Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The Prince Essays (1048 words) - Social Psychology, Machiavellianism
The Prince The Prince Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince examines the nature of power and his views of power are still somewhat in existence today. I'll discuss this in this essay, emphasizing the following theses. Machiavelli discusses power over the people, dictatorial power, and power with people, shared power. While it is possible for power with to attain greater prevalence in society, it will not completely eliminate power over. In The Prince, Machiavelli discusses two distinct groups of people, the political elite, including nobles and other princes, and the general public. Today in the United States, the first group, the political elite, includes political leaders, religious leaders, business leaders and the leaders of strong lobbying groups. The composition of the general public has changed little from Machiavelli's time. Machiavelli concentrates on relations between the prince and the political elite. He claims that ambition and dictatorial power drive most nobles and princes. A prince must act with dictatorial power in order to maintain his position. Machiavelli assumes that shared power will not be effective with nobles, since whether men bear affection depends on themselves, but whether they are afraid will depend on what the ruler does (Machiavelli, p.60-61). Since the nobles are unforgiving and greedy it would be dangerous if not downright suicidal for a prince to rely on their good will. Equally important, Machiavelli states that a prince, a political leader, has different concerns than the general public. For a prince personal actions, which would be considered immoral or unvirtuous, may save lives or help the prince's country. In this way a prince is not immoral, but instead acts with a morality different in nature from the general public. Machiavelli gives several examples of this. Miserliness is considered a fault. Yet, a miserly prince will come to be considered more generous when it is realized that his revenues are sufficient to defend himself against enemies that attack him, and to undertake campaigns without imposing special taxes on the people (p.56). Likewise, starting a war is considered an immoral act by many. Yet, a prince should not allow troubles to develop in order to avoid fighting a war for wars can not really be avoided, but are merely postponed to the advantage of others (p.11). Avoiding war may cause more suffering among the people than starting war. For example, many believe that World War II could have been avoided, saving tens of millions of lives, had England and France not pursued a policy of appeasement towards the Germans. While Machiavelli emphasizes power over in relations between the political elite, he discusses a different kind of power in the relations between a prince and the general public. Machiavelli notes that a prince can share power with the people, since a prince can trust the people much more than he can trust the nobles. Nobles can not be satisfied if a ruler acts honorably but the people can be thus satisfies, because their aims are more honorable than those of the nobles are: for the latter only want to oppress and the former only want to avoid being oppressed (p.35). The people are not unforgiving and greedy so the prince can place more trust in the people. Since the public can be trusted, the prince can empower the people. An empowered public will protect the ruler rather than overthrow him. Machiavelli suggests providing people with power in terms of arms, since when you arm them, these weapons become your own (p. 72). In this way power is an increasing resource, sharing power with the people can result in greater power for the people and for the prince. Finally Machiavelli notes that inherent power of the public, which exists despite the dictatorial power that any prince exercises. When discussing fortresses, he states that the best fortress a ruler can have is not to be hated by the people, for if you possess fortresses and the people hate you, having fortresses will not save you (p.75). Machiavelli does not disregard shared power as a potentially successful way to govern, but only notes that dictatorial power can not be used exclusively in governing. Even in relations with the general public, which can include shared power, the prince can not act in ways that might
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Majoring in Finance in College or Business School
Majoring in Finance in College or Business School Why Major in Finance? Majoring in finance is a good option for students who want to have numerous job opportunities after graduation. Finance is the management of money, and since nearly every business seeks to make money, you could say that finance is the backbone of any business. The annual PayScale College Salary Report often ranks finance as one of the most lucrative majors, particularly at the MBA level. Educational Requirements for the Finance Field Some entry-level positions, such as bank teller at a small bank, may only require a high school diploma or the equivalent, but most jobs in the finance field will require you to hold a finance degree. An associate degree is the minimum requirement, but a bachelors degree is more common. If you would prefer to work in a more advanced positions, such as management positions, a specialized masters degree or MBA degree will help you achieve that goal. These graduate-level programs allow you to delve deeply into the topic of finance and acquire advanced experience in the finance field. The highest degree that finance majors can earn is a doctorate degree. This degree is best suited for individuals who want to work in research or education at the postsecondary level. Programs for Finance Majors Almost every business school, as well as many colleges and universities, offer finance programs. If you have a career path mapped out, your best bet will be to search out finance programs that churn out the type of graduates your desired employers look for. You may also want to compare some of the different finance programs that are out there. For example, you could earn a general finance degree or a finances of finance-related degrees include: Accounting Degree - Accounting is the study of financial reporting and analysis. Actuarial Science Degree - Actuarial science is the study of how math and science can be applied to risk assessment.Economics Degree - Economics is the study of production, consumption, and wealth distribution. Risk Management Degree - Risk management is the study of risk identification, assessment, and management.Taxation Degree - Taxation is the study of tax assessment and preparation. Coursework for Finance Majors Business majors who specialize in finance will study many different things over the course of their academic career. Exact courses will depend on the school and the students area of focus as well as the level of study. For example, a general finance program at the graduate level will touch on many different finance-related topics, while an accounting program at the undergraduate level will focus more heavily on accounting. Most finance programs are designed to develop and improve critical thinking and problem solving skills. Some of the courses that nearly all finance students take at some point in a degree program include: Mathematics - Basic math and more advanced math.Statistical Analysis - Statistics, probability, and data analysis.Financial Regulation - Finance regulation at the local, state, federal, and international level.Valuation - Evaluation and appraisal of worth.Risk and Return - Trade-off in investment decisions.Ethics - Principles that should guide and govern behavior in the finance sector. Careers in Finance After graduating from a quality finance program, business majors should be able to secure at least entry-level employment with banks, brokerage firms, insurance companies, corporations, and a variety of other organizations. Possible job titles include: BankerFinance OfficerFinancial AdvisorFinancial AnalystFinancial ControllerFinancial PlannerInsurance Underwriter
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Discussion 4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Discussion 4 - Assignment Example For the second idea, Cose gives the fact of the passing of the McCarran-Walter Act in 1952 which removed racial restrictions in U.S. citizenship and its connection to the blurred definition of whiteness (113). How article supports its side of the issue: The article supports its side by using anecdotal experience and personal analysis of the present vagueness and purposes of America’s White Identity and by offering historical examples and law that assert the difficulty of defining and defending whiteness. Holes in arguments: Cose fails to acknowledge and to respond to counter arguments, specifically that immigration trends do have biased racial and ethnic beliefs and practices that challenge America’s White Identity. Good counterarguments: A good counterargument is: 1) Immigration trends do challenge America’s White Identity because of intermarriage and 2) Immigration dilutes whiteness boundaries through diversity in public institutions. Examples of bias, propaganda: Cose fails to analyze the underlying racism and ethnocentricism that come with the formation and protection of America’s White Identity, which can either be seen as a bias for non-whiteness or simply a propaganda to disregard racism in immigration. I agree that immigration patterns challenge America’s white identity because of intermarriage that reduces white homogeneity, and because immigration improves diversity in American society, which reduces the relevance of defining and promoting a white American identity. First, intermarriage across racial and ethnic groups makes it harder to define what is white. By category, a white second-generation American with a dark Hindu mother and a white Latino father, for instance, is white and not white, depending on how he explains his identity. Intermarriage blurs the concept of whiteness in American identity. Second, immigration improves diversity in American society which makes whiteness
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Need an Abstract only(Urgent) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Need an Abstract only(Urgent) - Essay Example Specifically, we sought to inquire about the number of top quality artists that they ever signed or produced songs for, the financial benefits and rewards that they have in terms of turnover in the last fiscal year. Similarly, we sought to inquire if there were any losses or any other unexpected financial loss that they firm or company incurred during the lifecycle of the label existence. In order to arrive at our inferences and conclusion, we did online interviews and face to face interviews. We sent them structured questions through their websites with the aim of getting answers or responses in line of the areas of our research interest. It is important to note and record that they were candid and honest with us to answer and respond to our questions to the level best of their knowledge. Similarly, we paid them a courtesy call and visited them in person at their production house. The physical visit was aimed at getting the feel of the physical infrastructure, the music production equipment, the talent present in terms of the technical production and the artists and the general mood of the management of streamsoundrecords in terms of their vision and mission for the company and its growth. During the interview process both online and physical, we arrived at the indisputable truth and fact on what makes the streamsoundrecords to prosper and grow with each passing day. To begin with, they have the best producer in the business, Byron Gallimore, who has produced amazing hits for the last forty years. His skills, talents, experience and expertise has been of good value and worth for the growth and success of the streamsoundrecords label. Secondly, the label only signs artists who have shown a higher pedigree of talent and quality for country music. This is to say that they attract talent which they can fine tune to produce good music relevant in the market for consumption. Our hypothetical stance was
Sunday, November 17, 2019
ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) Service Desk Essay
ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) Service Desk - Essay Example They have, thus, transformed from having an IT centric focus to business service focus (that is organizations now adopt service oriented approach to managing IT services rather than the technology oriented approach) and this fact has affected the business entirely. (Knapp, 2010, p. 14). Furthermore, organizations have started to value the service desk and work on its expansion as it has given great boost and support to their business services and increased customer satisfaction tremendously. Brief Introduction of ITIL and Service Desk ITIL is among the many standards that provide best practices and frameworks to business professionals and organizations on how to manage, optimize and improve the quality of their business services through the management of IT services. However; such attempts have been made previously before ITIL came into being. So what is the difference between ITIL and other concepts before it? ITIL differs from other concepts because it contains all of the Service M anagement best practices along with the best practices related to the management of IT services for the betterment of business functions. ... (Grande-Bretagne, 2004, p. 3). ITIL was first produced in 1980. At that time, it had ten books which were on two main topics: Service Support (which is a user oriented point of interface) and Service Delivery (which is a customer oriented point of interface) . Five of the books targeted the former topic and the other five targeted the latter. The ITIL guidelines progressed and version 3.0 was published in 2007 that consists of five books which include Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operation and Service Improvement. All these five books discuss a total of twenty processes that can help to implement and manage IT services effectively. Also the functions that carry out these processes are discussed. In the Service Operation book, one of the functions discussed is the Service Desk function. The Service Desk function is a business function that involves all the ten processes that come under the Service Support and Service Delivery and thus it provides a sin gle point of contact from customers to the information technology. (Knapp, 2010, p. 129). Furthermore, all service requests, incident reporting, problems and changing of requests by customers/users of a business organization go through the service desk of the organization as it is the interface through which a user can connect to the IT Department of the organization. The service desk function in an organization binds the users with the service providers (IT department professionals) and through this function the service providers are able to perform the end users informed of service action and events that may affect their daily transactions and any other IT related issue. Hence, it becomes a single point of communication which helps in
Friday, November 15, 2019
Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis Case Studies
Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis Case Studies The main aim of this essay is to understand different aspects of medical conditions ranging from pathophysiology, symptoms, risk factors, and the management of two case studies. The first case study deals with osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. The second case deals with peptic ulcers and gastric esophageal reflux disease. To address both patients’ medical condition, knowing the condition’s pathophysiology is quintessential. Osteoarthritis is a disease of the joints, which affects the slippery tissue called cartilage which covers the joints (Kapoor, Martel-Pelletier, Lajeunesse, Pelletier Fahmi, 2010). The cartilage in healthy individuals ensures smooth sliding of bones over each other and better shock absorbance. In osteoarthritic patients, wearing of the top layer of cartilage leads to rubbing of bones against one another (Swift, 2012). This causes inflammation of the joint evident from swelling, pain and limited joint activity as time progresses (Kapoor et al, 2010). Excessive rubbing leads to gradual decrease in bone mass with loss in shape, bone spurs growing at edges of joints and a more painful condition manifested by floating of broken bones at joints in joint spaces (Swift, 2012). Osteoporosis on the other hand is marked by an imbalance between bone resorption and bone formation causing loss of skeletal mass (Huether McCance, 2012). In the normal physiological condition, bone resorption and formation are always in balance, thus maintaining the bone strength and mass. Any disorder in these two processes such as increased resorption or decreased formation can lead to osteoporosis (Huether McCance, 2012). In the above case Claire reported a fall and trauma which is a common symptom in an osteoporosis case. The common modifiable risk factors associated with osteoporosis are vitamin D and calcium deficiency (Wickham, 2011). Similarly cola, alcohol intake and smoking are three modifiable factors which can increase the chances or severity of the disease. Excessive alcohol or cola drinks intake leads to secondary osteoporosis by affecting bone formation, absorption of calcium and vitamin D, and disorder in calcium regulating hormone (Metcalfe, 2008). Estrogen deficiency can lead to post menopause condition where bone resorption is faster than bone formation (Marini Brandi, 2010). Lack of physical activity can make Claire prone to osteoporosis (Metcalfe, 2008). Along with the above mentioned modifiable factors there are certain non-modifiable factors on which the control is less. Aging is the first factor which can lead to such disease (Barreiro, Acosta, Marquez, Rodriguez, Arriaga, 2013). In ageing, the supply of osteoblasts decreases against the demand of the body. Similarly genetic predisposition and epigenetic are non-modifiable factors, the mother’s health status during pregnancy, child birth weight and weight at 1 year are predictive of bone mass till 70 years in female (Marini Brandi, 2010). The bone diseases like rheumatoid arthritis can also leads to osteoporosis (Huether McCance, 2012). Experiencing pain may be the first factor Claire experiences with her osteoarthritis (Swift, 2012). The drying of synovial fluid leads to stiffness of joints which may have been felt by Claire in her hip and knee joints (Swift, 2012). The constant presence of stiffness may lead to muscle weakness in that area. The weakening of muscles, drying of fluid, and inflammation combined effect may restrict her movements such as bending, flexing and extending of joints (Goldring Otero, 2011). Osteoporosis often goes unnoticed until a fracture occurs (Brown, 2009). Claire was diagnosed with osteoporosis thus she may have experienced certain clinical manifestations which are common in osteoporosis. Since Claire has sustained fractures in her left colle’s and right tibia/fibula she may experience acute pain during movement of her hands and legs (Brown, 2009). The fractures she received due to osteoporosis may limit her movement and affect the weight bearing capacity of her legs (Brown, 2009). With constant loss of bone at area of fractures, Claire may find it hard to stand erect and may stand in a stoop posture. Loss of height may occur due to increased bone loss (Brown, 2009). Post-operative nursing management of Claire involves a number of interventions to address the issues faced by Claire. In osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, the most common symptom experienced by patient is pain (Swift, 2012). Thus, the nurse’s interventions must be to reduce the pain, by doing a pain assessment through a recommended scale. The pain must be measured for areas affected, severity and Claire’s reporting of pain. The PRN medications must be administered to Claire as per prescription and timing must be noted for each medication and dose (Colon, 2012). The nurse should take care of any of Claire’s wounds through proper wound management interventions, in order to prevent inflammation and infection (Brown, 2009). Possibilities, of the fracture would mean Claire may stay in bed for a prolonged period, thus chances of having pressure ulcer increases. The same would apply for deep vein thrombosis which nurses can prevent by applying TED stockings (Brown, 2009) . Nurses must change her position every 2 hours and a pillow can be provided at pressure areas to Claire. Nutrients, fluid and diet management should be prepared with consultation with a dietician or a nutritionist (Brown, 2009). Physiotherapist interventions are required to assist her with walking and simultaneously the neurovascular assessment must be assessed by nurses to prevent neurovascular degeneration (colon, 2012). The immediate nursing interventions for Claire would be a primary assessment for immediate danger. The nurse should take a physical assessment on Claire, including assessing her airway patency and circulation. A pain assessment is essential as it provides the only way to ensure that management methods are appropriate and effective (Elliott Coventry, 2012). The nurse should carry out a pain assessment on Claire using the â€Å"PQRST†model. This type of pain assessment gives a detailed account of pain helping nurses to administer pain reduction medications keeping in mind the allergic reactions and six rights (Elliott Coventry, 2012). The nurse should document when analgesia was administered to Claire so other care team members will have a clear understanding of Claire’s pain (Brown, 2009). Claire must be assessed often for her presence of pain and she must be treated promptly and effectively (Elliott Coventry, 2012). A number of factors play an important role in eliciting complications (early and later) post fracture surgery. Complications which may be associated with Claire’s fracture surgery are; during surgery the skin and soft tissues are cut down to reach to the bones, thus chances of bacterial infections exist which can lead to fatal situations if not prevented properly (Brown, 2009). Another serious complication of fracture is compartment syndrome where it causes decreased capillary perfusion below the level necessary for tissue viability (Brown, 2009). Presence of other co morbidities can prolong the recovery stage. Venous thrombosis can also lead to a complication after fracture (Brown, 2009). Precipitating factor is venous stasis which can be caused by incorrectly applied casts to Claire (Brown, 2009). Another contributing factor for the fracture complication on Claire if not treated properly would be fat embolism syndrome where presence of systemic fat globules is distributed in to tissues and organs after a traumatic skeletal injury (Brown, 2009). Case study 2 Pathophysiology of gastro esophageal reflux disease is when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is attached to the stomach in the form of a plumbing circuit (Huether McCance, 2012). Any structural changes occurring in between the stomach and esophageal barrier associated with abnormal relaxation of LES can lead to gastro esophageal reflux disease (Huether McCance, 2012). Peptic ulcers occur with excess secretion of hydrochloric acid and pepsin, this impairs the balance between gastric luminal factors and the action of the gastric mucosal barrier, (Huether McCance, 2012). The main functions of gastric mucosal barrier are; secretion of bicarbonate, defense of epithelial cells and mucosal blood flow. With increased secretion of acid, the mucosal barriers are affected and thus histamine is released. This activates the parietal cells to release more acids causing ulcers (Huether McCance, 2012). A clinical manifestation of peptic ulcers and gastro esophageal disease is heart burn, caused by acid reflux thus causing an inflamed esophagus (Huether McCance, 2012). Regurgitation occurs due to the loss of the mechanical barrier between the stomach and esophagus and is aggravated by gastric acid reflux. Justin may experience upper abdominal pain within an hour of eating meals (Huether McCance, 2012). Due to excessive diarrhea, skin may get irritated, red and swollen. The stool with blood in it may be black and have an offensive smell due to oxidation of hemoglobin (Huether McCance, 2012). The dysphagia experienced by Justin could be due intake of alcohol or acid containing food which leads to esophageal spasms (Huether McCance, 2012). Due to excessive fluid loss, nurses may have noted that Justin presented as dehydrated. One common cause of Justin’s peptic ulcer could be his lifestyle of takeaway meals such as fried food, eating spicy and junk foods which has been hypothesized as a causal factor for ulceration (Huether McCance, 2012). Another major cause could be infection of the gastric and duodenal mucosa with Helicobacter pylori and regular use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), especially those that are classified as COX-1 inhibitors (Huether McCance, 2012). In Justin’s case, he has been buying over the counter medications for his chronic back pain which may increase the risk factor of gastric ulceration. The other associated factor would be alcohol consumption (Huether McCance, 2012). The medications commonly used to treat peptic ulcers are acid suppressor’s antacids such as ranitidine and famotidine; they form a foam barrier between the stomach and esophagus thus preventing acid reflux (Brown, 2009). Similarly the H2 antagonists help in reducing the acid secretion in the stomach leading to healing of ulcers (Brown, 2009). Proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole are effective in decreasing acid secretion from the stomach. PPIs are used in combination with antibiotics to treat ulcers caused by H. pylori (Brown, 2009). Bowel preparation is the artificial method of removal of faeces from the colon in order to prepare Justin for any type of surgical procedure such as colonoscopy. The colons may have indigested food and fecal matters attached to them (Beck, 2010). The chances of infection increases if any surgical procedures are carried out nearby the colon area. Based upon Justin’s bowel movement patterns and stool characteristics he must be advised to go for a colon cleansing solution drink or laxative drink (Beck, 2010). This procedure can be done the day before scopes or some days before depending upon Justin’s condition. Enemas can also be administered based upon surgeons and specialists prescription. During the bowel preparation, nurses must keep in mind that Justin’s privacy must be maintained and hospital’s policies and procedures are followed. Documentation must be written in clear hand writing for other team members to read about Justin’s treatment (Blair Smith, 2012). Peptic ulcers are characterized by tarry and bloody stools due to ulcerations in gastrointestinal tract. Excessive blood loss can be fatal for Justin leading to unconsciousness and other complications, thus it is advised for nurses to check the amount of blood and blood type (clots) (Brown, 2009). This can help to determine the severity of the disease and further diagnosis. The nurse should help Justin to return to his bed as heavy loss of blood leads to fluid deficiency and lowering of blood pressure. Justin’s vital signs must be assessed and fluids must be provided to manage the deficiency (Brown, 2009). While checking Justin’s abdomen for firmness, tenderness and pain, curtains must be pulled to maintained Justin’s privacy. The findings must be documented and reported to the ward in charge doctor for further processing (Blair Smith, 2012). Post colonoscopy the nurse should manage Justin’s pain through an assessment of pain, using a severity scale on a specified area and administering PRN medications (Brown, 2009). In order to recover from injury caused by his condition and address other complications associated with the disease, Justin’s nutritional status and fluid balance should be maintained (Brown, 2009). Due to heavy blood loss and pain, the patient may feel frustrated and anxiety symptoms may develop. The nurse should calm Justin, establish effective communication and allow him to express his feelings (Brown, 2009). In conclusion, the conditions such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis can be disastrous to Claire as it can affect the quality of her life to a high degree. The case remains the same for peptic ulcer and gastro oesophageal disease and can affect the eating habits of Justin. Thus, it is important to address both patient’s pain level and other complications in order for them to be comfortable. The disease process can be controlled through nursing interventions along with other medical interventions such as surgery and pharmacological management. It is essential for nurses to know pathophysiology of conditions of both cases described above in order to best manage both patients’ issues.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Humorous Wedding Speech †Two Best Men -- Wedding Toasts Roasts Speech
Humorous Wedding Speech – Two Best Men Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen. For those of you that are wondering why there are two best men standing up here, it’s perfectly simple. Arthur wanted to appoint a best man for the occasion, but sadly couldn’t find one, so he got two barely competent ones instead. So before I start, let me clarify the ‘role’ situation. Dennis, Arthur’s university friend and very trustworthy, was responsible for carrying the rings in church. I am Steve, Arthur’s childhood friend and very good with lager (beer). I was responsible for organizing the stag weekend (bachelor’s party). We both had the responsibility of getting him to the church on time, smartly dressed and sober†¦ but neither of us could achieve that last part. And, regrettably, we have both been asked to give a short speech. So why does it take two of us to describe the bridegroom? Well, as the man in Moss Bros said, 'There's a lot to fit in'. But you can rest assured that I’ll be keeping my part brief†¦ as I know the other bloke (guy) can drone on for hours! So what can I tell you about Arthur Wilson? He is my oldest friend and I’m convinced that without his guiding hand while we were growing up I would have been half the man I am today†¦ and certainly twice as popular. From an early age we lived a few doors away from each other, so not only did we become great friends we also became great rivals, and obviously ... ...y became trapped in the sticky beer socked carpet, the music was too loud for a conversation and it was pretty dark as well. Everything was in Arthur's favour! Playing hard to get though, Linda tells me it was months before she fell for Arthur. But having witnessed how quickly they progressed to a cat and five kittens, I'm not so sure. Ladies and gentlemen, thanks for listening to Steve and myself. If you’re having a fantastic time today - which I’m sure you all are - that’s a direct result of the months of hard work and meticulous planning by Arthur and Linda. They have done an incredible job to make this a truly wonderful wedding, so please all stand as I propose this toast – to the bride and groom.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Toyota Organizational Development Leadership Issues
As I watched the hearings and read the Press Telegram, April 12, 2010 †AP probe reveals n Toyota cases, evasion became tactic†regarding the sudden acceleration issue with several models of Toyota vehicles I would have to say it is scary to say the least. Testimony Included stories from victims of the problem – In one case, an entire family was killed. With such disastrous consequences and huge liabilities and ruining of a once great brand know for quality, it provides a platform to look at how companies, and leaders, address ethics, leadership issues and crisis. When faced with crisis, leaders need to make important decisions quickly.That involves surveying their direct teams, and in many cases several levels below to get answers. It's not apparent If CEO Toyota did this given the criticism they received for their slow reaction time to consumer complaints. Once a leader is engaged in addressing a critical issue, what should they do to make sure they respond adequ ately? Here are a few ways leaders can cope with rapidly changing circumstances: 1 . Focus on a few key elements and build a plan. Often emotional tensions are so high that seepage of minor issues explodes upward as the most important issues.A leader has to determine critical touch points that – addressed properly – cascade down to fix other issues. It's not the lowest hanging fruit argument, but a strategic view of the top 3-5 issues that need immediate attention. For a business this is usually shareholder and customer communication of what's happening, operational analysis of essential work processes, and key legal considerations/regulatory interests. Toyota executives were late to the game in some of these areas. This could have reduced the level of exposure and amount of crisis to handle (e. Notifying people of other models that had the problem, etc). 2. Communicate constantly. Crisis management requires immediate updates as new information is available. To facilit ate this exchange, networks need to be created that can share pertinent details to different parts of the organization and to external interests. Sometimes creating internal e-information or discussion boards helps with this process and ensures that appropriate business units are talking to each other. In the hearings, CEO Toyota said he was not aware of key meetings addressing the implants 3 Roll tongue seacoast KS. Ten ten TLS Ideas aren't ten best – they are solutions meant to get certain actions in place. They require modification on-the-fly as the situation unfolds. These initial actions may prove to be failures or they do not capture the full scope of the problem resulting in negative backlash. Toyota thought the problem was solved with adjusting floor mats, then sticky brake pads, and now the problem appears to be in the software. While consumers were not pleased with these initial measures, Toyota has continued to signage the problem and issue offer different solution s.Leaders often make the mistake that after pouring so much effort into initial solutions, they have to adhere to them no matter what. Toyota did this with the floor mat issue for a long time – blaming driver error if this solution was not the fix. A confident leader will accept imperfection in initial approaches and make sure the team is ready to change quickly and respond with new approaches. The leader has to stay calm and focused when this happens to avoid worsening the crisis. 4. Recognize what is working. The bright spot at the end of the tunnel can be elusive in the early going of crisis management.Everyone is in a quagmire with moving forward so it becomes difficult to notice how solutions are taking root and reducing issues. Leaders who have created the right communication channels will be able to flag good results and use those results to strengthen ongoing efforts. This facilitates morale and shows progress against the crisis mitigation plan. Toyota made the right move to halt new car production in January which saved more potential accelerator problems from going to market. . Maintain a good pace. Leaders need to be mindful of the pressures coming from all directions to solve problems quickly and â€Å"perfectly. If a strong plan is in place, backed up by the right communication channels, and a focused team, resolution activities will eventually balance out. This has nothing to do with perception or reputation damage control – that can take much longer as Toyota is sure to experience. Pacing decisions around good solutions and re-working as needed provides a sense of ethics and crisis management. Reacting to everything all the time is chaotic and soonest endear a leader as professional and deserving of the higher position.Leadership must maintain honesty to their team and key stakeholders at all times. They must be ready to calm nerves for weeks or months depending on the issue and never waver from a methodological and reasoned respo nse to crisis situations. Only time will tell if Toyota is pacing their crisis management properly and what that will mean in order for them to regain global consumer confidence. In my opinion, perhaps the leadership of Toyota can implement organizational change by utilizing en of the DO theories, specifically Linen's basic change model of unfreezing, changing, and refreezing.This model could be used as a theoretical foundation upon which change theory with their organization could be built soundly. The key, of course, would be to see that human change, whether at the executive, individual or group level would be a profound emotional dynamic process that involved painful unlearning without loss of ego identity and difficult relearning as the company cognitively attempts to restructure its thoughts, perceptions, feelings, and attitudes.
Friday, November 8, 2019
MEYER Surname Meaning and Family History
MEYER Surname Meaning and Family History From the Middle High German word meiger, meaning higher or superior, Meyer was a surname often used for stewards or overseers of landholders or great farmers or leaseholders- today a Meier is a dairy farmer. Meier and Meyer are used more often in Northern Germany, while Maier and Mayer are found more frequently in Southern Germany. As an English surname, Meyer derived from the Old English maire, or Mayor, an officer in charge of legal matters. Meyer could also have originated as an alternate spelling of the Dutch Meier or Meijer, or as an Anglicized form of the Gaelic surnameÂ Ó Meidhir, from meidhir, \meaning mirth. Alternate Surname Spellings: MEIER, MAYER, MAIER, MIER, MEIRSurname Origin: German, English, Dutch Where in the World Is the MEYERSurname Found? According to surname distribution data from Forebears, the Meyer surname is most common in Germany, where it is the 5th most common surname in the country. It is also among the top 100 most common surnames in Switzerland, France, Luxembourg and South Africa. WorldNames PublicProfiler identifies the Meyer surname as being most frequent in northern Germany (Niedersachsen, Bremen and Schleswig-Holstein); Nordwestschweiz and Zentralschweiz, Switzerland; and Alsace, France. Surname distribution maps at show the Meyer surname is found in 439 cities and counties throughout Germany, most prevalently in Hamburg, followed by Region Hannover, Berlin, Bremen, Diepholz, Harburg, Rotenburg (Wà ¼mme), Osnabrà ¼ck, Verden and Cuxhaven. Famous People With the MEYER Surname Stephenie Meyer - author of the Twilight seriesBernhard Meyer - German physician and naturalistBertrand Meyer - French computer scientistConrad Ferdinand Meyer - Swiss poet and writerFritz Meyer - Swiss founder of the Roamer watch companyGeorge von Lengerke Meyer - former U.S. Secretary of the NavyHeinrich August Wilhelm Meyer - German protestant pastor and theologianJulius Lothar Meyer - German chemist; pioneer in developing the first periodic table of elementsLodewijk Meyer - Dutch physician, classical scholar and playwright Genealogy Resources for the Surname MEYER Meanings of Common German SurnamesUncover the meaning of your German last name with this free guide to the meanings and origins of common German surnames.Meyer Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Meyer family crest or coat of arms for the Meyer surname. Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted.Meyer Family Genealogy ForumSearch this popular genealogy forum for the Meyer surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Meyer surname query.FamilySearch - MEYER GenealogyExplore over 9 million results, including digitized records, database entries, and online family trees for the Meyer surname and its variations on the FREE FamilySearch website, courtesy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day - MEYER Geneal ogy Family HistoryExplore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Meyer. GeneaNet - Meyer RecordsGeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Meyer surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries.The Meyer Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the Meyer surname from the website of Genealogy Today. Sources and Further Reading Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967.Dorward, David. Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998.Fucilla, Joseph. Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003.Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989.Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003.Reaney, P.H. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997.Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Racism in the Tortilla Curtain Essay Example
Racism in the Tortilla Curtain Essay Example Racism in the Tortilla Curtain Paper Racism in the Tortilla Curtain Paper Racism has always been a major issue in the United States, whether it is racism towards the homo sexual, Jewish, or the illegal immigrant racism will always be part of the United States. In the novel The Tortilla Curtain, by T. C Boyle he writes about a man named Delaney Mossabacher. Delaney is a self proclaimed liberal humanist. In the novel Boyle puts Delaney in many situations that make you question his liberal humanist views. While on his way to a recycling center his life is changed forever when he runs over a man named Candido Rincon. Delaney insists on giving him $20 instead of taking him to the hospital. This action makes you question whether he is truly a humanist. Delaney then realizes that Candido is an illegal immigrant living in Topanga creek where he often goes for hikes. When Delaney goes to get his car repaired at the dealership he tells the man he hit a dog instead of telling him he hit a person. This is where he begins to see Mexicans as not being human because they dont live like everyone else. The most controversial part of the novel is when Delaney is arguing with jack at the grocery store. His actions make you question everything he believes in. The final part of the story where everyone is looking at the fire you can clearly tell he has lost every ounce of liberal humanist and is now a full fledge racist. It is clear that the actions he takes in these situations clearly make him a very racist person not a liberal humanist like he claims to be. The first instance where Delaney begins transforming from a liberal humanist to a full fledge racist is at the recycling center. While at the recycling center Delaney begins to feel guilty about hitting Candido. He then realizes he is an illegal immigrant because he refused to get medical attention. He also notices that he is living down in Topanga creek because of the contents in the shopping cart he was pushing around. This makes Delaney angry because he feels that Candidio is polluting the environment by living down at the creek. Boyle writes Delaney felt his guilt turn to anger, to outrage (11). This is an important part of the story because this is when he first notices that illegal immigrants are living down in Topanga creek. He also begins to notice that Mexicans are everywhere, from the guys working on the landscape in Arroyo Blanco to the guys working at the recycling center. Delaney is angry because hitting Candido with his car is his first negative experience with Mexicans, and it plants a negative seed in Delaney mind. If Delaney wouldnt have hit Candido he would have never noticed all the Mexicans, but because he thinks that Candido ran into his car on purpose he begins to have racist feelings towards Mexicans. Delaney feels that Mexicans are suddenly out to ruin his life. It is obvious the main reason Delaney is outraged is not because he hit him or because his car is damaged, it is because he ruined his day. Delaney likes to live a very organized and routine driven life and by having this accident it has thrown off his daily routine and he resents Candido for doing that. The second instance where Delaney begins to transform into a racist is when he is at the car dealership getting his car repaired from the damage Candido caused. While at the dealership he begins to talk with Kenny Grissom the man who sold him the car. When Grissom asks him what he hit Delaney replies with a dog, I think it was (13). Although Delaney could have told him the truth that he accidently hit someone, he decides to lie and instead says he hit a dog. This is important because it shows how little Delaney cares about what he did. Although Delaney is a self proclaimed humanist he is contradicting himself by lying and saying he hit a dog. Furthermore Delaney saying he hit a dog is symbolic because it shows the racist feelings he has toward Candido. He feels that Candido is like a dog that relays on society to take care of him. This is when Delaneys true feelings towards Mexicans begin to show because he doesnt see them as regular people but as dogs ready to take advantage of people whenever they get an opportunity. Another clear instance of Delaney losing his liberal humanist views is in the middle of chapter seven part two. Delaney is arguing with Jack Jardine about the fence that is going to be put up around Arroyo Blanco. Jack is trying to convince Delaney that the wall is necessary but Delaney is adamantly against it. Delaney feels that it is wrong to put up the fence up just to keep illegal immigrants out. He says Immigrants are the lifeblood of this country were a nation of immigrants and neither of us would be standing here today if it wasnt (101). When they leave the store Delaney sees Candido being harassed by someone. His liberal humanist side feels he should help Candido but the racist part of him actually wishes harm on Candido. This is the most ironic part of the book because while they were in the store he was defending illegal immigrants. He felt like they have every right to be living in the United States. Once he is outside and actually has to deal with the issue by witnessing the events that took place he completely changes his view on Mexicans. This clearly shows that while he might consider himself a humanist he is actually is becoming more racist every time he has negative experience with Mexicans. He once again feels that Mexicans are just here to make peoples life miserable and to take advantage of them whenever they have a chance. This begins to make Delaney furious because he cant get seem to get away from Candido. He feels that Candido is a nuisance in his life and every time he has to deal with him bad things happen. One of the clearest examples that Delaney has completely lost his humanist views and is truly racist is toward the end of the novel when the people from Arroyo Blanco are evacuated due to the fire. While everyone is standing outside looking at the fire Delaney notices Jose and his friend walking up the road. Delaney immediately confronts Jose and blames him for setting the fire. Boyle writes that Delaney felt as much pure hatred as hed ever felt in his life (287). This is a clear act of racism because even though he had no clue who set the fire, he immediately blames Jose because he is Mexican. He sees him as a no good scum who has nothing better to do then to set fires and ruin peoples life. This incident is really the straw that broke the camels back for Delaney because all the previous incidents didnt really affect his personal life at home, but by Jose setting the fire he puts his family life in danger and Delaney feels pure hatred at him for doing that. He is outraged because he feels that Mexicans have no feelings and all they care about is themselves. This incident put Delaney in the us versus them racist mindset and he gets everyone to yell racist remarks at Jose. At this point Delaney really hates Mexicans because their actions put everything he owns in jeopardy. By the end of the novel Delaney is clearly transformed from a liberal humanist to a racist because of the situations he is faced with. Whether it be things he says, like saying he hit a dog instead of an actual persons. He also contradicted himself by defending illegal immigrants at the grocery store calling them the lifeblood of the country, then turning around and wishing harm on someone just because they are illegal immigrants. His actions also clearly depicted him as a racist by the despicable actions he took on Jose Navidad toward the end of the novel by blaming him for the fire without knowing who actually started it. It is apparent Boyle put him in these situations to make us question his liberal humanist view. Although Delaney is self proclaimed liberal humanist he like many other people was negatively affected by racism. If Delenay was truly the humanist he claimed to be he would not have had so much hate toward Candido, but when his family is affected by immigrants it forces him to have very negative feelings toward immigrants. So while Delaney would have liked to believe he was a liberal humanist, he like many other ethnic groups was adversely affected by racism.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Strategic Marketing Promotion Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Strategic Marketing Promotion Strategies - Essay Example The product Life Cycle asserts that a product growth has a lifecycle roughly similar to a human's life and eventually it stagnates and dies out. It is due to this that marketers in all companies aim their marketing strategies to keep their products in the growth stage. Impact of Internet on promotional Mix: Over the years the use of Internet marketing has increased and has been successful in its various forms i.e. email marketing and sales through website and links. The impact of Internet activities on promotional mix is that it adds another tool to use along with the promotional mix. Internet marketing is a support function and supports the marketing program. Was Estee Lauder's promotional mix for advanced night repair concentrate appropriate given its stage in product life cycle and the characteristics of the product In what Product life Cycle stage would you classify Estee Lauders Night Repair Concentrate It can be seen from the case study, that Estee Lauders product Night Repair Concentrate has crossed maturity stage and is now in decline stage. This is because they will name the new website with the objective of reminding their customers of their history. It can be seen that the company is re-launching the product. I believe that the pro... The impact of Internet activities on promotional mix is that it adds another tool to use along with the promotional mix. Internet marketing is a support function and supports the marketing program. Was Estee Lauder's promotional mix for advanced night repair concentrate appropriate given its stage in product life cycle and the characteristics of the product In what Product life Cycle stage would you classify Estee Lauders Night Repair Concentrate It can be seen from the case study, that Estee Lauders product Night Repair Concentrate has crossed maturity stage and is now in decline stage. This is because they will name the new website with the objective of reminding their customers of their history. It can be seen that the company is re-launching the product. I believe that the promotional mix of Estee Lauder is highly appropriate because it keeps in mind the different brand qualities including age, gender and benefits. The use of the website is re-enforcing the same message. They have adequately realized that the Internet savvy young woman, which is their target market, are eventually entering early thirties and require the product. The one disadvantage Internet as a marketing medium has is that it has the lowest level of interaction with the customer. However, using an interactive website with a blogging facility will eventually give the customer a sense of closeness of the product. The promotional tools that Estee Lauder are: Ads on Fashion and beauty websites Beauty and lifestyle blogs Advertising on News sites Sponsor a site on MSN "Night SPA" A TV campaign and a national mall tour Product sampling and demonstrations Generating word of mouth by posting testimonials BTL -mobile night
Friday, November 1, 2019
Five approaches to qualitative research Coursework
Five approaches to qualitative research - Coursework Example This research problem focuses on the way of life of the members of the skin bleaching community, a community wherein a White complexion is almost an obsession. The purpose of this research is to observe and interview several members of this community and identify the practices that are distinctive to them. The ethnographer will observe the daily activities of this community and determine the underlying reasons for their practices. The ethnographic method enables a researcher to have a direct and personal look with the culture s/he wants to study. It puts the researcher at the center of the study, normally letting them to take part in the community or culture they aim to understand. The array of topics for ethnographic study is vast. Ethnographers can observe or examine the extraordinary or the ordinary. Since ethnography gives room for the researcher’s subjectivity, it puts the researcher in an exclusive, distinctive position where expressive interpretations and expression of emotions are allowed. The purpose of field research is to observe, understand, and interact with individuals in their normal environment. Field research involves observation in the natural or actual setting and of the daily lives of the individual under study. Field research may be described as a blanket term that involves the numerous tasks that field researchers carry out when they gather dataâ€â€participation, observation, interview, and analysis of artifacts or documents produced by the individuals they study. An example of a field research question is: what are the different factors that influence the motivation and job satisfaction of employees in financial institutions? This research problem relates to the various factors (e.g. salary, benefits, interpersonal relations, etc.) that affect the job performance of employees in financial institutions, such as banking organizations. The purpose of this research is to directly
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