1 and H2. Variables: Brand positioning, Product information, Product differentiation, Brand loyalty, Brand choice, Product market level, Type of product (new products, mature products, consumer nondurables and durables, services), Advertising content, Market share, Similarity of brands characteristics or benefits, Product life cycle and Number of competitors. H0: Advertising Builds Market Power Similar to above article this article Price Sensitivity and Television Exposures written by Vinay Kanetkar, Charles B. Weinberg, Doyle L. Weiss (1992) elaborates the contradictory findings with regard to increases in brand advertising activities lead to increase /decrease in price sensitivity. Mentioning the lack of data to measure the revelation of ones households to advertisements and to restrain competitive activities has been a major limitation to date. This paper finds in high-level of publicity of the product, house- holds brands choice and price sensitivity can decrease for two frequently purchased products though it says that increased advertising linked with increase households brand choice and price sensitivity as well. For a number of decades researchers have been attempting to understand the impact of marketing mix variables (price and advertising) on sales (or market share) of purchased goods. However, the interaction of price and advertising has not completely measured. Set of models designed to examine the effects of advertisings on price sensitivity. Dry dog food accounts for about 60% of total consumer expenditures and eighteen of the 39 brands have large differences in advertising intensity with only one brand had a market share greater than 10%, there were 186 unique brand available to consumers. Because of so many brand choices, minor brands combined into aggregate brand categories. In addition, brand-sizes ignored for three reasons. First, television advertising focuses on brand benefits and does not deal with package size. Second, the package size decision is likely, not a purchase-to-purchase decision. Finally, for the sample households, more than 70% of the dog food purchases were for a package size of five pounds. To reduce the number of alternatives to a manageable size, brands grouped into aggregate categories according to the size of their market share of 5% and brands advertised and not advertised, so the number of alternative comes down to 11. All brands attributes compared to each other as alternative of others. A similar procedure applied to the aluminum foil data. The aluminum foil market (in the test city) was aggregated to consist of three brands or choice alternatives, one major brand, private brands, and generic brands. Only the major brand advertised on television and the results were similar of that dog food. The results are steady with the point of view that increased advertising is associated with increased brand choice and price sensitivity. In light of the effect of advertising on sales, several points noted. Firstly, the purchases vary in buying behavior of households and reflect only short run effects for advertising and the other mix variables. Price sensitivity effects are generally short-lived. In addition, results show that the indirect effects of advertising have an important effect on price sensitivity; usually that the immediate impact of advertising is still low as compared to that of other variables. In turn, the hypothesis is constant with the confirmation that the information conveyed to consumers may not be underpinned the distinct traits and attributes of a brand. Rather, advertising may be increasing consumers brand awareness, strengthen resemblance with other brands, and increasing price competition at the retail level. The interpretation of this means that good advertising that builds market power is difficult to develop and maintain. Variables: Brand choice, Market share, preferred brands, Direct competition, Awareness among consumers, Search costs, Brand equity, Display activities, and Brand loyalty. H0: Advertising diminishes the effect of Consumer Price Sensitivity The article The Effects of Advertising on Co
Systematic approach to recruitment and selection,
Systematic approach to recruitment and selection, Systematic approach to recruitment and selection, and its efficacy in attracting diverse workforce within the equal opportunities employment legal framework Introduction In modern organizations, diversity management has become synonymous with fair and equal opportunities employment, even though traditional context of equal opportunities is closely related with legal aspects of treatments of potential and current employees. Today, diversity management activities are grounded in monitoring of direct and indirect discrimination and interventions to reinforce fair treatment of women, ethnic minorities, the aged and the disabled. Therefore, the fairness paradigm has become the benchmark for managing differences and must be congruent with business objectives. This paradigm emerged from the perspectives that organizations need a diverse workforce to re-think and re-define primary tasks related to strategies including organizational objectives, goals, markets, products and resource allocations (Cornelius, Gooch and Todd in Noon and Ogbonna 2001). Diversity management is different from equal opportunities, yet it is based on the same foundation. Equal opportu nities amplify policies and practices that reflect the external legal framework and offer chances for competition. In human resource management, this is usually inherent in the practices of recruitment and selection, and at times in training and development. The basic premise is to ensure that equal opportunities should be given to people who are in competition with each other for areas of employment and selection, regardless of their age, gender, race or disability. The objective is not to elicit equal outcome. When implemented within the organizational framework that follows systematic approach to human resources management, the fine line between equal opportunities and diversity management, at times, becomes blurred. Consequently, organizations are often found striving for a balance in maintaining diverse workforce within the realms of the equal opportunity laws to achieve equality and organizational strategic objectives. Given the blurring definition of diversity and equal opportunities in employment, critics find systematic approach to recruitment and selection less appealing as strategic human resource management component. Others argue that as a critical component of HRM, recruitment and selection accommodates for both external and internal environmental change. In the ensuing discussion, the researcher shall evaluate the extent of the validity of this debate, and determine how attractive systematic approach to recruitment and selection is in acquiring diverse workforce in organizatio ns, and how successful organizations have been in integrating equal opportunities practices. Critical Evaluation of Systematic Approach to Recruitment and Selection Recruitment and selection processes are essential for strategic HRM involving and including job identification, job description, interviews, selection and orientation. It involves complex techniques and skills that assist decision-makers in selecting applicants for achieving organizational objectives, as well as personifies the organizational values, culture, behaviour and discipline. Recruitment and selection processes are based on systematic evaluation of personal and professional values, interpersonal skills, problem solving ability, attitude and behaviour of candidates, and testing them whether their attributes are congruent with the organizational values and objectives. Testing the type of employees the firm is about to hire helps determine the type of personality and how to mould them to the organizational culture. Selection decision is often based on a host of factors pertaining to job match, ability, professional qualifications, personal abilities, as well as employee's personality to match with the organization (Cornelius, Gooch and Todd in Noon and Ogbonna 2001). This traditional approach (also known as systematic approach) has evolved over the years and become refined as strategic recruitment and selection processes. Traditional approaches to recruitment and selection in earlier organizations based on psychometric models often assess applicant's performance with job fit whereas in modern organizations the systematic approach to recruitment and selection processes is strategic in nature, even though the foundation of the system has remained congruent with traditional approach (Beardwell and Holden 2003). Experts (Beardwell and Holden 2003; Thornhill et al., 2000) believe modern systematic approach to resourcing organizations has harmoniously integrated overall organizational strategies and processes rather than merely focusing on job-specific criteria. As a result, recruitment and selection processes have strategic implications, starting from how resourcing offers competitive advantage in the short run to valuing employees as organizational assets. The processes are aimed at achieving organizational objectives aligned with long-term organizational strategic vision. Components of systematic approach to recruitment, which include job analysis, job descriptions, development of competence frameworks, identification of person specifications and accountability, as well as advertisement, executive search, and Internet recruitment provide alternatives and ease to the process of recruitment for organizational resource acquisition. Alternatively, traditional approach to selection has remained somewhat similar to the preceding methods. For example, earlier recruitment processes have heavily relied on evaluation criteria, reliability on validity of candidate information, techniques of interviews and psychometric tests. Selection has also been based on matching job types with work styles through simulated evaluation tests. Today these components of selection are conducted in the same manner but often aided by the use of information technology systems and refined by integration of organizational objectives. Nevertheless, the fact remains recruitment and selection processes play critical roles in resourcing organizations and pooling of work skills. According to Beardwell and Holden (2003), HRM processes such as recruitment and selection are no longer viewed as the best-fit approach but have changed to resource-based view or best practice approach†. This makes them imperative for supporting corporate strategie s and organizational change management by acting as a lever for competitive advantage for organizations. Not only this, systematic approach to recruitment and selection has been set out to enable organizational management to establish frameworks for performance management. It is at this initial stage that managers determine roles, responsibilities, and performance outcomes to match with the most suitably skilled and motivated candidates for achieving organizational objectives. Moreover, basic principles for systematic approach to recruitment involve setting competitive framework for candidates to gauge future performance. For instance, evaluation and testing processes involve simulated tasks, psychometric tests, and validation of qualifications. It is through these simulated tests that managers gauge attitudes, behaviours, personality, and interaction with the candidates to determine job and candidate match. Selection is based on merit defined by the job specifications, individual commitment, and suitability for the positions within the company. The objectivity is to combine worker attr ibutes, skills, and abilities, and fit it within the organizational policies, procedures, and cultural frameworks, and thereby not to waste efforts and resources in conflict, power relations, subordination and normative institutional clashes in the future (Lucas 2003). In this regard, one could observe that systematic approach to recruitment, selection integrates external environmental factors like legal frameworks in policies, and procedures to ensure organizations establish a direct relationship with the candidates, job market and the legal environment. From this perspective, systematic approach to recruitment and selection processes is also said to have contributed to promoting and establishing trends for fair employment. However, critics do not have a consensus on fair distribution of representations of individuals where recruitment and selection processes are concerned. For example, Cornelius, Gooch and Todd (2001) are of the view that traditional equal-opportunity practices usually have unequal outcomes, depending on the culture of the organization, as well as the type of workforce required for the job. For example, gender and age discrimination are likely to become issues for unequal employment in industries where workers are required to be male of young age such as the logging industry. Commitment towards equal opportunity for fair representation of groups of individuals in recruitment and selection processes does not add value but rather hinders achievement of organizational objectives. Consequently, systematic approaches to recruitment and selection are not really effective in resolving strategic HRM issues pertaining to establishment of legal frameworks. Yet, one cannot deny the fact that organizations have not benefited from the systematic approach to pursue fair treatment and equal opportunities for employment. It is the essence of the systematic approach to recruitment, which takes into account of the changing environment, as well as business strategies that makes it dynamic, and thereby is effective in resolving management issues of diversity. Attraction of diverse workforce and implementation of equal opportunities employment There are many factors that are responsible for making an organization attractive for employees. Organizational reputation recognized for its fairness, culture, wage and talent pool, for example, are attraction for candidates. Similarly, job attractiveness is also dependent on the processes of recruitment and selection, and goals and ideology of the organization. In most organizations today, having a diverse workforce is no longer a luxury but a necessity and even a competitive advantage. A diverse workforce is essential in pooling skills and qualifications for achieving organizational strategic objectives in today's complex business environment (Sims 2002). Diversity, many claim, is distinguishable from equal opportunity as it serves the self-interest of organizations rather than social justice. It involves pursuance of policies that meet the demand of labour pool, and thereby gain the best qualifications from employees. It makes the economic justification for hiring individual s valuable in terms of business requirement, and labour market supply. It takes into account of the expressed need for employee satisfaction, which would lead to quality in productivity and increasing the talent pool direly required by dynamic organizations (Noon and Ogbonna 2001). Diversity is intrinsically linked with equal opportunity, according to experts (Thornley 2003). They argue that the labour market is typically characterized by competition where individuals compete for employment based on commutative justice. Free competition is prevalent and the reward for it is employment. Candidates vie for positions in organizations through display of qualifications, academic performance, ownership of skills, attitudes, and positive behaviours. Employers, on the other hand, form benchmarks for employment based on organizational requirements, policies and procedures in recruitment and selection. Employers are also mandated to follow government policy to benchmark wages, inflation and competitiveness for fair distribution of income and wealth. The government controls fair distribution of income by implementing policies of equal employment opportunities to eliminate formal and informal discrimination based on gender, age, race and disability. In the UK, this practic e is regulated by the EOC and through legal Acts often tends to constrain organizations for implementing fair employment. Despite critical objections to the efficacy and strategic nature of systematic approach to recruitment and selection, management of organizations cannot deny the fact that HRM processes have integrated diversity and equal opportunities policies and procedures to avoid adverse effects of the law. The EOC has formulated laws such as the Employment Act 1989/2002, Sex Discrimination Act, Equal Pay Act, Disability Discrimination Act 1995, Race Relations Act 1976, Employment Relations Act 1999 and the Employment Equality Regulations 2003 to curb discrimination of applicants for employment based on their gender, race, age and disability. To ensure that these laws are implemented within organizations, organizations have started to invest heavily in HRM processes congruent with the prescribed legal frameworks set by the EOC and the government. For most organizations, investment in these processes are necessary for compliance, while for others it is the long-term objective-achievement efforts as they view making their organization attractive to potential talents a strategic activity in itself. Consequently, HRM processes have been devised based on objective testing of candidates. Recruitment and selection models used for evaluating job performance, personality tests, cognitive ability tests, as well as testing of job knowledge take into account of achievement and skill proficiency. Organizations no longer depend on individual interviewer impressions to select and match candidates based on qualifications matching with job criteria. Instead, candidates are being tested for their abilities, skills and knowledge correlating with job performance regardless of their sex, age, race or disability (Hough and Oswald 2000). Furthermore, organizations are also using integrity tests and self-reports to check reliability and validity of counterproductive work behaviours. These systematic methods of recruitment and selection are based on the premise that effective recruitment leads to smooth functioning of organizations and successful recruitment and selection is based on finding the right person with the right skills, expertise and qualifications for achieving organizational objectives and contributing towards organizational values. For this purpose, a fair and consistent system of recruitment helps lessen the burden of employee conflict, turnover, absenteeism and dismissals. According to the Workforce Development Plan (2004) in the UK, for organizations to develop leadership capacity in their respective industry, they must develop skills and capacity of workforce, organizational performance management framework, pay and rewards system and, most importantly, ensure that equal opportunity and diversity practices are aligned with the entire recruitment and selection processes. The focus on abilities and aptitudes, and not stereotypes, would help lead to fair judgements about individuals based on their merits rather than their gender, age, race or disability (EOC 2006). Conclusion From the above discussion, one can conclude that the strategic nature of the systematic approach to recruitment and selection has made it the ideal tool for today's organizations to gain a competitive advantage in acquisition of skills and a diverse workforce. Strategic HRM requires that processes be in line with internal and external factors affecting organizational dynamics. For this purpose, these processes have to be flexible to accommodate change in the business environment. Two of the main factors that have been affecting modern organizations are equal employment opportunities and diversity. Self-interest for competitive advantage, as well as legal mandates have motivated organizations to invest in HRM processes and techniques to promote diversity and equal opportunities employment. These are evident in the various techniques used in recruitment and selection tests, as well as policies for hiring candidates. The practice is not isolated but rather has become the benchmark for organizations to attract a diverse workforce and remain aligned with the legal framework. Despite critics’ arguments, one could conclude that the traditional approach to recruitment and selection in today's organizations is objective in providing the required competitive advantage and strategic edge for competing in the highly dynamic business environment. References Beardwell, I. Holden, L. and Claydon (2003) Human Resource Management A Contemporary Approach. Fourth Edition. FT Prentice Hall. Employers Organization for Local Government (2004) Workforce Development Planning Guidance Document – May 2004. Employers Organization for Local Government, Online accessed on 12 January 2007 from: Equal Opportunities Commission (2006) Recruiting Staff Guidance for Managers and Supervisors, May 2006. Equal Opportunities Commission. Hough, L. M. and Oswald, F. L. (2000) Personnel Selection: Looking toward the Future-Remembering the Past. Annual Review of Psychology. pp. 631. Lucas, R. E. (2003) Employment Relations in the Hospitality and Tourism Industries. Routledge: New York. pp. 84 Millmore, M. (2003) Just How Extensive is the Practice of Strategic Recruitment and Selection? Journal of Management pp. 87 Noon, M. and Ogbonna, E. (eds) (2001) Equality, Diversity and Disadvantage in Employment. Palgrave: Basingstoke, England. pp. 32. Sims, R. R. (2002) Organizational Success through Effective Human Resources Management. Quorum Books: Westport, CT. Publication Year: pp. 107 Storey, J. (1992) Developments in the Management of Human Resources, Oxford: Blackwell. Thornhill, A., Lewis, P., Millmore, M. and Saunders, M. (2000) Managing Change: A Human Resource Strategy Approach, Harlow: Financial Times, Prentice Hall. Thornley, C. (2003) Labour market policy and inequality in the UK in Industrial and Labour Market Policy and Performance: Issues and Perspectives (eds) Cofey, D and Thornley, C., Routledge: New York. pp. 83
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Catcher in the Rye Essay: The Judgmental Caulfield :: Catcher Rye Essays
The Judgmental Caulfield of The Catcher in the Rye The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger, is a classic novel about a sixteen-year-old boy, Holden Caulfield, who speaks of a puzzling time in his life. Holden has only a few days until his expulsion from Pency Prep School. He starts out as the type of person who can't stand "phony" people. He believes that his school and everyone in it is phony, so he leaves early. He then spends three aimless days in New York City. During this time, Holden finds out more about himself and how he relates to the world around him. He believes that he is the catcher in the rye: " I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in a big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around-nobody big, I mean-except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What have I to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff..." (173). He briefly enters what he believes is adulthood and becomes a "phony" himself. By the end of the story, Holden realizes he doe sn't like the type of person he has become, so he reverts into an idealist; a negative, judgmental person. Holden's idealism is first brought forth when he describes his life at Pency Prep. It is full of phonies, morons and bastards. His roommate, Stradlater, " was at least a pretty friendly guy, It was partly a phony kind of friendly..." (26) and his other roommate, Ackley is "a very nosy bastard" (33). Holden can't stand to be around either one of them for a very long time. Later, he gets into a fight with Stradlater over his date with Jane. Holden is upset because he thinks that Stradlater "gave her the time" and that he doesn't care about her; 'the reason he didn't care was because he was a goddam stupid moron. All morons hate it when you call them a moron' (44). Holden not only sees his roommates as phonies and bastards, but he also sees his headmaster at Pency Prep as a "phony slob" (3). This type of person is exactly what Holden doesn't want to be. He strives to be a mature adult; caring, compassionate, and sensitive. Even when Holden goes out or reads a story, it is just full of phoniness, ".
Friday, July 19, 2019
Act I Scene I as an introduction to Julius Caesar :: William Shakespeare
The scene opens in a street of Rome. The play starts with an air of excitement. The workmen of Rome are rejoicing in Julius Caesar's triumph over the sons of Pompey, his old rival. Since the very beginning of the play, there is an atmosphere of disunity. The Tribunes rebuke the crowd angrily and order them to return to their work. A touch of humor is imparted to the scene by the Cobbler who indulges in puns. There is a verbal dexterity. The Cobbler is a brilliant player on words. This would please the Groundlings. The Cobbler is being rude to the Tribunes. This shows the disagreement that exists between the Plebeians and the Tribunes. Flavius and Marullus, the Tribunes, are very hostile to Caesar and are jealous of his growing popularity and power. Marullus rebukes the people for being ungrateful He treats them as "senseless things". Since the start itself, we see how popular Caesar is. All the Plebeians are his followers. He has got the support of the commoners. Pompey was a great founder of cities and he restored cities. He was a great general and a great organizer. History repeats itself. When Pompey won the battle, people followed him, now that Caesar is victorious, they support him. A short time ago, they had enthusiastically acclaimed Pompey, now Pompey?s sons have lost their lives in a war against the very man for whom they have now declared the day to be a holiday. Marullus and Flavius are very disappointed with the people ho are unfaithful to Pompey. They scorn the people and the Plebeians ?vanish tongue tied in their guiltiness.? The final speech of Flavius clearly indicates the widespread feeling that Julius Caesar is growing too ambitious and that his pride needs to be taken down a step. ?These growing feathers, plucked from Caesar?s wing, will make him fly an ordinary pitch?. Caesar is being compared to a bird with wings which may fly high and dominate the people. Marullus and Flavius fear that Caesar will fly so high that he will become a dictator. Flavius intends to pull down all Caesar?s images so that the latter would feel less confident and think that he is not very popular. This will make him less confident and prevent him from being a dictator.
The Character of Pilate in Song of Solomon :: Song Solomon essays
The Character of Pilate in Song of Solomon The character Pilate in Song of Solomon is portrayed in the role of a teacher or "guide". She tends to be a spiritual leader as well as a spiritual guide for Milkman and the rest of the society. It could be argued that she is the main cause of Milkman's liberation and better being. She represents the motherly love and gives the spiritual education that Milkman needs, in order to go through the monomyth process. She teaches Milkman the necessities of life not with severity but rather by means of being her own self. Her being connected to her heritage and traditions is also involved in changing Milkman into the hero. Pilate is not the typical teacher that a reader could expect to have in his or her classroom. Pilate is to a certain extent, very mother like and caring towards Milkman. She gives Milkman what he feels he can't get at his rich home, care and affection. When Milkman is alone, it is at Pilate's house that he finds comfort, not only from the people but also from t he surroundings of the house. He feels comfortable being in a neighborhood of people that are of lower class than him. Pilate takes on the role of mother to Milkman by showing how a family is supposed to be, which is not divided like his house, but rather caring and loving towards one another, like the environment at Pilate's house. As Joseph Skerrett points out, Pilate does begin teaching Milkman, starting from their very first meeting. Her whole lesson with how the word "hi" sounds like the "dumbest" word and that if someone was to be greeted with a hi, they should "get up and knock you down" seems to get Milkman to notice her. Her role as a parental guide changes to that of one of the teacher and she tries to teach him what is right and wrong. She exemplifies to Milkman how life should be led. She shows him how goals in life should be aimed for and how they should be accomplished. For example, her whole lesson on how to make the perfect egg shows Milkman how even som ething as little as frying an egg has consequences to it.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Avalon Destorying
A sense of belonging Is what all teenagers seek out wealth high school. Destroying Valor by Kate MacAfee takes us through the Journey of the main character Valor, her move to a new school and her struggle to make friends. All the characters within the novel seem to be struggling for a sense of belonging, making it a strong theme of the novel.Valor, Jukes and Alice are the three main characters who all face with the dilemma of belonging and being accepted. In regards to Valor it is her need to progress forward socially which only ends when she develops a strong sense of belonging in the Z group. However with Jukes the desire to belong never ends, her cyber bullying campaign is only a means for her to gain a sense of belonging with her online followers.Alice on the other hand has to maintain her position and sense of longing always following the example of the other girls In her group by bulling the students below her socially. It Is through Valor that the need to belong and be accepte d Is first presented. Valor within the novel moves from a place where she Is â€Å"captain of the hockey team and member of the swimming squad†to a school where she is stuck in the Z group of â€Å"Queers and Weirdoes†. She is constantly in the beginning of the novel trying to get out of the bottom group so that she no longer has toBullying is a problem that seems to have become more vicious with the invention of social networking technology. The novel Destroying Valor by Kate MacAfee explores the theme of cyber bullying and its consequences through the character Marshall. Marshall Is the best friends of the main character in the novel, Valor; It Is she who Is Initially cyber bullied however the focus shifts to Marshal during the novel. Marshall, who Is confused about his sexuality, Is unable to cope with the bullying and In the end
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Customer Defection
MKT 711 9/4/2012 1. The purpose of the composition dealt with node defection. It talks ab place how the nodes argon easily not becoming as patriotic as they use to be. They seen a warning after five years, the client does not stay leal to the party. in that location are different stages of the treat of losing trustworthy customers and tutelage them. Loyalty and profits, the to a greater extent the customer is cost the more profits come out of it because the longer the customer stays. Failure, the employee learning the interpretative steps on their own and leaving.Core customers, this is ambitious to determine but the best bureau to determine it is to ask who the most true-blue and most profitable to you? 2. I animadvert the bind represents a conceptual necessitate. The occasion uses a general research and experiences from other(a) people an businesses to back up his points. There are some meter given(p) but I encounter alike there involve to be a lot more numbers to have it as a quantitative study. The author uses examples like Lexus and baseball game doers to back up his case about the customer loyalty. When dealing with Lexus, they asked every member of their head living quarters staff to interview 4 customers a month.The clause as well talked about baseball musicians and their batting averages. Someone who bats . 280 compared to soulfulness who bats . 320 is a big dis lay oute in the players. Even though it is solo . 4 away it still tells how the player does in the batting line up. The article uses examples like these in two different situations to show the difference in how everyone does things otherwise to show their customer base and how loyal they are. Even though they talked about baseball players they showed the popularity of the player because of their batting average number.This would also help by understanding the cash in flow and products. 3. The researchers found that the key to customer loyalty is the cre ation of hold dear. The value that the customer needs the employer to help them with their profits or money. The key to value creation is organisational assimilator. Without the value creation and organizational learner then the customer does not exist what to do with the profit or where to put it. The customer only learns through with(predicate)out the surgery with the company until they render knowledgeable to do it on their own. 4. Implications for future research would be to do a more quantitative study.This way they can mesh unitedly the concepts of the research and the new quantitative numbers in order to show the chief operating officers and companies why they should follow the cast and this is what needs to be done to become successful with keeping their customers. Once that process is done they then can balloon that to become more qualitative. Then they testament have answers from every angle, from concepts to numbers and the choice of the situation. 5. merchandi sing as we know it deals with identifying and opposition hum and social needs. In a short definition meeting needs profitably.The findings in the article helped relate to Marketing because when worrying about the value of the customer and their certainty of the value of creation. Marketing is all about getting the diagnose out there and making it profitable. Without the loyal customers then the product/profit is not marketable and will not illuminate money. When establishing the relationship between the customer and employer/employee is when more successful opportunities from within the company. When losing customers, then the company doesnt learn to try and gain their relationship in other ways.I correspond with the finding of the article and the conceptual study they are going for. I feel that it would be better to explain the article in a quantitative study to show the numbers of the project. Using Lexus and interviewing four customers a month is a smashing example. Just have to go more in depth of what the customer thinks. other example with the baseball players batting averages. habit their averages and their salaries to show about loyalty and popularity of how the player plays. The article was good in covering loyalty and customer failure through the article, and gave good examples while still getting to the root causes of the business.
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