Friday, December 27, 2019
Analysis Of Restricted Boltzmann Machines - 763 Words
Analysis of RNNs revealed that the hidden-to-output function, hidden-to-hidden transition, and input-to-hidden function must be made deeper [3]. Based on the following input sequence: x = (x1; : : : ; xT), a standard RNN is responsible for computing the vector sequence: h = (h1; : : : ; hT) as well as the output vector sequence: y = (y1; : : : ; yT) using two equations (depicted below) from t = 1 to T [3]. (1) ht = H(Wxhxt+Whhht-1+bh) (2) yt = Whyht+by H. Restricted Boltzmann Machines An RBM is a specialized Boltzmann Machine comprised of two respective layers, a layer of visible and hidden units, without hidden-hidden and visible-visible connections. Each hidden and visible unit within the network has a bias and either a binary or†¦show more content†¦Apothà ©loz’s proposal is of importance in understanding the artificial intelligence models of argumentation since it coincides with the properties of a square of opposition [6]. Fig. 5. The square of opposition. Apothà ©loz’s square of opposition proclaims makes the following claims [6]: (1) A and O as well as E and I both serve as negations of each other (2) A and E entails, I and O, respectively (3) Although A and E cannot be true together, A and E can be false together I and O cannot be false together yet can be true together. J. Sentimental Analysis Sentimental analysis tries to figure out how the presenter feels about the subject material being presented. This analysis helps the NLP formulate a more accurate and appropriate response. Many sentimental analyses work by looking at each sentiments of the sentence by giving positive or negative points to each word. Points are then summed up for each sentence and based on that score it is deemed either positive, negative, or neutral. But sentiments are often very subtle and cannot be detected using simple point analysis [1]. To better grasp sentiments in NSL computer scientist once again turned to the deep learning process and developed a tree-structured long short-term memory analysis (LSTM). LSTM combines deep learning with the points system. After the deep learning process has assigned meaning to a word it is given a weight based upon positive or negative feel. It is then placedShow MoreRelatedArticle Review : Deep Correspondence Restricted Boltzmann Machine For Cross Modal Retrieval979 Words  | 4 PagesDeep correspondence restricted Boltzmann machine for cross-modal retrieval Review Submission : ACN 5314.5H1 - Computational Modeling Methods in Behavioral Brain Sci. Reviewer : Jithin Pradeep R School of Behavioral and Brain Science, The University of Texas at Dallas December 16, 2016. Deep correspondence restricted Boltzmann machine for cross-modal retrieval: Jithin Pradeep Article Review. Article Review : Deep correspondence restricted Boltzmann machine for cross-modal retrievalRead MoreWhat Is The Backpculation Of Forward Propagation And Backpropagation?1029 Words  | 5 Pagesbe acknowledged when trying to determine the model for a machine learning problem is what type of neural network should be used.For answering the question it needs to be established whether the requirement is to build a classifier or to find patterns in a given dataset. For unsupervised learning i.e where the requirement is to extract patterns from a set of unlabeled data, the best model for execution would be Restricted Boltzmann Machine or autoencoder [15]. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Essay on The Word Cancer Strikes Fear - 1694 Words
The word cancer strikes fear in everyone who gets diagnosed. Cancer does not discriminate; people, sparing no ethnic group, female or male, no matter the age, are diagnosed. Sadly, there has been a significant increase in the cancer rate in children, of all people, over the years. Cancer is an abnormal growth of cells. Cancer cells rapidly reproduce despite restriction of space, nutrients shared by other cells, or signals sent from the body to stop reproduction. Cancer cells are often shaped differently from healthy cells, they do not function properly, and they can spread to many areas of the body. Tumors, which are abnormal growth of tissue, are clusters of cells that are capable of growing and dividing uncontrollably; their growth†¦show more content†¦There are chemicals that are used in things such as pesticides and fertilizers, as well as cleaning products that have been linked to cancer. There have been studies that have shown that power lines can cause cancer. The re has been evidence of cancer occurring in larger than average numbers among nonrelated children in certain geographical areas, neighborhoods and cities. Whether prenatal or infant exposure to these agents causes cancer, or whether it is a coincidence is unknown but many scientists theorize that there is a direct correlation to environmental influences in the area. Childhood cancers often occur or begin in the stem cells, which are simple cells capable of producing other types of specialized cells that the body needs. A sporadic cell change or mutation is usually what causes childhood cancer. (â€Å"Cancer in Children†) As mentioned, some cancers have been associated with repetitive exposures to specific environmental influences or risk factors. A risk factor is anything that may increase a persons chance of developing a disease. A risk factor does not necessarily cause the disease, but it may make the body less resistant to it. Genetic disorders and cell mutations are known to alter the immune system. The immune system is a complex system that functions to protect our bodies from infection and disease. The bone marrow produces cells that later mature and function as part of the immune system. One theory suggests that theShow MoreRelatedThe Death Of The Word Cancer Strikes Fear Into The Hearts Of So Most Hardened Of Us1658 Words  | 7 PagesTimed Essay Just the thought of the word cancer strikes fear into the hearts of even the most hardened of us. In excess of over 300,000 people were diagnosed with cancer back in 2011 according to statistics published on the cancer research website. Nearly 400 per 100,000 people in the UK alone were diagnosed with some variant of cancer in 2011, with lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer and bowel cancer topping the charts. 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Anxiety Disorders--- most commonly observed in people. It is divided into: (a) Phobias - fear for certain things, like phobia for insects, claustrophobia, etc. (b) Obsessive Compulsion Disorder or OCD--isRead MoreHow Was Sarah Watt Explore the Ways People Deal with Their Personal Tragedies in Look Both Ways785 Words  | 4 Pagesdeal with their personal tragedies in Look Both Ways? Discuss. In Look Both Ways, Sarah Watt explores a variety of emotions and experiences, focusing on the ways people deal with their personal misfortune. Including the death of loved ones, the fear of death, possible relationship breakdowns and the grief of feeling responsible for somebody’s death. Watt uses visual images; animations, flashbacks and periods of silence to show the effects these issues have on each character. Through conversationsRead MoreRocky : A Rocky Training Montage1344 Words  | 6 Pageshis fight with cancer. During Adonis’s training to fight Ricky Conlan, Rocky discovers he has cancer, and he refuses treatment because he has given up on fighting to live for something. In a plea for Rocky to receive treatment, Adonis shows his full support exclaiming, â€Å"So, if I fight you fight†(Creed). Through these simple words, the audience is able to realize that perseverance can come in the form of support from a loved one. Rocky has many reasons to give up and allow cancer to take his life;Read MoreTechnology And Its Impact On Technology1468 Words  | 6 Pagesthe safety of the people, in the place of keeping them safe with this technology, it has fetched about changed dimensions that is about its reception. Several have chosen the technology, and at the similar time, many people consume articulated their fears regarding the innovative technology. . For those that are in favor of the drones claim that the technology, copious its potentials in dealing with the matters inspiring the world today. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
State Ownership and Market Orientation †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the State Ownership and Market Orientation. Answer: Introduction: In case of agency theory, it is needed to construct theoretical argument where the researcher is at a topping point and links with sources of carbon emissions (Song, Wang and Cavusgil 2015). It is essential for the business enterprise to look after the principal source of carbon emissions (Coca-Cola Amatil for given research study). Business enterprise has necessary potential where they are arranging them to make required changes for reducing carbon emissions. It is important to understand the fact that climate change help in bringing important risks associated with business enterprise and for this reason, the value of shareholders investment get affected at the same time. Most of the researchers had found out that there is positive link present between environmental performance as well as share price. Furthermore, it is important to evaluate performance as well as rewards as it is considered necessary mechanisms where the interests of the shareholders are protected. It takes into ac count targets as well as performance-based incentives. Therefore, setting targets is very much difficult as there is inexperienced person present in the management of emissions (Shogren et al. 2015). In case of theoretical motivation, it is seen that the effect of targets as well as incentives can be easily studied by matching both attributes in terms of financial performance as well as non-financial performance. Several researches need to be conducted so that operating of target is done by taking into account non-financial measures. It is a challenging task to increase target completion that is linked with environmental performance. In order to be effective, it is necessary to set targets that can be achievable in the near future. Several research had been conducted where managers has laid back attitude when they had set environmental performance targets (Shi, Connelly and Hoskisson 2017). Conceptual Model: Provide a diagram to show the relationships between the key theoretical constructs. From the above conceptual framework, it is quite evident to understand the fact that climate change is treated dependent variable and emission from Coca-Cola Amatil Corporation is considered as independent variable (Pepper, A. and Gore, J., 2015). Addition to that, there are several resources that explain about the different parameters and facets that lead to change in climate. Indiscriminate discharge of pollutants in the air is one of the reasons that lead to climate change. On the other hand, the independent variable is taken from the above diagram where the discharge of pollutants in the air can be treated as main contributor towards any environmental damage as well as climate change in and across the globe (Bosse and Phillips 2016). The main purpose of the research proposal will be to set independent variable and dependent variable to understand the relationships. The company under study (Coca-Cola Amatil Corporation) cannot be considered one of the primary reason for the damage that had caused to the environment and this was done by discharge of pollutants at the time of manufacturing process and it even reflect upon the major portion of the damage due to enormity as well as magnitude. Therefore data can be collected from historical time points that actually coincides with main shift in the climate and provide insights of information that takes place for given period of time (Nevo, Nevo and Pinsonneault 2016). It is important to understand the effects of targets for environmental performance as it is one of the interesting concepts due to information asymmetry in relating to environmental performance at the same time. There are several research conducted where it is found challenging affair to increase target completion and even look after the factors that explain the choice between environmental performance and linking with the current research topic. In order to remain effective in actions, it is advisable for the managers to set targets that can be achieved in the upcoming financial years. There are several researches that had been conducted and even found out that managers need to get involved in setting targets after proper understanding the environmental performance targets (McGuirk, Bulkeley and Dowling 2016). Hypotheses Include draft hypotheses that you can continue to refine and which will be assessed in ACC620 H0: There is no significant difference on climate change after emission from Coca Cola Amatil H1: There is significant difference on climate change after emission from Coca Cola Amatil Proxy Measures for Theoretical Constructs Complete the following table Theoretical Construct Proxy measure Dependent (DV), Independent (IV), or Control Variable (CV) Source Impact on Polar Ice cap melting Reducing ice in Antarctic region Rising sea levels DV- Polar Cap Melting IV- Emissions from Coca-Cola Amatil Annual report of Coca Cola Amatil Increased temperature near Texas region Temperature measures DV- Temperature records IV- Emissions from Coca-Cola Amatil Annual report of Coca Cola Amatil Climate change Temperature measures DV- Temperature records IV- Emissions from Coca-Cola Amatil Annual report of Coca Cola Amatil Research Method: Describe the research method that you will employ to test your hypotheses. Describe the sample and any important issues in regard to research method. In this study, the researcher will be using both quantitative and qualitative components for this study. The secondary sources will be used by the researcher where the data will be collected through peer-reviewed journal articles, academic books and websites on annual reports of Coca-Cola Amatil (Kumarasiri 2015). Positive research philosophy will be used by the researcher as the study deals with collection of scientific data on carbon gas emissions after the emission from Coca-Cola Amatil. As far as research approach is concerned, the researcher will be using deductive approach because the collected data is gathered first and analysed later linking with the research topic. Both the techniques will be used by the researcher so that they can be able to arrive at statistically significant results. In this study, the researcher will be using descriptive research design as it is designed to show the participants in the most efficient way (Franco?Santos et al. 2017). There is relationship present between the proxies where it becomes difficult to find out challenging targets that has the potential to lead to greater target completion. However, there is moderate change present in the performance-based incentives in the most appropriate way. It is important for the managers to have better understanding about the possible or potential performance as compared to shareholders or investor at the same time. The sample size of the research study will be including all research articles that had been published after 2012. There are two types of data, the first is inclusive data and second is exclusive data. Exclusive data are those data where the journal articles are published before 2012 and it is outdated and has no relevance in the present study of research. It is for this reason the researcher does not take into account any outdated data for this study. Inclusive data are all the journal articles that are published after 2012 (Grimmer, and Woolley 2014). This information i s new and has much of relevance to the present research study. The journal articles collected for the study should be linking with the research topic. There are several issues that had been faced by the researcher while conducting this research study. Due to limited time, the researcher failed to conduct in-depth analysis of this given research topic. The researcher had limited financial resources that restricted in using expensive tools and techniques for completion of this research study (Kumarasiri and Jubb 2017). Reference List Bosse, D.A. and Phillips, R.A., 2016. Agency theory and bounded self-interest. Academy of Management Review, 41(2), pp.276-297. Franco?Santos, M., Nalick, M., Rivera?Torres, P. and Gomez?Mejia, L., 2017. Governance and Well?being in Academia: Negative Consequences of Applying an Agency Theory Logic in Higher Education. British Journal of Management, 28(4), pp.711-730. Grimmer, M. and Woolley, M., 2014. Green marketing messages and consumers' purchase intentions: Promoting personal versus environmental benefits. Journal of Marketing Communications, 20(4), pp.231-250. Kumarasiri, J. and Jubb, C., 2017. FRAMING OF CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS AND USE OF management accounting pratices. Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting Finance, 13(2). Kumarasiri, J., 2015. Use of management accounting practices in carbon emission management: Evidence from Australian companies. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, The, 21(1), p.5. McGuirk, P.M., Bulkeley, H. and Dowling, R., 2016. Configuring urban carbon governance: Insights from Sydney, Australia. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 106(1), pp.145-166. Nevo, S., Nevo, D. and Pinsonneault, A., 2016. A Temporally Situated Self-Agency Theory of Information Technology Reinvention. Mis Quarterly, 40(1), pp.157-186. Pepper, A. and Gore, J., 2015. Behavioral agency theory: New foundations for theorizing about executive compensation. Journal of management, 41(4), pp.1045-1068. Qian, W., Kaur, A. and Schaltegger, S., 2018. Managing Eco-efficiency Development for Sustainability: An Investigation of Top Carbon Polluters in Australia. In Accounting for Sustainability: Asia Pacific Perspectives (pp. 103-124). Springer, Cham. Shi, W., Connelly, B.L. and Hoskisson, R.E., 2017. External corporate governance and financial fraud: cognitive evaluation theory insights on agency theory prescriptions. Strategic Management Journal, 38(6), pp.1268-1286. Shogren, K.A., Wehmeyer, M.L., Palmer, S.B., Forber-Pratt, A.J., Little, T.J. and Lopez, S., 2015. Causal agency theory: Reconceptualizing a functional model of self-determination. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, pp.251-263. Song, J., Wang, R. and Cavusgil, S.T., 2015. State ownership and market orientation in China's public firms: An agency theory perspective. International Business Review, 24(4), pp.690-699.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Minimization of Wants Will Not Lead to Reduced Corruption free essay sample
Good morning everyone. The year 2011 is already being called the ‘year of scams’. Almost daily, we hear news of cases of money laundering, embezzlement, nepotism, fraud etc involving people who occupy the highest tenets of power and are ironically the representatives of the dreams of the people. Today corruption is to say the least, an acute problem, which almost every citizen, poor or rich suffers from. Today’s motion that states – ‘Minimization of human wants is the only way to reduce corruption’. However, I strongly oppose the motion. Firstly, we must be realistic. How can human wants be reduced? Every human, be it the poorest of the poor or even the billionaire be induced to curb their desires? This is a fundamental characteristic of human nature, it is because of this attribute of human temperament that subjects like Economics exist. I would like to give you a 2 examples to prove this. We will write a custom essay sample on Minimization of Wants Will Not Lead to Reduced Corruption or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page India’s Public Distribution System or the PDS is a method of distributing essential commodities to a large number of people through a network of FPS on a recurring basis. This system is riddled with problems. Due to shortage of resources people find it virtually impossible to get whatever little supplies reach these ration shops. Now I would like to ask all of you this simple question- A bonded laborer who earns roughly Rs 50 a day also wants to eat at least one square meal a day for which he is solely dependent on the PDS. Since the shop that provides him with these resources is patronized by the local politician he is asked for an extra Rs 5 for say a kg of wheat. Unfortunately this man is forced to pay this extra sum as without food, how can he survive. This is a simple example of corruption. BUT PLEASE TELL ME THIS, CAN THIS POOR MAN BE ASKED OR BE FORCED TO REDUCE HIS DEMANDS?. Similarly, top generals in the Indian Army own multiple plots of land in different locations but inspite of that why do they buy small flats in the Adarsh Housing Soc ?. The answer is simple- the desire to own a house in the posh southern part of Mumbai induces them to buy houses meant for the widows of martyrs. Can such desires be curbed in a democratic country ? THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE- NO !! Although it may be easy to say that people must act responsibly and
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