Monday, September 30, 2019
Fast Food Research Paper Essay
1. Why is fast food bad for you? 2. What are the effects of eating fast food? 3. What are some successful fast food industries and there business strategies? Introduction It seems harmless, satisfies your hunger, and is cheap, but really is egregiously unhealthy. The fast food industry is very smart; they have many sly business strategies to make money. They target children and students and make millions of dollars in profit. Each and every day people choose to eat at fast food restaurants because it quick, especially for people with jobs and are always in a hurry, and because it’s delicious; but many do not know the truth behind it and the harmful effects that contributes to eating fast food continuously. Fast food is made of low quality ingredients and consists mainly of sugar, fat, high calories, and high sodium. Fast food causes obesity and nothing is being done to stop this major issue in America right now. Some fast food chains are: McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s, and KFC. The list could go on and on which is the problem, fast food restaurants are everywhere! When it’s dark outside and you are driving home from work and you see the big flashy fast food restaurant signs, the temptation never ends, the business techniques are very cunning and fast food can become addicting so it’s important to always be cautious of why fast food is bad, the effects, fast food restaurants and their business strategies/techniques. Why Is Fast Food Bad? An average human being should consume about 400-600 in about one meal, when eating fast food one item on the menu start at 750 calories (â€Å"The Raw Prawns†n. p.). People may think fast food in moderation is okay but the truth is once you begin a fast food eating routine where you visit almost daily it will be very hard to get out of the routine and can sometimes be addicting (â€Å"Why Fast Food is Bad For You†n. p. ). When on the road a local fast food restaurant seems very convenient and a smart decision to go there, but if you care about you personal health don’t make that decision simply make a healthier choice. Fast food can be dangerous and if nothing soon can be done to address this severe problem in the near future then the obesity and death rates will increase immensely. Fast food is not a balanced diet, it consists mainly of meat and bread and a small amount of lettuce and tomato which are not organic at all. (â€Å"Obesity Facts†n. p. ). This kind of diet is very deadly and is one of the leading causes of obesity and death in America (â€Å"Eating Yourself to Death†n. p. ). The Effects Almost all fast food is deep fried and processed, they contain excessive amounts of sodium which is extremely unhealthy for the body, and in the desserts everything is high in sugar content and calories (â€Å"Obesity Facts†n. p. ). Obesity: Indicates that the body has too much fat. *It is not the same as being overweight, which means weighing too much. It is a result from over eating, or continuously eating fast food. In America, there are over 300, 000 fast food restaurants and 50 million people are served everyday! (â€Å"How Unhealthy is Fast Food†n. p. ). This is why America has the highest number of obese people in the world. Fast food causes heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, tooth decay, and diabetes (â€Å"3 reasons Why Fast Food id Bad For You†n. p. ). When continuously eating fast food, such as French fries, heavy, burgers, and sugary drinks it causes people to become more and more lazy; they don’t pay attention to their health and their physical activity level decreases (â€Å"How Unhealthy is Fast Food? †n. p. ). In addition, recent study shows there’s a chance depression can tie into eating excessive amounts of fast food. Who is to blame? How do they do it? As of now in the United States there are 22 fast food franchises. McDonalds was the first franchise to open in 1940 and since then they have been the leading and most successful franchise in America (â€Å"The Raw Prawn†n.p. ). Other franchises include: Burger King, KFC, Wendy’s, Arby’s, and Taco Bell. Each of which target young students and children. Most of them have a value menu where items to purchase are cheap and tasty but very unhealthy. Some fast food restaurants provide a toy for children with their meal which attract them to come again and again ( â€Å"Eating Yourself to Death†n. p. ). In addition, some restaurants contain an indoor play ground which attracts small children even more. The fast food industry mainly brings customers for their tasty food and simple convenience, they attach a drive thru to their building making it faster for customers to purchase and collect their food which is also less time consuming. Recently in the past few years, fast food franchises have begun to change their restaurant and attempt to become healthier as a whole, in some fast food restaurants they have a nutritional menu to choose from which generally contain healthier food compared to the regular menu (â€Å"The Raw Prawn†n. p. ). Conclusion After researching about fast food and understanding how the huge industry works. I can conclude that the effects of eating fast food on a day to day basis are horrific. It is very unhealthy; the best thing to do is avoid it even if you are in a hurry. Fast Food chains are everywhere the signs are big and flashy and very tempting, it’s important to know what the food can do to the human body so just simply avoid the restaurant. Everyone should be healthy and live as long as possible, fast food is a killer all it does is drain you money and can slowly kill. Do not fall for the sneaky business techniques and strategies the fast food industry uses to gain money. Be smart, avoid fast food, and stay healthy!
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Maintaining Healthy Lifestyle Old Age Health And Social Care Essay
IntroductionUnder the fast gait of societal life and the deterioration of life environment, people are enduring from semi-health and disease such as high blood force per unit area and cholesterin. The inordinate usage of medical specialty and medical intervention is a facile solution, which can non bring around the cardinal job. Keeping a healthy life style into old age, nevertheless, is a cardinal solution. This essay is aimed to sketch and measure grounds that people can keep a healthy life style into old age. The essay foremost analyzes the unhealthy life style to bespeak importance of a healthy life style ; the essay will further sketch the benefits of keeping a healthy life style into old age.Problem in life styleBy keeping a healthy life style, people are able to minimise their emphasis and execute expeditiously in their work every bit good as prevent a batch of diseases in every phase of life. Macqueen ( 1998 ) suggest that a healthy life style should includes following elements: A nutritionally balanced diet, sufficient relaxation and slumber, regular exercising, merely a moderate consumption of intoxicant, minimum usage of non-prescription drugs including coffin nails, emotion support and societal contact minimisation of emphasis. However, a figure of people still can non see the importance of keeping a healthy life style into old age. BBC News has reported a crisp addition in the â€Å" lifestyle malignant neoplastic disease †, for illustration tegument and liver malignant neoplastic disease in Scotland. Harmonizing to the statistics, the rates of malignant melanoma have increased by 68 % in work forces and 71 % in adult females with a rise of 51 % of liver malignant neoplastic disease in males from 1998 to 2008. As suggested by Health Secretary, Nicola Sturgeon, it was strong apparent that â€Å" lifestyle pick †would do rises in malignant neoplastic disease. ( BBC, 2010 ) Harmonizing to the UK National Statistics on life style and behaviour, there are a high prevalence of unhealthy life styles such as smoke, imbibing and fleshiness. It shows that 24 % of grownups ( aged 16 or supra ) in England were classified as obese in 2006, which is a 9 % of addition from 1993, with 3 % of adult females and 1 % of work forces were likely to endure from morbidly fleshiness ( NHS, 2008b ) . Similarly, 28 % of grownups aged 16 and above are reported smoke in 2008 in England. This figure is the same as that in 2007 ( NHS, 2010 ) . It is suggested there are close linkage between Smoking and dirking and bosom disease. Different from smoke, which are considered as no possible wellness benefits to people, moderate imbibing is regarded as aid to protect people ‘ bosom ( Westcott, 2010 ) . However, statistics besides shows that 40 % of males and 33 % of females had rummy more than the day-to-day recommended figure of unite on at least one twenty-four hours in the hebd omad prior to interview. 23 % of work forces and 15 % of adult females had rummy more than twice the recommended day-to-day consumption. ( NHS, 2008a )Benefits of keeping a healthy life styleThe development of modern medical scientific discipline makes people more cognizant of their organic structures. The benefits of a healthy life style are going progressively evident, which is good to people of all ages, weights or societal position. There are several benefits for people to keep a healthy life style into old age. By keeping a healthy life style into old age, people are able to achieve good wellness and cut down the hazards of unwellness and hurts. Frequent exercisings can better their staying power, strength and flexibleness. A balanced and varied diet can supply people with needful foods and energy without acquiring weights. Besides, regular exercising and balanced diet are able to cut down blood force per unit area, lose weight and lower the hazard of diabetes development and bosom disease. A healthy life style can supply many benefits that medical specialty can non. It is able to ease the consequence of medical intervention. Harmonizing to the survey of Kelley, et. Al. ( 2005 ) , aerophilic exercising and opposition preparation can efficaciously take down LDL-C of patients. Furthermore, this decrease will is enhanced by weight loss and diet, but mitigated by weight addition ( Kelley, et. Al. 2005 ) . By keeping a healthy life style into old age, people are able to populate a longer life. As people get aged, the physical conditions are going weaker and weaker. However, though a healthy life style, they are able to beef up their physical status. It helps people live a longer life. As stated above, a healthy life style helps people maintain good wellness. In other words, people are able to cut down their disbursal on wellness attention and physician visit. By keeping a healthy life style into old age, people may hold better control of their life. Peoples maintain a better organic structure status and physical map, which helps them work better in their calling and live a better life. For illustration, insomnia is a job that bothers a batch of workers. By keeping a healthy life style, people are able to bit by bit better their sleep form. With adequate remainder and slumber, they feel energetic in the daylight and execute better in their calling. With a better physical visual aspect ( for illustration, slimmer ) , they look better and experience better about themselves, which enhance their self-image and self-pride.DecisionGood wellness is non a trade good that one can buy from a infirmary or a drug shop. However, it can be obtained though keeping a healthy life style for a life-time. Keeping a healthy life style into old age does non intend one have to be trained like a professional jock. Nor, it is something can be done nightlong. The secret lies in doggedness. If one support reiterating the healthy life style he has chosen, he will bask the benefit Oklahoman or subsequently.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Aspects Of British Colonialism In Uganda And Kenya History Essay
Aspects Of British Colonialism In Uganda And Kenya History Essay Uganda and Kenya as British protectorates were founded in 1894. Colonization of Africa employed a number of methods. The main ones were the use of the gun the Bible or religion. Buganda was colonized by the gun, Bible and koran. The Bible and koran teachings became effective ways of establishing a fanatical following which eventually played a crucial role in the political landscape of buganda. By 1867 islam was established in buganda and Mutesa I was already observing the ramadhan and learning to read the koran. Mutesa I pages at his courts fully converted though Mutesa I never converted fully to islam. The Christian Missionary Society (CMS) arrived in buganda in June 1877. After two years the roman catholic white fathers arrived in buganda. The arrival of these two groups not only ignited a rivalry between them but confused the buganda (EnterUganda). Just as Uganda, Kenya had its share of missionary activity which sprang up from the coastal part of the region. Missionaries first la nded at the coastal town which had been previously explored and dominated by the arab traders who came in with the koran. However the factional fights that were characteristic of the buganda were not with Kenya mainly because of the ethnic set up diversity that existed in Kenya. Later on the establishment of colonial boundaries would greatly affect these more than 40 different communities who were now brought together into one territory. In the case of the buganda and on a broader scale there was rivalry between the French who were catholic inclined and the English who were protestant inclined. In this rivalry was also a scramble for products and cheap raw materials source. On the other hand the earliest foreign expeditions in Kenya were mainly missionary expeditions and were mainly to open up the inland for the sake of the gospel. The scramble for raw materials would however come later as a secondary factor. The coming of the missionaries caused religion to spread rapidly throughou t the entire east African region. For Kenya the spread advanced from the coastal region into the interior, whereas for Uganda the kabaka hosted the missionaries whose activities fanned out from the palace into the entire region. The Imperial British East Africa chose to move in and establish British sphere influence. Sending FJ Jackson who spearheaded this mission. Jackson sought to sign a treaty with Mwanga who was enjoying catholic backing after Karl Peters a German favoured by the catholics arrived in buganda. The Germany influence and interest over buganda was curtailed by the signing of the Heligoland treaty of July 1890. In this treaty buganda was officially recognized as a British sphere of influence in return for Heligoland island in the north sea to the Germans (EnterUganda) In Kenya it all began at the 1884 to 1885 Berlin Conference which was the basis on which was set the rules of colonial occupation. Combining with the 1886 Anglo-German Agreement and other inter- Europea n territorial arrangements, the Berlin conference was instrumental in not only erecting artificial boundaries around Kenya but also in removing diplomatic initiative from Kenyan people. This was just a precursor of the demarcation of the Kenyan territory that would follow in the year 1894. Imperial British East Africa now had a firm grip on the two east African states Kenya and Uganda. However in order to further protect their interests in Uganda the Imperial British East Africa later send Captain Fredrick Lugard to counter the threat posed by Emin Kasha in Sudan who was planning to annex buganda and bunyoro to Turkey. Charles Stoke a missionary turned arms dealer who was also plotting to arm Kabalega needed to be dealt with because kabalega being unfriendly to the British would be a risk if he was armed.. Captain Lugard successfully forestalled their plans. However the coming of Captain Lugard was viewed by Mwanga and the catholic backed regime as a triumph for the protestant. Luga rd signed a treaty with Mwanga and fought alongside him to defeat the muslim invasion. Captain Lugard also entered an agreement with Ntare V to stop arms from reaching Kabalega.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Research the new media and the young's media literacy Dissertation
Research the new media and the young's media literacy - Dissertation Example The Social Media Access was noted at -.117 and the hours spent in Social Media was output to .265, with correlation as significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) level. The rest of the table shows the correlations between the variables through a cross-tabulation with outputs in Sum of Squares and Cross-products, the accorded Covariance, N (100), the Pearson Correlation by variable, and the Significance by variable. The overall picture of both analyses conducted in MS Excel and IBM’s SPSS show that the group had a fairly good grasp of new media literacy through use of technological tools, the use of social media sites and that from about the age of 14 onwards, there was a significant understanding of how to use tools in accessing the Internet and Social Media. However, what is not indicated so much in this research survey, is how the respondents react to various advertisements, other than in the Apple case review of where those anxious to buy new products, behaved much like any Westerner in lining up to waiting for the opening of the new Apple store in China. Interest is just as high in China as in the West, whenever a new store or new products are being presented to the public for the first time. Everyone want to know what the latest product will do. From that point, it is up to the user to develop the methods of interaction, based on the product’s capabilities. The overall Corre lations Table is presented on the following page.... Of the overall group, -.032 were engaged in uploading their photos to Social Media, and more specifically (-.146) to Social Media Sites. The Social Media Access was noted at -.117 and the hours spent in Social Media was output to .265, with correlation as significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) level. The rest of the table shows the correlations between the variables through a cross-tabulation with outputs in Sum of Squares and Cross-products, the accorded Covariance, N (100), the Pearson Correlation by variable, and the Significance by variable. The overall picture of both analyses conducted in MS Excel and IBM’s SPSS show that the group had a fairly good grasp of new media literacy through use of technological tools, the use of social media sites and that from about the age of 14 onwards, there was a significant understanding of how to use tools in accessing the Internet and Social Media. However, what is not indicated so much in this research survey, is how the respondents react to various advertisements, other than in the Apple case review of where those anxious to buy new products, behaved much like any Westerner in lining up to waiting for the opening of the new Apple store in China. Interest is just as high in China as in the West, whenever a new store or new products are being presented to the public for the first time. Everyone want to know what the latest product will do. From that point, it is up to the user to develop the methods of interaction, based on the product’s capabilities. The overall Correlations Table is presented on the following page. Correlations Age Group Gender Upload to SM SM Sites SM Access SM Hours Age
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Discussion Questions Week 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Discussion Questions Week 3 - Essay Example It also provides training resources for programmers looking to learn the Java language. Sun’s community approach to Java is one of the platform’s greatest strengths. Out of the several labels associated with Java, â€Å"Write one and run anywhere†is by far the most popular. When a Java program is compiled, it does not use operating specific code. It uses â€Å"bytecodes.†All Java applications run inside a Java Virtual Machine. You can create an Java application on a Windows Vista machine that will run equally well on a Linux, Windows 95 or Mac machine. Developers design for Java and not for an operating system. This makes Java very flexible when compared to other programming languages. Variations of the Java Virtual Machine will run equally well on cell phones, PDA and other small electronic devices. In comparison with other languages, Java applications typically used less code. Some Java applications run slower than OS specific programs. This is a small price for operating system independence. Advances within Java’s virtual machine and compiling are closing the speed gap. Java is one of the most secure programming languages within the industry today. (Riske, 2004) Java applications must receive permission to uses computer resources. The very nature of the language prevents events like â€Å"buffer overloads†which are a weakness within C+. Byte security is one of Java’s core defenses against malicious code. Whenever a Java applet wants to run, it is inspected. Byte security verifies that it is a compiled Java program and not a virus or spyware program. Personal Digital Assistants offer several advantages to businesses. The meat processing industry can save money in energy management and heat and cold management and monitoring. (Lovatt, 1999) Meat Plant Energy Modeler, MIHeat, Lamb Freezer MBC are software packages designed to run originally on at best a IBM compatible Pentium I. Java versions of
Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4
Case Study - Essay Example Starting with the establishment of the first store in 1962 in Rogers, Arkansas, Sam Walton together with his brother had managed to grow the firm to 32 stores spread across four states by 1969, when Wal-Mart Stores, Inc was incorporated, and subsequently to 330 stores spread across 11 states by 1980, culminating in 1,402 Wal-Mart Stores and 123 Sam’s Wholesale Club outlets covering 29 states by Jan 1990 with Sales of over $25.8 billion. In fact, back in 1977, Forbes magazine had ranked Wal-Mart first in the discount retailing industry based on parameters such as return on equity, return on capital, sales growth, and earnings growth. To understand the reasons behind such phenomenal performance it will be prudent to look at some financial performance parameters of Wal-Mart and its competitors, and then to look at how competitive forces act in this industry using Porter’s Five forces model. b) During the same period, the performance figures of other major competitors as given in Exhibit 5 of the case show that Sears and Kmart had recorded an average annual sales growth rate of just 7.8% and 7.9% respectively, while Target had recorded 12.9%. This indicates that Wal-Mart was way ahead of competition in sales growth. c) Wal-Mart also ensured that this sales growth was accompanied by excellent returns to stockholders by maintaining the profitability despite such growth in sales. Thus net earnings increased from $0.55 billion in 1981 to $1.90 billion in 1990, with EPS growing from $0.11 million to $1.90 million d) On this count again Wal-Mart was way above competitors clocking an average growth rate of 30.3% on Return on Equity (ROE), and 32.9% on EPS as against Sears (11.1%; 8.0%), Kmart (13.5%; 12.6%), and Target (15.2%; 14%). e) Wal-Mart had also managed its working capital very well with a current ratio ranging from a low of 1.66 to a high of 2.07 during this decade, primarily through excellent management of inventories, achieving an
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Aspects of Business Offers and Proposals Assignment - 2
Aspects of Business Offers and Proposals - Assignment Example According to English Contract Law, it has been recognized that the communication is done through post ultimately gives rise to various practical problems. The offer that is posted and the letter of acceptance which takes several days to arrive is one of the problems by communicating through the post. With reference to the case of â€Å"Household Fire Insurance v Grant†(1879), in order to overcome this difficulty, the courts established the rule of ‘postal acceptance’ which depicts that acceptance of the offer is complete when it is posted (University of London, 2012). According to Article 4, the communication through ‘Electronic Messages’ is regarded as the communication that the parties engaged in an agreement or an offer made by means of data messages. The conception of data messages includes information or data created, despatched, received or accumulated by visual, electronic or magnetic means (United Nations, 2007). As identified in the case of â€Å"Byrne v van Tienhoven†(1880), an offer can be rescinded in any situation or condition before accepting the offer but the revocation should be informed and corresponded to the offeree, though it is not obligatory on behalf of the offeror. It can be stated that a particular offer can be withdrawn in any condition or situation (United Nations, 2007). In this particular case study, the primary consideration would be that whether a contract has already been formed or not between Jones Ltd and Smith Plc. From the case study, it has been identified that Smith Plc is not obliged to go for any such agreement in order to perform services to all the photocopying machines of Jones Ltd because no such contract has been formed and that was just a proposal or an offer.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Sales Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Sales Management - Essay Example However, such a powerful sales campaign could only be launched successfully provided the members of team obtain respectable and considerable remunerations against the efforts they make while performing their professional obligations. In other words, if the members of sales team are offered a handsome salary package, along with incentives on the sales item they is expected to sell, there would be smile on their faces because of the financial satisfaction they gain in the wake of achieving their goals and targets. On the contrary, if the sales staff is offered low salary package, with no or least incentives on meeting with the targets, the sales staff would remain extremely worried, disturbed and dissatisfied, and hence will not be in a position to demonstrate his professional skills in an adequate manner. According to the motivation-hygiene theory of job satisfaction (1959), articulated by German-American psychologist Frederick Irving Herzberg, pertinently lays stress upon the fulfilm ent of the hygienic or financial needs of the staff in order to let them work under the state of great satisfactions. It not only help the company to make tremendous achievements, but also the sales staff will work more diligently for the progress of the organisation (Stello, 2009:5). On the contrary, lack of financial growth and denial of providing them with sufficient salary package, the sales personnel will undergo dissatisfaction, due to its being a negative motivation. Q1: It has pertinently be observed that sometimes the organisations earn great profits against the investments they have made; similarly, they also undergo losses or low profit margin, which force the management to introduce... According to the research findings sales department is rightly stated to be maintaining central place in every organisation of the world at large because of its imperative significance in the growth and development of the organisation. The researcher states that sales personnel that play front at the behalf of the company and they are actually the reflection of their workplace, where the society gets oriented with the company through their behavior, proficiencies and professional skills. Since every activity performed at corporate scale is made with the purpose of financial benefits and pecuniary gains in mind. Being one of the most dynamic parts of corporate organisations, sales staff also embarks upon the corporate venture for meeting their financial needs. Because of the crucial significance of the sales function, the sales manager occupies a key position in the management hierarchy of the sales organisation. This essay also looks into the exploring the ways for motivating the sales force, different methods are applied for increasing sales volume. Author claims, that one of the most important steps to be taken by the managers for motivating the sales force includes the fulfillment of their physiological needs, along with assuring them of the job security, social respect, and safeguarding the issues related to ego and self-actualizing. As a conclusion, the essay paper highlights, that the selling operation of a business firm does not exist in isolation and sales management has to work in a broader and newer environment.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Developmental Assets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Developmental Assets - Essay Example Thus, cognitive engagement and behavior engagement encompasses the assets of school engagement and school boundaries in terms of the students’ involvement in learning activities and their adherence to school rules respectively. Similarly, emotional engagement covers the development asset of school climate adequately. The caring school climate involves an atmosphere of respect for each other as purported by progressivism. Ackerman (2003) insists that demonstrating respect for the student would foster a reciprocation of respect for the teacher thereby promoting an atmosphere of care and respect. The school personnel such as the teachers, the administrative staff and other such personnel would encourage the student to do the best that they can do at all times. The idea of showing favor to one student over the other would therefore be non existent. The second asset of school engagement incorporates the idea of a student being actively involved in learning. At no time is the student seen as a passive observer but the student is constantly involved in every dimension of the learning environment. The third assset which promotes the school as the primary promoter entails school boundaries. School boundaries emphasizes the fact that each school should have clear rules and consequences for breaking these rules. One risk factor that a student may experience without the strengthening of the caring school climate is the risk of cultural isolation or intolerance.This intolerance could lead to a rapid deterioration of the student’s self identity and self esteem. Such a decline in self worth may result in a number of inappropriate behaviors such as absenteeism, school drop out and delinquency. However, given a caring environment the students would understand the need to tolerate differences in each other whether it is colour, religion, or way of
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Crimes Against Humanity Essay Example for Free
Crimes Against Humanity Essay Saddam Hussein Iraq, a country found in Southwest Asia bordered by Syria, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait, has been constantly featured in the news in recent years. Iraq received its freedom from Britain following World War I in 1932 and in 1958 was converted into a republic (Iraq). However, since becoming a republic, Iraq has been controlled by military leaders from Abdul-Karim Quassim to Saddam Hussein (Iraqi Rulers’ Page). The most recent ruler of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, leader of the Ba’ath political party, drew attention to the country with his various crimes against humanity. From his ascension to power in 1979 to his execution December 30, 2006, he has been responsible for numerous atrocities, including, but not limited to, executions of communists, murders of Shiite Muslims, tortures and killings of political prisoners in the Abu Ghraib prison, Hussein’s most frequently used prison for tortures and murders (Kadragic 85), the Iran-Iraq war, murders of ethnic Kurds, the Gulf War, destruction of Iraq’s marshes, and therefore the destruction of marsh Arabs’ habitats and homes, the control of news as propaganda (The New Global Society), and the deaths of many others. After a rough childhood living with his mother, three stepbrothers, and an awful and immoral stepfather, Hussein moved to live with his uncle, who was an Arab nationalist, when his uncle was freed from jail in 1947 (Saddam Hussein). It was his uncle who introduced Hussein to politics (Saddam Hussein). Hussein joined the Arab Ba’ath Socialist Party at the age of 20 in 1957 (Saddam Hussein). He started out as a member of low importance whose chief duty was to organize and fuel riots among his classmates (Saddam Hussein). In 1959 he was promoted to the assassination squad (Saddam Hussein). October 7, 1959, he, along with the rest of the squad, attempted, but failed, to assassinate Abdul Karim-Quassim (Saddam Hussein). This failed attempt resulted in Hussein receiving a shot in the leg and exiling himself from Iraq for over three years to escape prison (Saddam Hussein Ex President of Iraq). Only when the Ba’ath Party staged a coup and took over the Iraqi government in 1963 did Saddam return to the country. However, the Ba’ath Party only remained in power for nine months and Hussein was arrested in 1964 for his affiliation with the Ba’ath regime’s attempt to regain power (Saddam Hussein). During his eighteen months in prison before his escape in July 1996, Hussein was tortured as well as named a member of Ba’ath Party’s National Arab Leadership in 1965 (Saddam Hussein). Hussein gradually gained power in the party, becoming Deputy-Secretary General of the Ba’ath Party Leadership September 1966, and being a key leader in the July 17, 1968 coup that overthrew the Iraqi monarchy and made Hussein’s second cousin, Ahmad Hassan al-Bakr, the Iraqi president (Saddam Hussein). Following this incident, Hussein was made Vice President of Iraq (Saddam Hussein). Eventually, Hussein forced al-Bakr to resign and took over the position as president of Iraq (Saddam Hussein). The first crime committed under the rule of Saddam Hussein was the execution of 7,000 Iraqi communists that began the year of 1978 and lasted until 1979 (Saddam Era: The Death Toll). Hussein was not in charge of the Ba’athist regime during 1978, but was in power for the latter part of the brutal executions carried out against the communists of Iraq. Though the Ba’ath Party was vaguely built on the idea socialism in the 1940’s and the Iraqi Ba’ath Party of Saddam’s time had an important alliance with the Soviet Union, the Ba’aths of Saddam’s time were very much opposed to communism. The execution of the Iraqi communists strained the Ba’athist Party’s relationship with the Soviet Union considerably. In the 1980’s Saddam had 148 male Shiites murdered in the village of Dujail. This crime in particular is the atrocity that Saddam was convicted and executed for December of 2006. The motivation for this crime was the attempted assassination of Hussein while he traveled through the small town of Dujail. After said attempt at assassination, almost 800 people, women and children included, were detained. An unspecified number were tortured during the period of time in which they were detained. 400 of those detained were sent to internal exile in a southern part of Iraq, away from their homes in Dujail. The aforementioned 148 men and boys were convicted of some crime, sentenced to death, and executed in 1985 (Judging Dujail: The First Trial before the Iraqi High Tribunal). During the 1980’s Saddam instigated the Iran-Iraq war. This war lasted from 1980 to 1989 and was the cause of nearly 1. 7 million deaths of both Iranians and Iraqis (Saddam Era: The Death Toll). Saddam’s motivation for this war was his fear that the new radical leadership of Iran would upset the Sunni-Shia balance in Iraq (Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988)). As the Shia Muslims of Iraq are concentrated on and around Iraq’s only access to a body of water, a fifty-eight kilometer coast on the Persian Gulf, dissension among Iraq’s Shia population would cut off Iraq’s access to water, effectively limiting Iraq’s ability to trade as far as exporting and importing goods by ship (Muslim Distribution (Sunni and Shia)). Another of the many influential factors that prompted Saddam to initiate the bloody war was water claims to the Shatt al-Arab waterway which serves as part of the boundary between Iraq and Iran (Iran-Iraq War and Waterway Claims). Again, the Shatt al-Arab is Iraq’s only waterway to the Persian Gulf and is vital to the country as a means for transporting goods. During the Iran-Iraq War, a Kurdish Iraqi, Masoud Barzani, leader of the KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party), along with the KDP, sided with the Iranians (The War Crimes of Saddam Hussein). The Kurdish Democratic Party was an ethnic Kurdish revolutionary political party that actively fought against the Ba’athist regime (The War Crimes of Saddam Hussein). As retaliation for their actions, Hussein had around 8,000 KDP members, including defenseless women and children, abducted in 1983 (The War Crimes of Saddam Hussein). Though many remain unfound, thousands are known to have been murdered and are now located in mass graves along with thousands of fellow victims (The War Crimes of Saddam Hussein). In 1984 about 4,000 political prisoners were tortured and murdered in Abu Ghraib prison. Saddam used this particular prison as a center for tortures and killings. Some of Hussein’s favorite methods of torture included castration, eye gouging, and acid baths. Mass killings at an Iraqi prison occurred again from 1993 to 1996 when 3000 prisoners were killed by machine gun at Mahjar prison in central. That was one of the last crimes committed under Saddam’s rule before he went into hiding Baghdad (Saddam Era: The Death Toll). The al-Anfal campaign, known by many as genocide, was one of the cruelest and bloodiest initiatives taken by Saddam Hussein. It lasted from 1986-1989 and resulted in the brutal deaths of about 182,000 Kurds, a group of people that make up Iraq’s largest non-Arab ethnic minority (A Kurd from Salah ad Din). Hussein may have felt that the Kurds were a threat to the Sunni, Arab Iraqis as the Kurds are generally Shiites and make up about 19 per cent of the Iraqi population (A Kurd from Salah ad Din). Also, many Kurds were concentrated in Kirkuk, an area of Iraq that is very rich in oil (A Kurd from Salah ad Din). Hussein commanded that any living organism in the Kurdish territory in northern Iraq be killed. Chemical weapons were implemented in carrying this out. Previously, Iraq had been the only country, besides the Soviet Union, known to tolerate the Kurds and their cultural differences. Though Iraq instituted arabization as a way to suppress and contain Kurdish nationalism, the Kurdish people were not persecuted on a large scale by Arab Iraqis until the rise of the Ba’athist regime (Shelton 636). In 1988, however, a campaign named Operation Anfal, anfal meaning spoils of war, was initiated and more than 182,000 Kurds were killed with the use of chemical weapons or buried alive in mass graves (Shelton 636) (The War Crimes of Saddam Hussein). In addition, 4,006 villages were utterly destroyed, displacing thousands of Kurdish villagers, and many were arrested and made to live in extremely unhealthy conditions (Shelton 636). In a small town called Halabja alone, 5,000 people were killed with a mixture of mustard gas and a nerve agent called sarin that was dropped from planes on March 16, 1988 (Kurds Look Back with Fear) (The War Crimes of Saddam Hussein). There is evidence that the chemicals used against the Kurds are still affecting people today, as there have been increasing amounts of birth defects, and cases of cancer, respiratory ailments, miscarriages, eye problems, skin problems, and other medical disorders in the affected areas, like the town of Halabja (Kurds Look Back with Fear). People who survived the attacks have recently developed problems that doctors attribute to the chemicals used in the attacks (Kurds Look Back with Fear). The Gulf War was a short war that started on January 16, 1991 several months after Iraq’s invasion of its neighboring country of Kuwait in August 2 of 1990(Saddam Era: The Death Toll) (Gulf War). The invasion of Kuwait occurred after the Iraq and Kuwait’s disputes over oil production and the debts that Iraq owed Kuwait for Kuwait’s aid in the Iraq-Iran war (Gulf War). The war ended when President Bush Sr. rdered a cease fire on February 27, 1991 (Gulf War). Hussein’s objectives in invading Kuwait are said to have been to force the smaller country to pardon the debts owed to it by Iraq, to acquire Kuwait in order to obtain Kuwait’s rich oil fields, and expansion. The justification that Saddam used was that Kuwait was historically part of Iraq in the first place (First Persian Gulf War). The US under the Bush Sr. administration became involved and formed a coalition made up of several Arab countries to achieve a quick victory over Iraq because of fear for Saddam’s ulterior motives. It is estimated that 25,000 Iraqi troops and as many as 200,000 civilians died as a result of the Gulf War (Saddam Era: The Death Toll). Also, many Iraqis civilians suffered because of a lack of food, as a UN trade embargo was put on Iraq when it invaded Kuwait (First Persian Gulf War). After the US won the Gulf War in 1991, Shiites, a Muslim religious minority in Iraq, and the ethnic Kurds were encouraged by the US to rebel against Saddam and the Ba’athist regime. However, when Saddam killed more than 100,000 Shiites and made more 200,000 Marsh Arabs homeless or dead, US support was nonexistent (Saddam Era: The Death Toll). Saddam is said to have ordered 2,000 Kurdish rebels to be killed each day (The War Crimes of Saddam Hussein). The Marsh Arabs were made homeless when Saddam began having Iraq’s marshlands intentionally and ruthlessly drained by 30 dams after the 1991 Gulf War, causing the marshes to dry up and practically decimating the way of life of thousands of marsh Arabs that has existed for at least 5,000 years (Hassig and al-Adely 46). Iraq’s marshlands now make up less than 770 square miles of Iraq, when they once had an area 7,700 square miles, meaning that 95% of Iraq’s marshes have been destroyed (Hassig and al-Adely 46). Also, the number of marsh Arabs has decreased from 250,000 to 30,000, but to this day it is unknown how much of the drop is due to migration or starvation, as the lack of food producing marshes means a lack of food (The War Crimes of Saddam Hussein). Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti was a truly vile and despicable man for all of the suffering he inflicted on those he was responsible for as the dictator of Iraq. Saddam repeatedly broke rule after rule of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by subjecting prisoners to â€Å"torture or cruel, inhumane punishment,†as he intentionally did with the many tortures committed in the Abu Ghraib jail in particular, by subjecting others to â€Å"arbitrary arrest, detention or exile,†as he did to those of the town of Dujail that were not among the 182 that he killed. In addition, Hussein violated the UDHR by forcing many an Iraqi to be â€Å"arbitrarily deprived of his property†when he decimated the marshes of the marsh Arabs and destroyed 4,006 villages in the Anfal campaign. Furthermore, he violated the UDHR by depriving Iraqis of their â€Å"right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives,†when the Ba’ath Socialist Party took over Iraq’s government by force. Saddam was responsible for several more violations- not only of human rights, but of basic human morality. Saddam’s term of leadership in Iraq from 1979 to 2003 has been an ugly, dark, bloody stain on Iraq’s history.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Issues Of Concreting In Hot Weather Construction Essay
Issues Of Concreting In Hot Weather Construction Essay It is important to take hot weather into consideration while building concrete projects because of its effects on the fresh and recently placed concrete. As of hot weather, the demand for water alone rises. This leads to rises water-cement ratio, and hence further leading to low potential strength. Also to be noted that higher temperatures gives rise to higher slump loss. Concrete cured at higher temperatures when compared with the concrete cured at ambient temperature, would not be as strong at the end of 28 days. It should be kept in mind that high temperatures, high velocity and low humidity can affect the quality of fresh concrete. The high rate of evaporation introduces early plastic shrinkage or drying shrinkage. Also the evaporation can remove the surface water which is necessary for hydration of the concrete unless proper curing methods are used. Rapid drops in the temperature introduce thermal cracks in the concrete structure. These occur when there are hot days followed by cool nights. High temperatures are largely responsible for cracking in massive concrete structures. Statement of purpose The main purpose for this report is to throw light on the problems arising during concreting in hot weather. And also to enumerate various methods via which the problems can be avoided to yield good throughput and quality for the concrete developed. Concreting in hot weather can produce adverse effects on the quality of concrete and structure of building for which it is to be used. So it is important to take into consideration hot weather when planning concrete projects. As the temperature of the freshly mixed concrete reaches 25 °C which is approximately 77  °F, it has adverse effects on the quality of concrete. Also to be kept in mind, that temperature above 32 °C i.e. 90 °F with lack of protected environment for concrete finishing and placement could lead to difficulty in producing quality concrete required. Among other problems, hot weather conditions can lead to rapid rate of evaporation. Problems and effects of concreting in hot weather From ACI Materials Journal : Impact of Extremely Hot Weather and Mixing Method on Changes in Properties of Ready Mixed Concrete during Delivery by Abdulaziz I. Al-Negheimish and Abdulrahman M. Alhozaimy Figure Nomograph The successful hot weather concretion can be done by assessing the factors which affect the quality and stability of concrete and then planning to minimize their affects. Hydration of concrete can be seen as an exothermic reaction, which means it generates heat and also the reaction rate is faster when the concrete is hot. The main concern we identify here is not the air temperature but the concrete temperature. When concrete settles, it sucks up water, which causes crystallization of particles around the aggregate particles. When the concrete is hot, the reaction rate is faster and hence crystals are formed rapidly, but they dont have time to grow strong. Initial strength might be high but the strength seen after 28 days suffers highly. It is seen that if the concretes temperature is higher by about 18 °C the compressive strength decreases by 10%.The other problem which arises while concreting during hot weathers is surface drying. There occurs more and more drying and surface lin kage if we have hot concrete, sun shining very hot and hot dry winds blowing. Also we should take into consideration the plastic shrinkage cracking caused in the hot weather. If outside temperature is very high i.e. the concrete is colder than the atmospheric temperature, the chances are that the water will be condensing on the surface rather than the surface drying out. There arises a major problem when the air is cooler than concrete. Contractors mainly aim to go for cooler concrete in hot weather. In this case too, hot weather can cause plastic shrinkage cracking, this case occurs then the concrete temperature is high and the humidity is low. In order to know,whether evaporation could pose a problem or not we use nomograph. By knowing air temperature, concrete temperature, wind velocity and relative humidity, we arrive at the rate of evaporation. Accordingly, if the rate is greater than 0.1 pounds per square foot per hour, shrinkage cracking is possible. Hot dry sub grades and frameworks may also lead to cracks by absorbing water from the mix. Heat and concrete are also challenged by thermal differentials. This means that one part of the concrete is warmer while the other part is colder. It is observed that if the differential is greater than somewhere around 20 °F, then cracks are likely to be formed. Effects on the characteristics of the concrete formed Setting time The setting time of the concrete decreases with the increase in the concrete temperature. This in turn gives us very less time to place compact and finish the concrete. Workability and slump Higher temperatures of the concrete reduce the workability of the concrete more rapidly with time. Addition of water to improve workability of the mixture decreases the strength and increases the permeability of the concrete. Compressive Strength High concrete temperature and high water requirement can lead to lower 28 day strength. In case more water is added so as to maintain workability, it leads us to higher water-cement ratio which results in loss of strength and durability. This increases the drying shrinkage of the hardened concrete. In the opposite case, if the water is not added the reduced setting time and lower workability increase the potential inappropriate compaction, this results in formation of cold joints and poor finishing. Concrete temperature From Concrete Journal (2001) Properties of Hot Weather Concrete and Countermeasures at Practice. During hot weather conditions, temperature rise in the concrete may happen due to heat of hydration. The development of thermal gradients may lead to thermal cracking in the concrete slab. Although at higher concrete temperature, the early strength is higher, its long term affects a low strength of the concrete, where as the concrete cured at lower temperature has higher strength. Its can be seen in the laboratory tests that the increased exposure to higher temperature directly affects the strength of the concrete after it has hardened. Poor surface appearance Increased rate of evaporation leads to drying and stiffening of the surface. Among the cases of flatwork, this can lead to premature finishing of the surface, trapping some amount of water within the mix. The compacter layer (from finishing) causes rise in the water to be trapped below the surface and hence deboning of the surface. There may occur colour differences on the surface due to different rates of hydration and cooling. Plastic Shrinkage Cracking From American Concrete Institute: Journal titled Plastic Shrinkage Cracking and Evaporation Formulae by Paul J. Uno. As discussed widely above, hot weather accelerates evaporation and loss in moisture from the surface. Plastic Shrinkage cracking occurs when the shrinkage stress exceeds tensile strength of the concrete. Plastic Shrinkage cracks formed may be quite deep because concrete has little capacity to resist shrinkage stress. Also the cracks continue to widen and form more and more cracks until the stress is relieved. It is also to be noted that a few times the Plastic Shrinkage Cracks reach to the free edges where unrestrained stress can occur. Thermal cracking From American Concrete Institute: Journal titled Retempering of Prolonged-Mixed Concrete with Admixtures in Hot Weather by Dan Ravina. Concrete is exposed to thermal cracking when the concrete is initially placed and the interior of the concrete is exposed to heat rising from the settlement of the concrete and the heat of hydration. Rapid changes in the temperature on the surface of the concrete such as hot days followed by cool night leads to formation of temperature gradient. The warmer interior restrains the colder exterior, which wants to contract. If the differential of the temperature is large then thermal cracking may occur. The insulating effect is more in massive thick concrete, and hence they are more at risk towards the thermal cracking effect. Precautions or Rules to be followed for hot weather concretion From Science Direct : Journal titled Water evaporation from freshly placed concrete surfaces in hot weather by G.S. Hasanain, T.A. Khallaf and K. Mahmood. and From Concrete Journal (2001) Properties of Hot Weather Concrete and Countermeasures at Practice. Precautions should be taken to reduce the effects from high temperature against concreting. Use of water reducing, set retarding mixtures can help cutting the effects of high temperature concreting. In the cases where extreme heat conditions are unavoidable, chilled water or ice can be used as part of mixing water. Other methods such as sprinkling and shading the aggregate before mixing can also help lower the temperature of the concrete. Condition where theres low humidity and high winds, windbreaks and sunscreens or mist fogging can be used to avoid plastic shrinkage cracks in the slabs. Many of the following suggestions can be used depending on the atmospheric conditions and requirement type of the concrete to be formed: Concrete mixture designs can include set retarders, water reducers in order to gain lowest cement factor. Modification in the mixtures as appropriate i.e. changes in the composition percentages of retarders, moderate heat hydration cements, and Pozzolanic mixtures can be done to shield against hot weather concretion. Enough manpower can be employed so that as soon as the concrete is delivered, it is quickly placed, finished and cured. Mixing water and cool aggregates can be added to concrete mixture to reduce its initial temperature. Using a concrete consistency can allow rapid placement and consolidation. Sometimes in extreme conditions, we can adjust the time of concrete placement to take advantage of the time of the day when it is cooler i.e. early morning or night placement. Fogging the area above the concrete placement so as to raise the level of relative humidity can help satisfy the demand for moisture from the air. Rate of evaporation can be monitored using a nemograph which charts temperature, relative humidity and wind velocity. Covering of the placed slabs should be done with the damp sand beds rather than polythene sheets if barrier is required. When forms are removed, curing should be done to the newly exposed surfaces of the concrete. It should be noted that aliphatic alcohols are not a substitute for curing compounds and it is advised to not to used them. Aliphatic alcohols are used for initial screeding and finishing operations. Although aliphatic alcohols are compatible with most of the curing compounds, it is a good practise to check their compatibility in case the two products are purchased from different manufacturers. Another cut down can be done at the addition of water while at job site. Addition of water should only be done at the arrival only to adjust the slump. Later additions should be avoided. In no circumstances should the addition of water exceed 2 or 2.5 gallons per cubic yard. Water should never be added to concrete which is older than 1.5 hours. Finishing should be done as soon as the sheen has left the surface, this should be followed by immediate curing. Curing should be continued for 3 days and covering should be done to prevent evaporation or a liquid curing compound should be used. A very useful idea is to add white pigment to the covering liquid curing compound so that it reflects the heat away from the concrete surface. Moistening of sub grades, forms and reinforcement before it is placed. However it should be noted that standing water in such cases should be avoided. Field test cylinder should be protected by shading and preventing evaporation. Field curing boxes with ice may be used to maintain temperature of 60 °F -80 °F for the cylinders. Minimizing the effects of hot weather conditions Controlling the concrete temperature From Concrete Journal (2001) Properties of Hot Weather Concrete and Countermeasures at Practice. AS 1379 states requirement that temperature of the concrete at the time of delivery should be from 5 to 35 °C. In cases of higher ambient temperature, the supplier needs to take precautions to ensure that the concrete temperature is delivered is within the allowable range. There are a number of methods available to control the temperature of the concrete. This includes adjusting the temperature of the ingredients of the concrete mixture. It should be taken into consideration that since the aggregates constitute the bulk of the concrete and have the highest heat capacity, the effect the temperature of the freshly mixed concrete greatly. But the temperature of the aggregates is the most difficult task to control. The temperature of the cement doesnt affect much in this case as it has low specific heat and relatively small amount in the mixture. Liquid nitrogen can be injected into the concrete while mixing to lower the temperature. The latent thermal energy of the gas cools the mixtu re drastically. Although this process is economical only on major projects involving vast amounts of concrete for construction. Admixtures From Science Direct : Journal titled Water evaporation from freshly placed concrete surfaces in hot weather by G.S. Hasanain, T.A. Khallaf and K. Mahmood. Various types of admixtures can help lower the temperature and also reduce the evaporation from the surface. Water reducers can be used to decrease the amount of water required to bring concrete to a workable condition. Set retarders delay the amount of time required for setting of the concrete and hence increase the strength of the material. Although set retarders should be used with caution as rapid dry of surface is occurring at the same time. This can lead to finishing of the surface while below it is still spongy due to the set retarders. Thos can lead to non-uniformity on the surface. Cement type From Concrete Journal (2001) Properties of Hot Weather Concrete and Countermeasures at Practice. There can also occur additional benefits while choosing the type of cement. For example using slower hydration cements such as type LH with lower heat development rate can give extra time for placing and finishing. This also reduces concrete temperature and risk of thermal cracking upon cooling of the concrete. Cement content From Concrete Journal (2001) Properties of Hot Weather Concrete and Countermeasures at Practice. The temperature increase due to hydration of cement in a given concrete is directly proportional to its cement content. Therefore we should choose cement content depending upon our requirement of strength and durability. Conclusion Since hot weather concreting involves various challenges to be faced by the project supervisor as well as the workers. Proper pre-planning and organisation of the project can lead to good formation of concrete with good durability and strength. Successful placing and finishing producing high quality concrete can be done at 35 °C. A must use of nemograph should be done to monitor the rate of evaporation so that appropriate resources and measure could be taken depending on the rate of evaporation. No doubt Hot weather poses great difficulties for concreting but development of new technologies, techniques and compounds can further reduce the adverse effects.
How Effective is Online Education? :: Effectiveness of Online Classes
Abstract: Recently, there has been a rush to create web-based instructional courses. The approach that is being taken to create web-based courses is to create websites that will function as the central distributors of information and materials. Based on the format and content of the course, the student is to go through lesson by lesson to complete courses. In this paper, I address some of the problems inherent in this approach, especially with respect to 18-22 year-old undergraduate education. Introduction Technology has had a large impact on the field of education. The proliferation of multimedia resources and limitless amounts of information available through the Internet has fundamentally affected the learning process. Students no longer search through cards and stacks for magazine articles; almost everything is at the click of a finger. Multimedia resources are increasingly utilized in the classroom to help instruct students. Some professors are making conscious efforts to use new technology, so as to introduce and familiarize their students with it. The significance of technology in education is now being elevated to a new plateau. Education through the Internet, the great equalizer, may make it more widely distributed through the phenomenon of online courses. It is the thesis of this paper that online courses are not an effective means to educate traditional undergraduate college aged students (people from 18-22 years old). In the undergraduate educational setting, student proficiency and comfort with technology are stressed, but the essential mission of most undergraduate institutions (especially, liberal arts institutions such as Dartmouth) is on the development of the individual. The nurturing and supportive environment of most undergraduate institutions helps students mature and develop. The rave and fad of online undergraduate learning causes students to miss out on too many intangibles of an on-campus education. Our current theory on education hasn’t adequately dealt with the intricacies of a web-based education, and therefore the effectiveness of such is highly questionable. Initiative One of the most essential ingredients to an effective instructional environment is the initiative of the student. For the traditional undergraduate college student, this is one of the areas in which most problems exist [2]. The ‘traditional’ undergraduate college student should be construed as an average male and female between the ages of 18 and 22 who is at a transitional phase in life and learning to deal with independence.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Business Analysis of IBM Essay -- Business Marketing IBM Companies Ess
Business Analysis of IBM 1. History of IBM: IBM is a multinational corporation that started its activities in 1911. But its origins can be traced back to 1890, during the height of the Industrial Revolution. It was first known as the Computing-Recording Company, and then in 1924, it took the name of International Business Machines. Nowadays, this multinational company is known as the  ¡Ã‚ §Big Blue ¡Ã‚ ¨ 2. Mission statement IBM main activity is to find solutions to its wide range of clients using advanced information technology. Its clients are individual users, specialized businesses, and institutions such as government, science, defense, and spatial and educational organizations. To meet and respond to its customers needs, IBM creates, develops and manufactures many of the worlds most advanced technologies, ranging from computer systems and software to networking systems, storage devices and microelectronics. Indeed, IBM has various product lines and services a few of which are: the Personal Computer that was first created in 1981, AS/400 business system, RS/6000 family of workstations and server systems, S/390 enterprise server, groundbreaking ThinkPad notebook computer; the award-winning IBM Netfinity and finally, PC Servers. It is an important supplier of hard disks, random access memories, and liquid crystal monitors. IBM has created the image  ¡Ã‚ §Solutions for a Little World ¡Ã‚ ¨. Its products and components in other firm products are so widespread that people around the world associate the name IBM with computing functions. 3. Organization IBM is a global information system and computing company. It is organized in 5 worldwide regions, and the following business units: 1.     Application Business Systems 2.     Application Solutions 3.     Enterprise Systems 4.     Networking Systems 5.     Pennant Systems Company 6.     Personal Systems 7.     Programming Systems 8.     Storage Products 9.     Technology Products 4. Past and current performance: For many years, IBM succeeded in holding a very good market position. In fact, the company achieved a very high market share and huge profits. However, this situation did not last forever. In 1990, IBM experienced its first quarterly loss of $2billion due to some unexpected accounting charges. However, revenues increased from $62.7 billion in the previous year to $96 billion. In 1991, the c... ...nies in the world were ranked: 1.IBM 2.Fujitsu 3.Hewlett-Packard 4.NEC, 5.Compaq. VI. IBM in Morocco: In 1939, IBM France launched in Morocco the first agency in Africa. Morocco was chosen because it represents an open door to Africa. IBM MAROC employs 85 employees and has almost 500 clients (ministries, banks, insurance companies, Al Akhawayn University, etc..). The main activities of IBM MAROC are to meet all customers' needs, to provide high quality tools, and to create a structure that will guarantee high quality maintenance services. IBM has two important strategies, which are: ïÆ' direct marketing: it means selling directly to the consumer through the mail, by telephone, or door-to-door. By having direct contact with the customer, the company knows what are the needs, the preferences, and then can effectively choose the kind of products it will sell in the Moroccan market. ïÆ' Commercial partnership: IBM has 22 commercial partners that sell its products in many different regions in Morocco. Thus, IBM MAROC is not obliged to create agencies in many cities, rather, its products are sold with other firms' articles, which increases the competition.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
What might cause an appreciation of a floating exchange rate? Essay
What might cause an appreciation of a floating exchange rate? Discuss whether an appreciation of a country's exchange rate will always be beneficial to that country. a) what might cause an appreciation of a floating exchange rate? b) Discuss whether an appreciation of a country's exchange rate will always be beneficial to that country. (15) A free, fluctuating or floating exchange rate means the existence of a free or competitive foreign exchange market where the price of one currency in terms of another is determined by the forces of supply and demand operating without any official interference. ====================================================================== A rise in the price of a currency in terms of another currency is called an appreciation. ================================================================= The following figure shows the equilibrium price of pounds in terms of U.S dollars. Short and long-term movements in the exchange rate, like any price, are caused by changes in market demand and supply conditions. The appreciation of a country's currency will occur due to either an increase in demand or fall in supply of that currency. The demand for sterling (pounds) in the FOREX markets comes from many sources UK goods and services are exported overseas - . if there is an increase in exports this will create an inflow of currency into to the UK which needs to be turned into sterling this will increase demand for the sterling . When US consumers but British Whisky they supply dollars and this is eventually translated into a demand for pounds. This will cause an outward shift in the demand curve for sterling, thus causing the currency to appreciate. Foreign long te... ...viously cause a serious fall in living standards. Exchange rate and inflation: An appreciation of the exchange rate helps to control cost and price inflation in the economy. A fall in import prices means that it is cheaper to import raw materials, components, finished manufactured products leading to an outward shift in Short Run Aggregate Supply shown in diagram - this has a direct impact on the Retail Price Index Tougher for domestic companies to compete with cheaper imports - lower profit margins as businesses have to adjust (less pricing power in their markets) Slower growth of exports (leading to a slowdown in aggregate demand - possibly the emergence of a negative output gap where actual GDP A bigger trade deficit represents a net outflow of demand from the circular flow of income and spending - leading to less demand-pull inflation.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Conformity and Censorship on Society Essay
â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†, by Ray Bradbury, is a story about a society where the government controls the thoughts, and actions of the citizens. Bradbury’s futuristic society has no past and is completely empty. The works and knowledge created in the centuries before, banished and burned. His world contains no beauty, no love, and is completely monitored and controlled by an overbearing and cruel government. Through the depiction of this society, Bradbury comments on the horrific effects of censorship on the souls of human beings. As well as the loss of humanity at the hands of a government that enforces mass conformity. In â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†, all pieces of writing are considered unnecessary and illegal because they supposedly cause unrest in the general public. Similarly, individualism is also discouraged and the mind is meant for mundane and boring acts of repetition and routine. Bradbury’s future world is emotionless and blinded to the fact that the civilization is rapidly progressing toward complete destruction. Bradbury is a skilled storyteller and intricately parallels his fictional world with modern day society. â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†is a carefully constructed warning about the potential future of the world if it continues to misuse censorship, technology, and enforce conformity. The story of â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†was based on the current events in United States during the 1950s. Jack Zipes, in Mass Degradation of Humanity and Massive Contradictions in Bradbury’s Vision of America in â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†, explains â€Å"â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†is discussed in terms of the world’s problems at large when it is essentially bound to the reality of the early 1950s in America, and it is the specificity of the crises endangering the fabric of American society which stamp the narrative concern†(182). The second world war prompted many writers to turn from fantasy fiction to works that dealt with the more serious issues of the time. This was a time when scientists had just discovered and used the atom bomb. For the first time the citizens of the world had to take seriously that idea that with a single technology the entire planet could be destroyed (56). Bradbury’s hatred for such technology can be seen in the novel. Technologies are often described as â€Å"chilling, impersonal gadgets of mechanized anti-culture†(141). In addition, the television was now a common household item used not just for entertainment but also as a means of communicating the daily news. The obsession of mindless entertainment irritated Bradbury, and the citizens of his fictionally world are equally as mindless. As the popularity of the television increased the reading of books decreased. Bradbury, in â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†shows what would happen in a world where literature ceased to exist. The United States was also suffering through misinformed McCarthyism which persecuted supposed communists who wanted to overthrow the government (McGiveron 283). The governmental actions were illegal and unconstitutional and yet they continue to destroy lives with paranoia and power (Zipes 189). Therefore, Bradbury used the forum of a science fiction novel to voice his concerns about the world. He believed that censorship in any form was wrong and the burning of books was really the destruction of knowledge, ideas, and individuality. Bradbury forewarns that if society is to become docile and submissive the government could easily manipulate minds and lives. George Slusser, in Coordinates: Placing Science Fiction and Fantasy, writes â€Å"Although librarians and teachers fought back, the pressure for censorship increased. †(Slusser, Rabkin, and Scholes 104). Oddly enough, â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†has been banned from books shelves and schools since it’s publication. In Bradbury’s futuristic world, the burning of books is normal and the citizens accept this reality without question. People have become mindless, empty beings, at the sole control of their government. Captain Betty reflects â€Å"[Fire’s] real beauty is that it destroys responsibility and consequences. A problem gets too burdensome, then into the furnace with it†(115). He represents the typical citizens in this world that is forced into conformity so long that he is happy to comply. Conformity is seen as the solution to the world’s problems. Keith Booker, in Dystopian Literature: A Theory and Research Guide, observes â€Å"throughout â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†he emphasizes the voluntary participation of the populace in the oppressive policies of the government. â€Å"(89). If there are no differences then there is no conflict, no war, and unfortunately no variety. The unfortunate consequence is that in a world with no pain there can not be happiness. Manipulation through fear is not a fictional concept that Bradbury created. It was real in the 1950s when this novel was published and it is real today (Booker 82) . Just six years ago, the citizens of the United States were manipulated by the government. An act was created in the dark days following the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001. It was created to allow the agencies of law enforcement and intelligence to have more authority in order to prevent any future attacks by terrorists on the United States. Additionally, it made available monitoring tools within the United States to aggressively address the Bush administration’s domestic war on terrorism. The draft title of the act was â€Å"Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001†. However, today it is better known as the USA Patriot Act. The Patriot Act was responsible for drastic changes in over 15 important government and constitutional statues. All which lead to the increased ability of the government and law enforcement to secretly monitor, conduct surveillance, and investigate anyone at anytime. The fictional world of Bradbury and out modern society reacted in the same way to violence – handing over our freedoms for a bit of pseudo-safety. The use of propaganda is also used by the government to control it’s citizens. Eric Rabkin, in No Place Else: Explorations in Utopian and Dystopian Fiction, asserts â€Å"The mass of humanity is subjected to the labor process for the purposes of those who control it rather than for any general purposes of ‘humanity’ as such†(123). The incident in the subway is an excellent example of this control. There is a commercial on the subway speaker system for ‘Denham’s Dentrifice’ and as it plays, everyone one the subway is reciting the commercial from memory and the â€Å"words was recreated on the passengers’ lips†(78-80). Censorship is central theme in â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†. Censorship leads to the hiding of the truth. Symbolic of this censorship is the flamethrower which is used to burn books and the houses that contain them ( Slusser, Rabkin, and Scholes 105). It is a way in which the government great rid of individuality and what is considered â€Å"dangerous thought. †The flamethrowers are used by the firemen who are mindless government agents who destroy people’s most valuable possessions each and everyday. It is a weapon of fear used to control individuals in this society. It is this type of technology that Bradbury is most afraid of. He describes their power by explaining â€Å"With the brass nozzle in [Montag’s] fists, with this great python spitting its venomous kerosene upon the world, the blood pounded in his head, and his hands were the hands of some amazing conductor playing all the symphonies of blazing and burning to bring down the tatters and charcoal ruins of history. †(3). Bradbury is quick to mention that the knowledge and literature that took centuries to acquire can easily be destroyed by technology in minutes (Rabkin 127). While Bradbury might have been commenting on the use of the television which seemed to dumb down the intellectual capacity of Americans, his warning is just as useful in the 21st century. The pervasive use and misuse of the Internet has created a new non-tangible world which allows users to communicate but not connect. The Internet has contributed to the lack of individual and unique thought in literature, art, and music. The World Wide Web is also place of anonymity where individuals can hide behind user names, partake in unethical acts, and accept no responsibility for their actions. Rafeeq McGiveron, in â€Å"To Build a Mirror Factory: the Mirror and Self-Examination in Ray Bradbury’s â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†,†explains â€Å"in â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†Ray Bradbury creates an unthinking society so compulsively hedonistic that it must be atom-bombed flat before it ever can be rebuilt. â€Å"(282) . In â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†, Ray Bradbury, warns the general public to the importance of uniqueness and individuality. He urges the audience to fight the government ideals of censorship and forced societal conformity. He asked readers to reflect on their own societies and make changes before it is too late. In Bradbury society written language is forbidden and forgotten about. Citizens are no longer able to think for themselves and holds only the views of the government. Citizens are controlled by fear and degradation of their humanity producing shelled human beings who have no purpose. This story of destruction and hope was created to mirror out own society and to warns modern citizens that human rights need to be fought for, held on too, and cherished. In a time of the rampant evolution of technology we must be vigilant in holding and expressing out rights to be human. If not, out fate is that of the Bradbury’s society, succumbs into to the advancements in technology and being wiped from existence. Works Cited Booker, M. Keith. Dystopian Literature: A Theory and Research Guide. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994. Bradbury, Ray. â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†. New York: The Ballentine Publishing Group, 1953. McGiveron, Rafeeq O. â€Å"To Build a Mirror Factory: the Mirror and Self-Examination in Ray Bradbury’s â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†. †Critique 39. 3 (1998): 282-287. Questia. 28 Nov. 2007 . Rabkin, Eric S. , Martin H. Greenberg, and Joseph D. Olander, eds. No Place Else: Explorations in Utopian and Dystopian Fiction. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1983. Slusser, George E., Eric S. Rabkin, and Robert Scholes, eds. Coordinates: Placing Science Fiction and Fantasy. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1983. Zipes, Jack. â€Å"11 Mass Degradation of Humanity and Massive Contradictions in Bradbury’s Vision of America in â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†. †No Place Else: Explorations in Utopian and Dystopian Fiction. Ed. Eric S. Rabkin, Martin H. Greenberg, and Joseph D. Olander. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1983. 182-198. .
Monday, September 16, 2019
Gothic Cathedral Essay
Gothic architecture was developed from a Christian perspective, and therefore attained its most meaningful expression in churches. Clerics began to demand taller churches with more windows than had been present in the dark, but sturdy Romanesque churches. This desire was derived from new intellectual and spiritual concepts that took a more rational view of God, and saw God encompassed many things, such as light, reason and proportion. The Gothic church displayed a visual attempt to leave behind the mysterious world of the Romanesque, and create a setting that was drawn toward light and purity that could be an image of heaven. The middle class also had a great influence on the Gothic style as they desired churches that could reflect their economic power and social status. The most magnificent characteristics of Gothic style were the use of light and relationship between structure and appearance. Other defining characteristics were that the massive thickness of the walls from Romanesque architecture were replaced with membrane-thin frameworks used for enclosure which could support nothing but their own weight. Ribbed vaults were used to allow lighter materials to be placed between stone ribs, thus reducing weight. The weight of the walls and roof were no longer supported by columns, but by external flying buttresses. They also used pointed arches and slender columns to lift the ceiling, which created an overwhelming height. Wall paintings, which had been common in the Romanesque, were now replaced with beautiful and enormous stained glass windows that allowed more light into the structures, imbuing all with a sense of warmth and color. Chartres Cathedral-Interior Chartres Cathedral–Interior The cathedral at Chartres was built during the Gothic period, and it showed an ideal of harmony within its structure and contents. Work on the cathedral started in 1194, and was mostly completed in 1220. It emphasizes strong vertical lines in its structure. The stained glass windows that are used in this cathedral, (it has 176), are recognized as the finest example from the gothic style. Today, 94% of the stained glass is original, and it is the largest, most extensive collection of medieval glass in the world. Rose windows were used. The primary subject of the great roses is the Virgin and the Child. The rose windows created wholeness and completeness. Indeed, it has a special relationship to the Virgin Mary in that it portrayed more realistic and humane qualities of the Virgin Mary. The cathedral reflects the strong influence that God held over the people at that time. It shows an expression of piety and local identity to those that were proud to live in the vicinity of the cathedral itself. It enhanced civic pride, and was the focus of the town itself.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Human Nature and Power Essay
During the Renaissance, many brilliant philosophers have explored the concept of human nature. The question, what motivates humanity has been taken into consideration in the composure of virtually every society. By establishing that premise, many went on to create an ideal society with the intention of developing that thought. Niccolo Machiavelli and Thomas More are outstanding representatives among them. In both More’s Utopia and Machiavelli’s The Prince, perfect societies are constructed. However, More and Machiavelli have different opinions about the human nature in relation to the role of power and authority. Thomas More optimistically describes human nature. He depicts that man by nature is good-willed and conforming. He believes that human nature can be improved. Therefore, if the governing power is to be removed then man would be a less hostile force. Niccolo Machiavelli, on the other hand, describes human nature negatively. Man is untrustworthy, ungrateful, greedy and lying. Machiavelli suggests that man will never change and that one will always attempt to overcome the other. Power and authority is implied in the very essence of Machiavelli’s work. It is tied in with the greed and selfishness. More believed human nature to be good, created by God, and susceptible to great improvement if social, political, and economic conditions were reformed so that human misery were eliminated and that fundamental human virtue were thereby liberated and nurtured. More believed in socialism insofar as it would eliminate private property, which he saw as the root of evil. He believed that when private property exists, and when money dominates all other considerations, then â€Å"it is hardly ever possible for a commonwealth to be governed justly or happily. †More believes that justice simply cannot exist when the â€Å"worst citizens†own the â€Å"best things,†or â€Å"where property is limited to a few. †In such a situation, those who have so much are â€Å"always uneasy,†fearing they will have it taken, and those who have so little â€Å"are utterly wretched†(More 38). Where there is no justice, people will believe that there is no reward for virtue, which will result in people behaving according to their lowest standards, rather than according to their highest. In Utopia, Thomas More’ view of human nature is far more positive than negative. While he certainly shows an awareness of the flaws in human beings, he attributes those flaws more to the environment, and political and socioeconomic factors, than to the nature of humanity. In other words, More shows that human nature can be altered by altering the environment. If the environment is improved, meaning socially, politically and economically, then the behavior of human beings will be improved, bringing out the best in human nature. So in More’s view, if the governing power and authority is to be removed then man would be a less hostile force. Machiavelli expresses his view of the basic lack of goodness in human nature. He believes that in general, most people have a primary interest in themselves, and are motivated by their financial greed. Men are mainly concerned with their property and honor. â€Å"When neither their property nor their honor is touched, the majority of men live content†¦ †If he â€Å"wishes to profess goodness at all times†he â€Å"must fall to ruin among so many who are not good. †If he wishes to maintain his power, he must â€Å"learn how not to be good, and to use it or not according to necessity†(Machiavelli 127). Machiavelli, envisions society as one that turns to power and satisfaction of vices as seen through The Prince. Machiavelli advises that to keep power one must learn to be corrupt. This advice is given due to the idea that one who knows not corruption and believes in honesty is faced with those who use manipulation as part of the job. Machiavelli also sees pursuing virtue as an act that leads to ruin, while serving vice will fortify life. Human nature is one that tends to be drawn to pleasant, satisfactory things. If there is no benefit to the self for actions performed, motivation to perform such actions will be low or nonexistent. As seen throughout history, many actions have been taken in order for people to gain power, even if that action is genocide. Men are willing to step over men in order to have power and make an enjoyable life for hisself. Such occurrences can be seen multiple times, being unprompted and completely by choice of the power hungry. According to the different point of view of human nature from More and Machiavelli above, we can understand how More and Machiavelli view power and the role of power and authority. In the Prince, the authority is in either monarchy or dictatorship. Machiavelli focuses on the manipulation of the people to maintain power. The importance lies in the fact that in a monarchy or dictatorship, one person has the power in a society and all the rest serve only to obey him. Starkly different is More’s creation. His society is a true communist one and it could also beargued that it is also a democracy. Leaders are elected by the people, who make their owndecisions freely. Nothing, not even power, is owned in that society by an individual. The power is distributed, thus empowerment. The capitalism of Machiavelli’s world, the idea strongly ties in with this contrast. it was written for the use of one man to dominate over and control his kingdom, it was obviously not meant for lesser mortals. It in itself is a tool of power which could be used for only the good of the prince who uses it. Whether or not the people are empowered does not matter, it is irrelevant. It only matters that theprince uses it to maintain his own power. In contrast, Utopia is a fantasy written by More tosuggest an alternative way of life for the people. He focuses very little on the doings of the princein his ideal society; what matters in Utopia is the actions of the people. One might even say thatthe people are empowered, but the ideals that truly run the society, are empowered. More’s truefocus does not even lie in power, but in the seeking of ideals. The Utopian society highlights the unwritten laws of morality that humans possess if they are raised in a society that promotes honesty and virtue. However, Machiavelli argues that men are evil and inherent selfishness, no matter how pleasant a society raises them. People’s natural tendency to lie, cheat, and steal swells up without any restrictions, destroying not only their own community but also their government. It is implied that the treatment of criminals is harsh and strict. In Utopia, More describes how this ideal society punishes its’ criminals and it is obvious that they are mild and gentle. Since vice is not only destroyed, and men preserved, but they are treated in such a manner as to make them see the necessity of being honest (Utopia, 14). Although More and Machiavelli’s opinions differ greatly in their view of human nature, both works are unbelievably intriguing in that each of the societies would leave an incredible mark in history. The visual given through More’s Utopia portrays society an optimist’s view. More believes that when given all equal opportunities and provisions, people will lead a virtuous, unselfish life. People will work for the benefit of other people in order to create an equal and pleasant society. People only turn to corruption when faced with shortages or vanity in believing some deserve more than others. So in More’s Utopian world, the governing authority is removed and the power is distributed. However, in the Prince, People’s natural tendency to lie, cheat, and steal swells up without any restrictions, power and authority is implied in the very essence of Machiavelli’s work. It is tied in with the greed and selfishness. So Machiavelli focuses on the manipulation of the people to maintain power.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Cultures of the new world Essay
When the New World was discovered, Native American peoples had spread throughout North and South America. Often they were hunter/gatherers, but they had established various civilizations. The Europeans considered themselves far superior to these natives, and European arrival invariably led to native peoples being subjected to European rule. The Europeans brought superior weapons such as fire-arms, and diseases, which took an appalling toll on native peoples. Native peoples were often unable to assimilate themselves to European culture, and fell into ongoing conflict with the Europeans, resulting in the decimation of native tribes or their relegation to lands beyond a widening sphere of European control. Native Americans’ most lasting contributions were two food crops that reshaped of European farming: corn and potatoes. At the time they settled the New World, Europeans were feeling the effects of the Renaissance and the Reformation. Spain had emerged from centuries of division to become a united country. Portugal was trying to emerge as a sea power and a mercantile power, taking advantage of the slave trade. England was breaking free of continental control and experiencing the remarkable flowering of the Tudor-Stuart period. Open realizing the vast extent of the New World, the Europeans rushed to establish colonial settlements. These colonies reflected the cultures from which they were sent. The Portugese colonies in Brazil were marked by the depredations of slavery. Spanish colonies reveled in the wealth they found in many parts of the New World. English colonists carried their traditions of self-government and sturdy habits to their new colonies. The result has been the Europeanization of the New World. From Mexico south, the region is Latin America, reflecting the pervasive influence of Spanish and Portugese control throughout central and South America. The United States and Canada remain more English in their orientation, and America has become the ultimate cultural imperialists. Although the Europeans discovered the New World while trying to reach Asia, Asia remained largely unaffected by the discovery and settlement of the New World. The Chinese had apparently sailed to the Americas several centuries earlier, but had found nothing that they felt warranted continued contact. The Japanese were about to enter their two-centuries-long isolation. The various peoples of southeast Asia, whose spices had been one of the key goals of the Europeans, remained oblivious to what went on in the New World. It would be the mid-nineteenth century before large scale emigration to the Americas would increase contact, and this would be followed by American laws excluding Asians. Because of the very limited contact that the Asians had with the Americas during the period of European exploration and settlement, Asia had very little direct influence on the Americas. Its indirect influence shows in the fact that the native Americans were called as Columbus dubbed them, Indians. At the time Europeans were settling the New World, sub-Saharan Africa was divided into various kingdoms. Wars among these were common, as was the practice of seizing enemy tribal peoples and selling them as slavery. As Europeans found that Native Americans did not survive well in slavery, they quickly found advantages to importing slaves from Africa, and a flourishing trade in humans began which would last until the nineteenth century. Slaves in America often worked long hours under conditions in which death was commonplace, prompting a need for the continual importation of more slaves. The result of this importation has been the profound legacy of racism that continues to wrack communities from the United States throughout Latin America. SOURCE: â€Å"The Age of Exploration. †(Undated). HistoryTeacher. net. Retrieved January 31, 2007, from . Internet.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Type 2 diabetes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Type 2 diabetes - Essay Example If this process does not occur, then the blood sugar rises beyond the desired amount, which is 160 mg/dl on the upper limit (Macleod, 2007). Until recently, type II diabetes was considered to be a disease for the adults but current trends have shown that even children are at the risk of acquiring it thanks to poor lifestyles, which have culminated into numerous cases of childhood obesity. This paper will discuss type II diabetes, its causes and effects as well as its prevalence rate among other related issues. Type II Diabetes Type II diabetes is considered to be the most prevalent among the various types of diabetes that we have such as type 1 and gestational diabetes. This is due to the fact out of the approximated figure of 220 million people suffering from diabetes worldwide, 90% are said to be suffering from this type II diabetes (Zimmet, 2009). It is sad to note that a lot of people continue to lose their lives as a result of diabetes, which, according to health experts, is a d isease that is mostly reliant on our lifestyle and therefore is preventable. It is estimated that in the year 2004, 3.4 million patients lost their lives and to make matters worse, statistics indicate that the rate of deaths will have doubled in the period between 2005 and 2030. Currently, it is estimated that 285 million i.e. ... For example, India is believed to have the highest number of diabetic cases with approximately 51 million patients, followed by China with more than 43 million patients (Takrouri, 2007). This can be attributed to poverty, which makes it difficult for people to access medical services in terms of regular checkups so as to perform early diagnoses. Most people in these regions will find it necessary to visit a doctor when the condition has already become chronic and therefore more difficult to treat. This is made worse by the fact that type II diabetes is not easily detectable as it is considered as not having obvious symptoms in its early stages, which makes it almost impossible for someone to suspect that he or she is suffering from the disease. In fact, research indicates that a person can live with the disease for as long as 10 years or more without knowing (Chase, 2002). There are various symptoms which when observed, a person should take the step of consulting a doctor so as to co nfirm whether he or she is ill or not. These are for example frequent urination also known as polyuria, fatigue, increased hunger and thirst as well as unintended weight loss. Polyuria in this context results from high concentration of glucose in the blood, which triggers the flow of water from the cells through osmosis and into the bloodstream, in an effort to create a point of equilibrium (Elaine, 2007). Consequently, the water in the bloodstream increases and as a result, the kidney is forced to react by ejecting it out as urine and the cycle continues. By so doing, it means that a lot of water is discharged from the body unnecessarily and therefore, the patient becomes increasingly
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Any engineering ethical issue. i prefer Bp oil spill if possible Essay
Any engineering ethical issue. i prefer Bp oil spill if possible - Essay Example By October 2010, it had reached the West Bay in Texas and started to have underwater oil plumes as well (Gillis 2010). The ethical efforts used to prevent offshore oil spill included in remotely operating underwater vehicles so that a closure could be found for the blowout preventer valves with regards to the well head (Whitney 2010). It was on 20th September that BP was effectively able to bring an end to the oil spill carnage after it had erupted on 20th April due to an explosion. The strategies used to contain the oil spill comprised of holding it back on the surface so that minimum damage was done (Borenstein 2010). The endeavors of BP after this explosion included in the fact that it did everything in its might to take care of the problems as it maintained daily response efforts on its website. This spill is indeed one of the worst environmental disasters of the time and more specifically which US has faced. The ethical role of BP is something that one should delve into deeply a s it shook the world like nothing else in the past. Works Cited Borenstein, Seth. "Major study charts long-lasting oil plume in Gulf". Associated Press, 2010 Gillis, Justin. "Gulf Surface Oil Vanishing Quickly". The New York Times, 2010 Kerr, Richard. "A Lot of Oil on the Loose, Not So Much to Be Found". Science 329: 734, 2010 Whitney, Michael. Two Workers Dead in BP Oil Disaster Recovery Effort, 2010
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Human behavior in orgzations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Human behavior in orgzations - Essay Example It is, because organizational behavior has a direct influence on productivity that is the chief managerial concern. Defining organization behavior Robbins (p.11) states, â€Å"OB is concerned with the study of what people do in an organization and how their behavior affects the organization’s performance.†OB is a very vast concept that may include the study of simple disciplinary matters of employees, interactions, reactions, employment of power and skills, turnover, leadership, performance, communications, actions and perceptions etc. hence there is no consensus on the definition of OB among researchers and scholars. Minor (2006, p. 40) observes, â€Å"Although it does seem that consensus is at a rather low level overall within organizational behavior, there are subfields and sectors where this is not the case.†However, Ostrof, Kinicki & Tamkins (cited in Kinicki, p.41) have presented a more comprehensive and objective definition of the concept, â€Å"Organizational culture is the set of shared, taken-for-granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its various environments.†The increasing need to understand and react according to the demands of organizational behavior has exposed managers to tough challenges of interpersonal skills and expertise. Today, the effectiveness and success of a manager is heavily associated with his knowledge and commitment to the OB. Studies have shown that managers with better communication and networking skills are effective and successful. Managers need to administer human resource extensively and keeping in touch with lower level employees and higher-level managers simultaneously has become inevitably important to achieve managerial objectives for the organization. Horizontal and vertical communication with individuals and groups can help to bridge gaps and evade
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