Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Eric Foner A short history of reconstruction Essay
Eric Foner A short annals of reconstruction - Essay ExamplePresidential reconstructive memory is a short period of presidency from 1863 to 1866 of two Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. In an attempt to unify the nation, political activity of the presidents was strongly opposed by the cornerstone Republicans. Even though Johnson was in favor of anti-slavery politics, he vetoed the punitive legislation against southern planters. Officially he was against slavery and, at the same time, in reality was in favor of rich plantation owners of the South. And, already in 1866 the Radical Republicans gained power and begun Congressional Reconstruction. Having analyzed politics in Washington, D.C., it should be noted that license proclamation as well as anti-slavery laws were not an easy decisions to take, because it was peoples wealth, countrys economy, political power and many others important issues which were put at stake.Furthermore, emancipation did not go swimmingly and painlessly. The rich plantation owners were neither ready, nor willing to let their free workforce go. And war, which began, was the midwife of revolution (Foner 2). As the author has noted, the proclamation was just official document in support of the revolutionary movement which had begun practically earlier. Despite all the difficulties and controversies, slavery finally ended while Confederacy was defeated. The meaning of the word exemption began to gain its new shade for Americans regaining its true position in society purified by civic War events. Only by the end of 1870s the Reconstruction did provide freed slaves with some rights under the law which had been subscribe much earlier. Yet, the years of Reconstruction can be considered as a new starting denominate of new and right democracy, which has been destined to fight its way through until present days.Not only was Reconstruction one of the most
Monday, April 29, 2019
Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Human imaginativeness Management - Essay ExampleFor example the guardianship statement of McDonalds is To be our customers favourite place and bureau to eat. It can be clearly seen here that McDonalds wants to be the favourite place for customers and hence it wants on the whole its employees work in a similar fashion.A vision is different from mission in aspects of finishing orientation. Vision is the basic goal of the company which it has to achieve in the future. It is something which the company can achieve if the mission statement is followed. Vision is set by the company for long term goals and it can only be achieved if all the protocols are followed by the employees.Both vision and mission are necessary for organizations as they serving the employees to understand the basic role of the company in this world. It gives an overview to both the customers and the employees about the company and tell them as to what exactly are they trying to achieve through their
Sunday, April 28, 2019
SLP 5 HRM 403 THE GRASS IS NOT ALWAYS GREENER CAUTIONS around INTERNATIONAL GROWTH - Essay ExampleFred should also employ collaborative means of dealing with the employees in essence, he should develop interpersonal relationships and bring together the cultural groups and teach them to collaborate for the benefit of the lodge (Cuevas et al., 2011). That way it is cheap to create proper business interactions and attain a collaborative workforce. Another grand step is to establish warm relationships with his co-workers within and outside the office as it is done in the Nipponese culture. With regards to his family, he should take time to deal with issues facing the family and engage them in dealing with the cultural challenges they ar facing as well as encourage his wife to exercise patience. Fred should also find a job for his wife in Tokyo so that she feels productive. Apart from the above steps, Fred should conduct the followingHe should develop avenues of communication, releas e control and ask for the response from workers. Also, he may share corporate principles with Japanese clients and preserve harmony instead of conflict.It is clear that the pre-departure channelizeing across the cultures is pertinent and could be a prodigious step towards solving the problems facing Fred. Both Fred and his Wife should have had the pre-departure training as it would first communicate them of the challenges awaiting them in Japan. The training would also provide Fred and His family with the proper ways of handling the challenges they would encounter. In this regard, Fred would be alert of his difficulties and on the other hand Jenny would also be aware of family challenges therefore, each one of them would easy tackle the issues without involving the other party. Family problems would not concern Fred because Jenny would be able to deal with the occasions as they come single-handedly (Cuevas et al., 2011).3. If a firm does not want to invest the capital and resou rces required to train an employee about other cultures
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Sustainability of shellfish stocks in the Irish Sea Essay
Sustainability of shellfish stocks in the Irish Sea - Essay ExampleThe seminar introduction seeks to find ways that could help sustain the population of fish stocks in the Irish Sea.In tell apart to achieve this, the organisms must be organized into different breeding groups, migration patterns productivity, genetics and habitats must be root explored and understood. The shellfish were organized into a population structure whereby a population is a group of organisms of single species which can freely interbreed and live in the same place at a clock (Atkinson, 2000)2. Populations can be further divided into sub-populations where interbreeding is restricted and the organisms accumulate genetic differences and whitethorn topically adapt to the environment. some other way of organizing the shellfish is by the use of the stock concept. This involves division into stocks for easier management. However, this may not accurately reflect genetic sub-division because in subdivision and pr oductivity concept, each sub-population contributes absolute productivity to the fundamental population which may vary depending on environmental conditions.While extirpation of subpopulations decreases, total productivity may increase vulnerability to environmental change and decrease genetic diversity. In considering subdivision and gene flow, the reducing in size or density of subpopulations may reduce migration between subpopulations and increases genetic drift or may increase migration into some subpopulations. Migration of locally harvested stock contribute to breeding populations over a much wider geographical area, for example, salmon and trout harvested in the ocean contain migrants from many different freshwater streams which are genetically isolated subpopulations and locally adapted to breeding streams (Nielsen, 1994)3.The methodologies used include the migration of larvae or adults between subpopulations, DNA blood of haemolymph or muscle, DNA analysis through gene s equencing and screen for microsatellite markers used to measure genetic diversity. Another
Friday, April 26, 2019
Reading Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Reading Education - Essay ExampleA similarity in the two sources is that they have a theoretical framework that relates achievement with social associate and race or ethnic difference. On the theoretical border line of consumerism, gender and individuality, In the make-up Choice Pathways and Transitions, the identity of the group under monitoring (cohorts) is no longer based on the elderly judgments based on class or gender unless on the key aspect of identity social class (Ball et.al. 2000, p.3). In the book addressing the classroom issues, the author cites griffins (1998) where he stated that many boys who be under-achieving, the difference is because of race and social class. Both sources also state that ethnic enculturation is a major impact while considering students achievements. Phoenix (1987) explained that ethnicity affects the constructs of gender (sex) and power. Different cultures take different behaviours as gendered in variable (more or less gender specific) way s. Social class also influences culture constructions (Skeleton, 1997). Cultural theory in addressing the class room issue, also add that children school differently due to their social class middle-mothers endorsement their children schooling success than working-class mothers. In the book addressing the classroom issues, the decision making for students is influenced mainly by the classroom inequalities, their social conduct and cultural issues e.g. association of language with femininity (Francis B., p.5), the association gender with roles e.g., girls cannot do hard subjects like mathematics. This is contrasting with Choice, pathways and transition report, where decision choices were influenced by the theoretical framework of individualism kinda than as a result of structured constraints like classroom inequalities like in the... This essay focuses on the social and historical contexts of the themes that motivated the undertaking of this research. There ar four main reasons w hy this get a line was conducted. The first theoretical borderline was to study the effect of the increase and outspread of the culture of individuality and the frugal science of individualisation. Here, the study noted that there have been, in the duration of one generation, some new changes to the distinctive experiences of youth and one among the most often contested of the changes is the issue of decision making whereby new people have a certain extent to which they view their decision making as ain or individual choice and not as a product of structured conditions, which must be satisfied. This report makes a conclusion that the two studies acknowledge and appreciate that the events of the world affect all people, but they do so differently on the youth. These youths assume their choices, pathways and transitions in a dynamic urban environment full of many opportunities, challenges, oppressions, despairs and excitements. The main argument in this essay is that girlish pe ople lead their life differently as a result of their differences in gender, the social class they belong to and the identities they fake or assume. Another argument is that the social, individual and material resources desirable to live a reflexively organised lifestyle are not equally reachable to all. The researchers found out that there are organizational factors like unemployment, low pay, discrimination, lack of support, interrupted schooling, lack of formal qualifications, low self-confidence, and poverty as forming track-lines through the lives of some young people.
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Ethnicity Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ethnicity - Article ExampleAccording to Maryann Cusimanno Love, the racial discrimination is not a matter with which the nation is over with. And there is ample room for improvement on the aspect of racial stereotyping. We as an advance nation, talking about the human rights and maintaining them on national level tend to terminate the privileges a citizen has right to enjoy no matter which cast or race he/she belongs to. The rights and facilities prone by state and law should be available and accessible to all. Is race no longer a barrier in United States? Inequities of the past still persist in our society? First we break to understand the true meaning and historical background of it, to relate it with todays intensity of it in our responses.preconceived notions or stereotypes are hidden bias which we consciously or unconsciously adapt from our environment. The fundamental woodland of human brain to categorize people into certain groups according to their characteristics became the earliest foundation of discrimination. Both the terms, basis be used in positive connotations also but it refers to negative belief in our society. Prejudice is a survival mechanism we develop it to keep us safe. It is essential to understand that prejudices go air back in history and not only link to racial issues but to gender, immigrants and several early(a) aspects comprise in it.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Managing Information 1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Managing Information 1 - Assignment manakinIt is important because in the absence of long term information and corporate strategies, it is not possible for the partnership to succeed (Faulkner, 2013). ALIGNMENT STRATEGIES Companies adopt different alignment strategies because there is no single structure for a business strategic image that would fit with every company effectively. An effective information and corporate dodging must communicate effectively among all levels of employees whether they are management or are in the company and file. Currently it is a recognized fact that knowledge is essential for managers for their organizations to survive and prosper. Information systems are withal important for the effective implementation of corporate strategies because it controls organizational ability and enables competitive advantages to companies. A strategic plan is not the same as an operational plan because it is creative and perceptive and evaluates things in the long g lide by (Aloufi & Kabir, 2013). Case Study The role of information management is to support corporate strategies. This case study is well-nigh Tree squeeze Incorporated. The company needed to improve the customer receiptss to increase revenues and too to for greater margins for stock-holders. They unflinching that replacing their existing software would upgrade business processes because their current software was not adequate to meet customer demands. The management of Tree Top Inc as well perceived this as an opportunity to move forward their corporate goals by aligning the new software with corporate strategies. Although they had decided to deepen their existing systems in phases, they had to make sure that the new systems would get the desired results in the shortest time possible. They also had to ensure that the new system would help measure their progress in the achievement of their goals. The management decided that Intentia Application Suite suited their requirement s because it was designed specifically with aligning marketing information with corporate strategies (Thompson, 2006). formulation the Strategy To implement the new marketing software with corporate goals, a team of Tree Top and Intentia started the project. The team met separately for each business operation and met with respective management representatives for each operational activity. The primary and most important aspect was to include Tree Tops business strategies in software such as how many people were involved in monthly estimation of the amount of result to be created and sold. This included other data, such as product groups, markets, locations and monetary information. It was also recommended that customer service be calculated by crucial functioning conditions. Overeaters Anonymous (OA) recommended operational activities that had a direct military posture on Key Performance Indicators such as improving order entry/maintenance which would piddle very well with the order metric. This could probably mean that maintenance improvements the companys return on equity. Other essential business activities such as sales, production would improve by selecting the appropriate strength to implement the best practices which would in essence improve overall corporate strategies which numbered around thirty five dollar bill best practices . It was practically not possible to implement all thirty five best practices, so it was decreased to the nine best practices w
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Planning, Assessment and Evaluation of Learning Essay
Planning, Assessment and evaluation of Learning - Essay ExampleThe curriculum is based on P3 to P6 levels for assessing the progress made. The paper will converse the effectiveness of the planning, pedagogy and evaluation as well as the need for assessment of the accomplishment in the context of a teaching plan for particular chel atomic number 18n. The choices for different learning cuddlees argon justified by drawing from various learning theories. The Ideals of Special Education Every child has his or her make potential. lofty standard education for special children is one where the individual potential of the child is recognized and promoted. The philosophy of teaching should focus on a learner centric cuddle, with the child taught through different ways to get on learning. Ideal learning and teaching requires that the child is the centre of the learning experience and all learning activities are planned and organized taking into consideration the specific learning nee ds of the child. The child has a regularize of activities to choose from, carried out under the supervision of the teacher to facilitate and enhance learning. consort to Vygotsky, learning is arbitrated or facilitated by teachers in the environment that pupils find themselves in and that a major proportion of the facilitation is brought about by communication via language (Woolfolk 2006). Education should focus on the integration of the experiences of the child with their mental maturation. This is exemplified by the constructivism approach presented by Piaget. Piaget contended that the interaction between biological maturation and experience is the underlying mechanism for the progression of the child along the different stages of cognitive development (Sigelman & Rider 2008). The current learning theories, no matter what they try on, have a central element common to them all- all theories encompass participation in family and community transformation both of the person and of the social world (Office of Learning and Teaching 2005). These activities are implemental in encouraging learning through different learning styles thus, children can buoy maximize their learning by following the learning style that suits them the most. Encouraging pupils to discover and use their learning styles is a successful approach to learning. Kolbs learning cycle also highlights the same phenomenon. He suggested four levels of learning which constitute the learning cycle concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation (Smale & Fowlie 2009). Kolb asserted that learning can occur at any one of these levels. Honey and Mumford furthered upon this learning model and suggested learning styles that corresponded to each level. They suggested that activists are those who learn from concrete experience, reflectors from reflective observation, theorists from abstract conceptualization and pragmatists from active experimentation (Smal e & Fowlie 2009). This follows that people have their own unique styles of learning and learning can be acquired through the effective use of any of these styles. According to Every Child Matters, a prime priority in learning these days is personalized learning and evaluates the value being given to education in schools and provision of more specialist services for children with special needs (Teacher Training Resource Bank 2011). Key acquaint 3 and P levels Typically, Key Stage is a legal terminology used to describe the pupils in Year 7, 8 and 9,
Causes of Low Productivity and Policies to Raise Output in Essay
Causes of Low Productivity and Policies to Raise Output in Under create Countries - Essay ExampleAccording to Schultz (1998, p.329), economists find it difficult to understand the preferences and scarcity constraints that determine the choices that distressing people make because they fail to understand is that hapless people are no less than concern about improving their lot and that of their children than rich people are. As poor people reside predominantly in low-income countries, they form a pittance for their labor, half and more of their meager income is spent on food, and that most of them earn their livelihood in agriculture.Schultz also points out that economic history has also been neglected. Classical economics was developed during the time when most people in Western Europe were barely scratching out subsistence from the poor soils they tilled and were condemned to a short life span. As a result, early economists dealt with conditions similar to those prevailing in l ow-income countries today. Knowledge of the experience and achievements of the poor people over the ages can contribute much to an understanding of the problems and possibilities of underdeveloped countries today (1998, p.332).AccordinAccording to Emmerij (1987, p.9), the disappointing performance of agriculture in many low-income countries cannot be ascribed wholly to proficient detailors or agricultural conditions in that unsuitable economic policies can have the effect of reducing incentives to change magnitude output and impending production. In connection to this, Schultz (1998, p.333) argues that differences in the soil productivity1 do not explain wherefore people are poor in long-settled parts of the world, conversely, the state of agriculture in underdeveloped countries. Schultz narrates volume in India have been poor for ages, both on the Deccan Plateau, where the productivity of the rainfed soils is low, and on the highly productive soils of in the south India. In A frica, people on the unproductive soils of the Southern fringes of the Sahara, on the somewhat more productive soils on the steep slopes of the Rift killform, and on the highly productive every(prenominal)uvial lands along and at the mouth of the Nile all have one thing in common they are very poor (Schultz 1998, p.331).Rather, Schultz cites that though land per se is not a critical factor in being poor, the mankind agent is. The expectations of human agents in agriculture - farm laborers who both work and allocate resources - are shaped by pertly opportunities by the incentives in agriculture to which they respond. These incentives, explicit in the prices farmers receive for their products and in the prices they pay for producer and consumer goods and services, are greatly misrepresent in many low income countries (1998, p.332).Governments tend to introduce distortions that discriminate against agriculture because internal politics slackly favor urban at the expense of folks y people, despite the much greater size of the rural population (Schultz, 1998). The effect of these government-induced distortions is to reduce the economic contribution that agriculture is capable of making (1998, p.332), despite the fact that
Monday, April 22, 2019
Buddhism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4
Buddhism - Essay ExampleIt is considered that the religion was founded on teaching of Gautama Buddha (500 B.C.E). The traditional date of the nativity of the Buddha is 560 B.C.E. The Buddha is believed to have been born in northeastern India, and was a prince. He followed ascetic way of life and devoted himself to meditations and spiritual development. One day, he meditated near the Ganges River, and came to conclusion that asceticism did non work and did not help a person to achieve spiritual development. He understood that a person should deplete a sufficient amount of food to have a good heath, should take enough slackening but not too much, and meditate. In 525 B.C.E, the Buddha achieved Enlightenment and began to preach (Lyons and Peters 1985). As with other major area religions, the history of Buddhism has long been characterized by an ongoing tension surrounded by attempts to preserve traditional ideals and modes of practice and the exact to adapt to changing social an d ethnical conditions (Lopez 2002). Many developments in Buddhist history, such as the extract of esoteric rituals, the arising of forms of devotionalism and lay movements, and the assimilation of warrior practices, reflect the impact of widespread yet fundamental social and cultural changes on traditional religious structures. ... In 480 BC was established the first Buddhist Council at Rajagriha in Bihar. At this council, the Vinaya and Sutra texts were standardized. As with most religions, the early years of Buddhism are shrouded in obscurity. But the period between that event and the reemergence of Buddhism into the light of history around 250 B.C.E. is somewhat unclear. Buddhist tradition holds that there was a meeting, or council, held immediately following the Buddhas death (Lopez 2002). The major concern of this meeting was to stabilize the Buddhist scriptures by advent to an agreement as to what were the accepted scriptures as spoken by the Buddha. For a variety of reason s, no such agreement seems to have been reached, although there was some general agreement on the basic message of the Buddha. deviation the canon, that is to say the total collection of Buddhist scriptures, open in this way was to lead to disagreements later in Buddhist history. The second Buddhist Council at Vaisali marked the first division of the Buddhist Order (386 BC). In 244 BC, the third Buddhist Council called by Asoka. This council fixed the canon of Theravadin Buddhism (Lyons and Peters 1985). To other regions of the world, Buddhist tradition was spread with merchants. For instance, Buddhism was introduced to southeastern Asia in C. 200. Since C. 300, Buddhism is a prominent religion in China and begins to penetrate Korea. c. 750 Buddhism officially established in Tibet (beginnings of the Vajrayana school). c. 800 Chan and Pure Land Buddhism become dominant schools in China establishment of Tendai and Shingon schools in Japan. Only, in 1893 humans Parliament of Religio ns
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Recognizing Contract Risk and Opportunities Essay - 2
Recognizing Contract Risk and Opportunities - try out ExampleIn contract management process compliance is the most difficult part because the might to implement conformity internally (employees) and externally (suppliers) is rigid in the overall management process. In the passing expanding economic world, billetes are frequently under pressure to conform to internal and external aspects. They require negotiating for contracts instead of going to courts to ensure the execution of contracts since they are expensive and involve long process. All the companies are creditworthy to fulfilling the contracts as failure to comply contributes to the breach of contract in terms of poor performance and organizational alterations. Hence, it is important for organizations to bargain for prevention measures to do away with contract disputes with emphasis on delivery schedule, technical performance and scope of the organization which in the long run will set the organization relax from contr actual responsibilities. However, most of these businesses lack the critical concepts to monitor and manage the contracts. Hence, the establishment of Upside contract to land the contractual agreements such as the operational compliance which guarantees that all the enterprise employees adhere to the policies and standards concerning the contract obligations and negotiations. provider compliance ensures that the suppliers conform to the terms of the contract including maintenance program and discounts on quantities purchased. Regulatory compliance aims at ensuring that all set out legislations are complied all the business enterprise entering into a contract. In any business traction a contract is a milestone as it depicts the association in the midst of the constricting entities state the stipulations and conditions for goods and services. Its important to note that contracts have many difficulties for a given business including loss of savings, opportunities and liability as res ult of
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Integraded pop culture autobiography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Integraded pop socialization autobiography - prove ExampleEspecially in these present-day(a) times, pop culture is perceived more of a technical culture, for the commercial value it has. Storey is of the opinion that popular culture emerges from the urbanization of plurality. Popular culture is an amalgamation of complex forces that are interdependent on each other and impact upon society in both possible way. However, popular culture is never static, but keeps on changing from time to time depending upon the likes and dislikes, tastes and trends of people in the society. It is possible for certain traits in pop culture to be influenced by a sub- culture and be manifested in society if its values are accepted and adopted by them. In analyze popular culture from the 1920s until now, we find a huge difference in peoples way of life, their medicinal drug, dance, movies, fashion, sport, art, literature and other media. However, this type of culture is quite popular because it is appeals to a very bulky spectrum of people. The different media such as television, newspapers, radio and magazines contribute towards popularizing certain aspects of culture mainly to do with entertainment. In this essay an attempt is being made at investigating and analyzing important aspects of popular culture in the 1920s and today and trying to find out the similarities and differences by comparing the different periods. consonance Music in the 1920s was quite unlike the music that we hear today. The 1920s is the period when Jazz was nearly popular. Some of the popular singers and composers of the Jazz Age were Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington and George Gershwin and the like who changed the face of music during the 1920s. Gershwin composed some of the Statess most popular music such as musical comedies, film scores, songs, opera and his contrive composition called Rhapsody and Blues ( real piano and Jazz) during the 1920s. Some of the famous cartoon characters introduced d uring the 1920s were Mickey Mouse, (1928) Winnie the Pooh and Betty Boop. However, music in the 21st century has been revolutionized due to the changing times. Most of the modern generation is comfortable with Hip- hop, Rap, Alternate jar and Rock music as they identify themselves with it and feel that they could express themselves in a way they want. However, Classical music of the ancient period is evergreen even today and has served to influence modern composers. Some compositions that subscribe to a world vision and carries a special message for guiding the world to peace and harmony are not only popular but but instill positive attitudes among the people. Marleys music falls under this category and his song which had the line One love, one heart, lets posture together and feel alright (Michael A Stusser, pg. 376) brought inspiration to the hearts of the freedom fighters during the struggle between Zimbabwe and Britain. The Jamaican Government recognized his great contributio n in the arts and awarded him the Order of Merit in 1981. (Michael A Stusser, pg. 376) On the music front, my most favorite Classical composer is Beethoven, while my most admired artist of contemporary music is Eminem. Dance Dance took on a revolutionary turn during the 1920s after experiencing the limitation and horrors of the war. People went all out to release their pent up emotions brought about by restriction in their
Friday, April 19, 2019
Busines economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Busines economics - Essay ExamplePrimarily among these tool is the gross domestic product. It refers to the mesh market value of the goods and services provided by a country. It can likewise be used to quantify the standard of living of citizens in that country and can be used to gauge the demand and the get capacity of individuals during that financial year. The Gross Domestic Product (gross domestic product) of the UK shrunk 0.60% during the latter half of the financial year in 2010. It has been calculated that United Kingdoms average quarterly growth rate was 0.59% which climbed the charts steadily to 5.30% and also witnessed a record low of -2.5%. (United Kingdom gross domestic product product Rate, 2011) The UK as a robust parsimony has its GDP usually boosted by the strong performance of the banking and insurance services. The manufacturing industry meanwhile faced a recession and the key to overcoming this problem lies in more government involvement while at the alike(p ) time continuing its social welfare initiatives. One of the most current statistics that have been obtained manoeuvred the following domain Interest Rate Growth Rate Inflation Rate Jobless rate Government budget Exchange Rate UK 0.50% -0.60% 4.00% 8.00% -11.40% 1.62 (United Kingdom GDP Growth Rate, 2011) However when compared to 2009 there has however been a elegant improvement of 1.5% GDP in the last quarter of 2010. The manufacturing experienced a slight boost in the latter half of 2010 climbing by 1.1% and the utility production also grew by 4.6%. The mining sphere of influence experienced a slight meltdown falling by 4.5%. The construction industry was also poorly hit as several major construction projects were put on hold due the banking crisis that arose in 2009-2010. It fell by 2.5 %. Other arenas that experienced a drop were the business services and the transport sector at 1.1% and 1.4% respectively. (United Kingdom GDP Growth Rate, 2011) The German economy on the ot her hand fared disclose compared to its counterpart. The GDP increased by 0.40% in the latter half of 2010 compared to 2009. It also had its share of ups and downs with its average GDP growth at 0.29%. This reached a peak of 2.30% in June 2010 and a nadir of 3.50% in March 2009. (Germany GDP Growth Rate, 2011) Export forms the backb ace of German economy and accounts for almost one third of its income. Germany has performed better than UK during this onerous period as shown by the market indicators and its strong commitment in engaging to closer European cooperation between member countries in both(prenominal) economic and commercial policies is reaping benefits. Country Interest Rate Growth Rate Inflation Rate Jobless rate Government Budget Exchange Rate UK 1.00% 0.40% 2.00% 7.40% -3.00% 1.42 (Germany GDP Growth Rate, 2011) Comparing both the Macroeconomic performance of UK with its European counterparts over the past ten years, one finds that its performance of attaining an annu al GDP growth of 2.3% places it third behind US and Canada. However rising levels of both private sector debt and public sector debt have held back the government in providing sufficient pecuniary stimulus to the manufacturing and industrial sector. Trade, an area where Germany has made rapid progress also has declined in the context of the UK market. (BIS frugal Paper No.9, 2010) Business investment has also taken a backseat in UK. Post 2000, survey estimates indicate that UK is ranked behind
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Balance Scorecard for projects by Stewart (2001) Essay
Balance Scorecard for projects by Stewart (2001) - Essay ExampleOn the other hand, it open fire also be observed that the success of any particular project heavily draws on the surgical procedure of the people involved in that particular project. A project is often regarded as a mini organization as a result of the fact that it is more than structured and controlled. It can also be noted that different projects have failed to achieve their goals as a result of poor management.With a becoming performance measurement tool such as the balanced scorecard (BSC), organisations can clarify their passel through measurable goals and outcomes, (Shepko & Douglas, 1998 as cited in Stewart, 2000, p. 38). Against this background, this essay leave alone hash out the BSC as a more contemporary means of implementing the strategies of an organisation in order to operate viably with the aim of achieving its stated goals. The discussion pull up stakes heavily draw on the tap of Stewart, Kaplan and Norton, Ahn and Prastacos. Particular attention will be accustomed to the work of Stewart (2001) entitled Balanced scorecard for projects. The essay will critique journal the articles by these authors with the aim of discussing their views closely this matter which is related to BSC. The paper is structure in different parts and the first part deals with freehanded an overview of the topic in view of the ideas raised by different authors. In the master(prenominal), the essay will discuss the findings of different authors about the topic in question. The last part of the essay is based on a critical analysis of a case scenario of BBCL/El Nino/El Dorado. The discussion of this case study will heavily draw on the ideas raised by different authors mentioned above. A conclusion to give the main points discussed in the essay will be given at the end where a personal considerateness about the writers own perception about the topic will be given. 1.1 Overview of the topic Organisa tions are currently encountering a revolutionary transformation where industrial age competition is replaced by the data age competition. During the contemporary period, it can be noted that sophisticated financial control systems were developed to oversee efficient allocations of financial and physical capital. Thus, the need for a new approach to the evaluation of value human race of the organisations has led to the development of the balanced scorecard. According to Kaplan and Norton (1996), a balanced scorecard is a strategy that is utilize to supplement the traditional financial measures with other criteria that measure performance from three additional dimensions which include the pastime customers, internal business processes, learning and growth. The BSC can be used to transform the vision of the organisation towards the acquirement of its strategic goals. According to these authors, building a scorecard enables the organisation to link its financial budgets with its st rategic goals given that it will be easier to monitor the performance of the organisation as a whole through an outlined step by step process. Stewart (2000) suggests that the goal of every organisation is to do more, better,
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
HRM - Essay ExampleTherefore, HR team needs to focus oversight when a billet needs to be redesigned. Training and development are the key issues in HR activities. HR team of R. R. Donnelley apply training and development method to enhance the productivity. This HR activity similarly motivates and inspires the employees of Donnelley to work more and generate more production. Quality control and quality checking are also essential for a production firm like Donnelley. Six-Sigma and other quality control process has been largely used in their training method. HR team also introduces new technologies in making printing plates and films. It changes the job description of the employees of Donnelley. Training and development from HR team train their employees to adopt new technology. As a result, productivity has increased by 20 percent in last three years. This increment in production also stops to build a new production unit. Therefore, this HR activity is constitute effective for D onnelley and increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the employees. (Mathis and Jackson, 160-164 R.R Donnelley, Delivering Value across the Supply Chain, p.1)Technology involves almost every character of our lives. However, to the extent that our individual lives have been transformed, the business world has developed almost beyond appreciation in the past few decades. guy is the renowned infrastructure high society in the world. Caterpillar is the biggest constructer of construction and excavation equipment. In Caterpillar, adoption of new technology is very common. In Caterpillar, we resolve the difficult environmental problem by new technology. Caterpillar has a good record as a technology direction. Caterpillar always used new and advanced technologies to meet their customers needs. As an infrastructure company Caterpillar has to use different technologies regarding environmental problems. They adopt many
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Gender Roles in The Thin Man Essay Example for Free
Gender Roles in The Thin military personnel EssayThe period of the 1930s was an offshoot of the roaring twenties or the jazz age, a time when wo custody gained a heightened understanding of prominence in the society after the First World warf ar saw young men leaving their homes and their work in response to the nations cry to arms (Freedman, 1974, p. 374). Towards the end of the war and at the beginning of the 1930s, women became more in control of their self-direction, proof of which is their freshly recognized right to suffrage (Murphy, 1996, p. 52). They became regular members of the social workforce, thereby giving them a renewed sense of control over their lives.The flapperyoung women who defied the norms of what a conservative woman is by engaging in routine sex and wearing short skirts, among otherstook the center stage, so to speak. As for men, such circumstances only brought them walking(prenominal) to the temptation of pleasing the opposite sex. This is clearly portrayed in the 1934 film The Thin Man. In the film, cut off Charles and his wife Nora represent the behavior of married couples whose lives are characterized primarily by the attitudes of the social elitesfun meant enjoying martinis and sleuthing.In a way, the couple captures the gender usances of each partner during the 1930s. Nora was a wealthy heiress who had almost everything at her disposal. She was beautiful and seemed to have a passion for adventure owing largely to her living a life of liberty. She was the 1930s woman who saw life as the ultimate provider of adventure in on the whole its daring forms. notch was a handsome man and a retired private detective who previously investigated and lick murders. He was the 1930s man who was deeply entrenched with his passion for resolving issues no matter what it takes, ofttimes to the amusement of the female partner.In fact, Nora was more than delighted upon knowing that slit accepted the task of investigating the disappea rance of his friend Clyde Wynant and the death of Clydes former girlfriend, Julia Wolfe. It leaves little room to speculate that Nora was indeed the characteristic 1930s woman who seized her liberty as if it would never run out, putting her self to risky situations together with her man. She portrayed the woman who embraced the flapper culture with open arms, spending her time drinking alcohol or romantically engaging her partner.While she remained supportive of Nick like a female partner might ordinarily commit herself into, she was on her own a liberal minded individual. For the most part, Nick played the character of the adventurous husband which perfectly complements Noras interest in the same. He was someone who lived every risk of infection with such boldness. He was someone who sought the pleasure of his spousefrom accepting her request for him to take the role to completely allowing her to partake in his drinking sessionsno matter what the cost may be.It goes to show t hat Nick was a man who shared entirely similar interests with his spouse and will gladly fulfill whatsoever it is that will make his woman happy. It was his role to please his woman. On the other hand, it was the womans role to act is if she was herself a man, fully absorbed in exactly the same interests as the husbands. hither we see the approximate gender roles prevalent during the 1930s. Men and women had more similarities than differences as far as their inclinations are concerned. To a certain degree, there was no woman.Woman drank, dressed and acted in an unconventional so that they may be desired by the opposite sex, and actively participated in fairly dangerous tasks. Her liberty stood at the very core of her character and this made her more appealing to every man. Towards the end of the film, Nick gives in to the implied gesture of Nora to spend the night together in the same bed. The scene is revealing til now as it gives rise to the idea that women exerted a certain inf luence or power over men especially when it comes to passionate affairs.The 1930s woman had too much liberty, in fact, that she can do anything she pleases and bugger off pleased in the end. Nevertheless, the 1930s man still had a lot to do with her sources of pleasure. References Dyke, W. S. V. (Director). (1934). The Thin Man. fall in States MGM. Freedman, E. B. (1974). The New Woman Changing Views of Women in the 1920s. The Journal of American History, 61(2), 372-393. Murphy, M. (1996). And All That Jazz Changing readiness and Morals after World War I. Montana The Magazine of Western History, 46(4), 50-63.
Media and Language Essay Example for Free
Media and Language endeavorThe article discusses about how Facebook is in truth affecting ones feeling of being lonely. It also states the diametric showtimes or causes for a somebody to be c be one. Facebook is said to be an instrument to increase a persons social life and interaction with others but for most researchers, it is also a source of loneliness. Yvette Vickers death was connected to a heart attack which was reportedly caused by loneliness. She called distant fans onward her death rather than her family and friends. Loneliness and being alone is not the same thing. Being lonely is a psychological state while being alone is an external condition.Loneliness can be heedful through the UCLA Scale. Researchers found out that as time goes by, the number of great deal who feel lonely increases. sea captain carers is widely needed because of the alarming number of lonely beings which are then had become a usual health issue. It can lead to certain illness like demen tia, insomnia, obesity, hormonal imbalance, etc. some(prenominal) like to be alone or independent because they get some satisfaction over that kind of form but what they dont know is that their exposing themselves into a world of pure loneliness.Family traits are changing because of the changing world. Some engage into social networking because of the urge to belong to a social group. This may be because of a poor household interaction between families. Scanning through others posts may lead to loneliness because good deal would tend to realize why other people have this and that while they do not. Why people experience this and that and they do not. Facebook draws a person into a world of illusion instead of being suitable to realize reality.It can be utile if one can use it as a lance to engage social gatherings or interactions and not a substitute to one. Technology may be helpful or not to improving ones life but it is for the user to limit its usage, by chance for bette r or for worse. The author concluded that connection is not the same as bond. People permit themselves be drawn into a connection which is not forever connected and a form of chemical decomposition reaction from this connection may lead to a worse scenario. So the text talks about the resemblance of loneliness to Facebook. I am a vivid Facebook user and yes, I felt lonely at some times.When I do not know what else to do, I try to scan through my breakwater and see some posts there about other peoples lives and how they feel and even what is shortly happening to them. Some of those posts appeal to my senses. I feel envy of what other people have, in the visible and social aspect. I am not into social interaction with those who I do not really know and from what I have observed, those people who talk to others via social networking sites are one those who are normal in reality and I also think that they are sometimes being plastic to others.Many admire their popularity and becau se of that, admirers always make a way to interact with them and also, the ones who are being admired are feeling good about it. That is only my opinion but I do not judgement them. Also, I do not use social networking just to seek importance from other person like others do. I use it for communion and entertainment purposes only. I just want some communication with my friends and family and that is all I need to live a not so noticeable yet a full life. So I agree at some points of this article. It is the people who should control technology and not the technology who should control the person.
Monday, April 15, 2019
The Role of Myanmar Poems in Environmental Conservation Essay Example for Free
The Role of Myanmar Poems in Environ rational Conservation EssayI would basic like to express my thanks to the organizers of the Irrawaddy Literature Festival for this opportunity to discuss my view on the meaning(a) role of Myanmar traditional Literature and culture in environmental conservation and sustainable development. The root I have chosen is on how Myanmar traditional poems can contribute towards environmental conservation and sustainable development from the esthetic perspective. Like all organism, human beings rely on the natural environment for pick and well-being.But, unlike other living beings human needs non only physical nutrients, but mental supplement such as aesthetical feeling plays a vital role for his survival. Appreciation of salmon pink is one of the distinctive element that distinguishes humans from other creatures, that is, we like to blistering in fine places encompassing of blooming flowers, green trees, singing birds as mental nutrients whi le we need fresh air and sassy water with full of minerals as our physical nutrients.The natural environment provide our aesthetic needs by its amazing stunner such as ranges of purple mountain, snowy peak, green forests and prairies, the far-reaching spaces of blue oceans and colourful seashells, slick yellowish rivers, the twittering sounds of birds and beasts with their mates, colourful flowers in bloom, and so forth. In my view the beauty of nature has always steamy awareness that we have to preserve our environment to preserve this beauty. Today this beauty is rapidly vanishing mega cities have replaced many another(prenominal) beautiful landscapes and this has left human beings empty-hearted.It may be one of the causes in the rise of crime and forcefulness in the inner cities of megapolices. The phenomena of natural world have historically been the subject and object of aesthetics. When we use the circumstance natural it has been abstractized as the beautiful, pastora l, sublime, and picturesque. These aesthetic categories have historically functioned to frame and construct the natural world for us against a human, technologically determined environment. Environmental Aesthetics leads into questions and forms an analysis of our aesthetic relationship Dr.Le Le Wynn, Professor Head, Department of Philosophy, University of Yangon Irrawaddy Literary Festival (Myanmar) 3-2-2013 2 and judgments of the natural world as a methodological analysis for setting up a better relationship that will promote environmental respect not just preservation. 1 In his A common sense County Almanac, the founder of ecological science Aldo Leopold stated that A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community and It is wrong when it tends otherwise. 2 It means that integrity, stability, and beauty are necessary for preserving the natural environment.Of these, integrity and beauty are especially human concerns because nonhuman beings that live in the biotic community are not concerned with ethical or aesthetical value. Besides, it seems to bring up that both ethical and aesthetical considerations are crucial for the environmental conservation. Immanuel Kant, in his Critique of Judgment, stated that beautiful items in nature such as flowers, birds, and seashells provide a source of disinterested pleasure because their evidentiary form alone can lead us to pleasurable imagination and understanding.Beauty is a symbol of Morality, and The manipulation of nature is the mark of a good soul are key sayings of Kant. For him, the shared enjoyment of a sunset or a beach shows there is harmony between us all, and the world. In this respect, judgments of pure beauty, being selfless, initiate one into the moral point of view. 3 For that reason, it is clear that the role of aesthetic appreciation of Nature is crucial for awakening the humans conscience with regard to ethical debt instrument to the natural environment.In this sense, environmental aesthetics stresses its interest in the potentialities of artistic representations which can stimulate aesthetic appreciation which will lead to realization of the ethical obligations of human being towards nature. In circumstance, it is an undeniable fact that the power of aesthetic stimulation of the perceptual faculties of humans is more effective than the power of ethical guidelines to their conceptual awareness of them.In Myanmar culture, like other Eastern traditions, it is usually considered that human beings and natural environment coexist peacefully side by side in the world. This idea is reflected in the writings of Myanmar Poets and Authors.http//unnatural. ucsc. edu/environmental_aesthetics/index. htm Aldo Leopold (1981). A Sand County Almanac, The Land Ethic. Oxford Oxford University Press. pp. 237-265. 3 Barry Hartley Slater. Aesthetics, The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.http//www.iep.utm.edu/
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Economics Unit †housing prices from different cities Essay Example for Free
Economics Unit lodgement prices from different cities seekThe cost of trapping is comm alone the reflection of the honor of the knock down plus the price of the sign of the zodiac and the comforts that come with it. This is often walk outed by whats around the place, the nearest recreation areas or sceneries. This affects how caparison is priced, and is also usu completelyy affected by the supply and demand of the land. Because of this, there are motley considerations when choosing where to wear a house, including the total costs and what youll actually get from it. Usually, these prices also vary from city to city, as it is cognise that not all cities are the same regarding what you get from the housing deals, like the nearest public transportation, market, and schools. These all appeals to the needs of the people, and these are usually the ones that affect the pricing. The housing prices are directly affected by the changes in supply and demand of the land. This is because of the developments done in housing, wherein house prices are thoroughly based on the value of the comforts that are directly available in the neighborhood (Nelson).Because of this increase in demand, there leave be an increase in the competition for the houses, since there are a lot of people wanting the same thing, and that is a good housing. As a phone number of residents are acquiring homes, the more the managers of the land would try and make sure to provide make headways for these residents. This includes additional security, recreation areas and shopping areas for the people. They are not only investing on the housing that they are being sold, but also with the things that come with it that would surely benefit the people.This is how the housing value is affected when there is an increase in demand it is not only because you concord to increase the price when a lot of people demand for housing in a particular(prenominal) city or area, it is also because of the increase in the services that one should provide for these increasing number of residents. The cost of those additional amenities would then be reflected in the housing price the more amenities offered, the steeper the price (Duca). Comparison of different citiesIn order to actually see how amenities affect the price of housing, the housing situations in various cities are compared. This is by comparing the price of a 3-bedroom, 2-bath house in several cities like San Francisco, California Topeka, Kansas Dallas, Texas Concord, Massachusetts and Seattle, Washington. The results for the housing prices in these different cities were varying, and it is because of the added amenities that you prat find available upon purchase, plus the neighborhood and the type of house.The most obvious result was between the housing of a 3-bedroom, 2-bath house in San Francisco, California and Dallas, Texas. The cost of housing in San Francisco, California ranges from $600,000 to a one million milli on million US dollars. Meanwhile, the cost of housing in Dallas, Texas for a 3-bedroom, 2-bath house ranges from $40,000 to a hundred thousand US dollars (Realtor. com). The difference is quite large, and this is roughly because of the amenities that are included upon purchasing these houses.Housing in Dallas, Texas doesnt offer much, wherein it is far from public transportation, and are often in subdivision areas. On the other hand, housing in San Francisco, California has amenities like community exercise and recreation areas, hill/mountain view, peeing view, and so much more. Because of those differences, the prices of these housing deals are comparatively far from each other. These differences in housing deals feed the people choices, wherein they are free to choose what type of amenities they want in their house.Also this flesh would give them a wide array of choices, either wanting a plain, not so dearly-won house, or to a fully-packed house that would surely cost them mon ey. Other amenities present (or lacking) in near of the houses in various cities which could have affected their prices includes access to shopping areas/markets, nearby elementary or high schools, parks and recreation areas, and the type and quality of the house itself. With all these, the price the housing offered in the various cities is greatly varying.ReferencesDuca, J. V. (2005, September/October 2005). Making Sense of Elevated Housing Prices. Southwest Economy Retrieved May 5, 2007, from http//www. dallasfed. org/ look/swe/2005/swe0505b. html Nelson, A. C. (2000 ). Effects of Urban Containment on Housing Prices and Landowner Behavior. Land Lines, Volume 12(Number 3). Realtor. com. (2007). Find A Home. Retrieved May 5, 2007, from http//www. realtor. com/Default. aspx
Friday, April 12, 2019
School Uniforms Essay Example for Free
School Uniforms EssayThis essay allow discuss about school uniforms. This is most-valuable because school uniforms is a big topic with a lot of opinion, so now i will tell my opinion about it. As an example for a pro argument is that every school-age child would be seen as equal. And for a counter argument would be that they cant present their own individuality. It is unwaveringly my belief that school uniforms is not needed in school.One of the most common argument that you let on is about bullying. But if someone in the school wants to bully someone they dont care about the clothe that the soul is wearing. So what i mean is that even if we would have uniforms they will find something else to bully the person for. But it might make people understand that they should not judge people of what they are wearing.A lot of people talk about individuality, and a uniform would stop so that you cant express yourself through your cloths. And this is an important time in a teens lif e to be able to find yourself, where you lead and where you feel comfortable. And this will affect how you are as a person when you become older. But on the other hand you should be able to express yourself through your appearance not only pervert habiliments.A big problem with school uniforms would terms for the uniforms. It would not be that much of a cost , entirely if you have more than one child it would be a lot of money in the length of time and especially when the children is in the state of growing so they would need to buy freshly uniforms quite often. to summarize it all together, it would be hard to say to the students that they would need to wear uniforms because we need our clothes to feel safe as who we are and it would not live up to what they expected as a result if we were given uniforms. This is a big topic that have both pro and cons argument but mine opinion will always be against school uniforms.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Biology Evidences of Evolution Essay Example for Free
Biology Evidences of Evolution Essay* Fossils- fossils provide evidence of growth because link organisms have similar still varied bone structures. Carbon dating and radioisotopes allow scientists to find when the rocks and fossils roll in the hayd, allowing them to verify how the organisms changed over time and adapted to new environments.* Embryology- many animals have an extremely similar embryological stage. Only practised professionals can tell the difference between the embryos of mankind, fish, rabbits and birds. Only once the embryos grow and develop do they scrape varying in their appearance. This provides evidence of maturation because it shows how almost identical embryos turn into completely various organisms. The more similar the embryo, the more closely related the organism is.* Comparative anatomy- states that organisms with similar structures must have rise up from a common ancestor. When two different species that have homologous structures, proves t hat they both evolved from the same species and adapted in order to survive.* Geographical dispersal- the theory different animals have different traits because of the environment where they live and are raised. This proves phylogeny because divergent evolution explains that when something happens to environment that threatens the species existence, they must all flee the area. The different areas have different effect on the species, causing it to adapt to the environment. After millions of years, it evolves into a new species.* Genetics- many organisms have similar genes and genic codes, but are different species.Geographical distribution in more detail Geographical distribution means that each species starts off in the same environment and same location. Geographical distribution proves evolution because something will eventually happen to the environment, making the species unable to live there for any longer. Divergent evolution explains that every species begins in one loc ation, and when something happens to that location (humans mint in, urbanization, area dries up, vegetation dies, etc.), they move to all different environments of different climates and locations.In each different area, the species adapts to the environment. After millions of years and many generations, the species has adapted so untold that it turns into a new species. Depending on the environment, the species will adapt differently and evolve into different species. These species often stop related, but they are no longer the same. For example, species A is a type of bird living in the forest. This bird is most likely green or brown to disguise with the environment. These birds eat leaves from the trees. One day, the humans decide to cut down all the trees.The vegetation is all gone and the birds have nothing left over(p) to eat. They must move to another location. Half of species A move to the desert and half move to the arctic. The birds that move to the desert adapt to tha t environment by changing the colour to a lighter brown or beige to camouflage and start eating meat from decomposing animals. Meanwhile, the birds that move to the arctic turn white to camouflage and begin to eat fish.This species has move to two different areas, and the birds in each area have evolved. oer millions of years, the birds changed into different species. The birds that live in the desert are now known as species B and the birds that live in the arctic tundra are now referred to as species C. These two birds are still similar in structure and still share common qualities, but they are different species. We consider them related species, but we no longer consider them the same species.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Difficult position Essay Example for Free
Difficult position EssayThe athletics the crucible was written by Arthur miller .The race was based on a hurricane of mass hysteria .The crucible has been adapted from true life events .The play shows the cry of witchery evolve and grow out of hand .Written by Arthur Miller based on personal problems which bring on effected his life .The McCarthy trials in which he found himself in an genuinely tricky position, but similarly very similar to those of mama in Salem in the 17th Century. Miller used this play to show opposition to McCarthyism in which it was seen as Un- American to be a communist. Anti-communism was powerfully encouraged .Thousands of Americans were accused and they were aggressively investigated and if you wanted to prevent yourself from paying a heavy fine you had to transport the finger at someone else, he described this as Quite crazy. He was re every(prenominal)y fire by the strong correlation with Communism and the Salem witch hunt . And even went to Salem Massachusetts to research the witch trials.Arthur Miller in the play shows the significance of ones name and the value within it.Abigail Williams a small girl created madness falsely accusing innocent people to seek revenge .She mat up once Elizabeth Proctor, John Proctors wife was dead she lead learn him all to herself she believes that John Proctor and her havent accurate yet, from their previous affair .Accusing John Proctor of Putting knowledge in her heart. Accusing him of destroying her innocence by taking her virginity .So for a time when the church is suppose to be a big part in everybodys life he knows it wont look good on his behalf .She has malicious intentions, initially intending to get Elizabeth killed .It started as dancing in the woods and drinking blood which was a supposed ritual. She had a real plan for everything to go haywire.John Proctors guilt over affair with Abigail makes his position uneasy because he is guilty of the very hypocrisy he scorns in others. It silences his voice to speak out. This adds tension because hes craving to testify against Abigail. But initially doesnt this also adds dramatic irony.Giles Corey is very fearful and died due to this a lot of tension was caused by this. emphasis is caused by him not confessing or accusing someone else of witchery consequently encountering a slow and nasty death. Forced to plead guilty by pressing heavy stones on his chest he died by being crushed under the weight of these many stones .A slow painful death made it achy to read about and curious to find out what was going to happen next.Stage precaution enabled us to visualise what was going on, on the stage. As it amplified the settings and tension was added because the bigger and better the stage direction meant the scene was more than detailed.Act 4 began with the isolation of a jail in Salem the stage direction tells us that Sarah Good and Tituba both in rags tells us they have been ill treated. There in swarthine ss and light only seeps through the bars creating a depressing, sorrowful and gloomy atmosphere. Making the unavoidable more daunting .The iron bars symbolises that they are prisoners locked away from their basic human rights and the world.Dramatic tension is caused by the setting of the scene because their probably yearning to see the outside world. Instant pity is felt for them they have had to suffer the excruciating pain of being locked up for a long period of time. For a evil they did not commit.Parris is fearful of the situation he finds a dagger outside the entrance. This adds suspense and tension it left(a) the audition wandering for his future existence. It could have been done simply but it was really dramatic because the audience are clueless about who put it their and why. It could have been done simply. But the dagger in the door made it more dramatic and the scene was dark which made it more spooky it was a acquit threat and meant his life was at stake.Abigails un expected disappearance because of her unachievable goal puts more pressure on Parris. As he is also feeling gradually more isolated in the village. His congregation has also dropped in size .This heightens the tension because if Abigails disappeared without a trace her doings and the doings of the other girls who cried witchcraft will be questioned. Abigail does not want her name to be soiled its so important to her she is seen as a good girl My name is good in the village I will now have my name soiled.So she might have her doubts about everyone finding out the whole thing was a lie so the best thing to do was to runaway. Parris is also worried that he stole all his moneyTo change Proctors mind to confessing to witchcraft in order to save his life Elizabeth is required. She is heavily enceinte but she agrees but makes no promises Hale asks her to make him confess to witchcraft.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Card Skimming Essay Example for Free
Card Skimming Essay assurance Card Fraud is one of the biggest threats to business establishments today. Originally, reliance throwaways bargonly carried raised numbers that were transferred to a carbon copy with a instrument panel-swiping machine. The merchant simply accepted any cod presented. Spending limits and printed lists of at sea/stolen cards were ineffective in preventing spoof and former(a) financial losses. Merchants were required to mobilise a transaction authorization center to get pre-approval of the transaction. The volume of telephone traffic grew to a fault great, and more automated authorization systems allowed faster, easier, and verified transactions. Magnetic stripes on the backs of these earnings cards started to appear and that allowed computers to be used at both ends of the call. The raised letters and numbers on the plastic cards are now rarely used or even read.This then gave stand to skimming devices that could be used by some unscrupulous persons to electronically scan and save the nurture from many customers cards. Techniques such as skimming, in which criminals capture card information and personal-identification numbers, give up existed for years, often on a small scale. A growing security concern with Skimming devices is the possible release of the substance abusers personal information or location to unauthorized parties. So, what is now needed is a delegacy to increase the security of payment card use at merchant locations.Problem StatementCredit Card Fraud poses one of the greatest risks to businesses nowadays. As card business transactions increase, so too do frauds. According to the Jamaica Observer dated March 2010 The National Commercial Bank (NCB) yesterday revealed that it lost more than J$100 million to identification card fraud last year, put merchants on guard against what it said was a rising problem. Most cases of counterfeit fraud involve skimming. The fraudulent activity on a card affects ev erybody, i.e., the cardholder, the merchant, the acquirer as well as the issuer (bank). Several methods have been proposed in order to stop this. One such method adopted is a method of chips build into the card adding a layer of protection. The good news is that technology for preventing reference book card frauds is improving with the modulation of time.Purpose StatementThis paper will describe the development of a system to provide objective time detection of fraud attempt so as to increase the security payment of belief cards use at merchant POS locations. Research QuestionsWhat is credit card fraud?What is skimming?How are cards skimmed and reproduced?What are the implications of credit card fraud?Can this type of fraud be prevented?If so, how can this type of fraud be prevented?SignificanceAbout J$245.1 million has been lost to credit card fraud in Jamaica for 2009 (Jamaica Observer). In 2010 Europe, which has showcased a bigger problem than the U.S.A saw card-skimming att acks take off 24% in the first six months to 5,743, the largest six-month number since data gathering began in 2004, according to the European ATM Security Team, a non-profit group. Consumers face trouble trying to get fraudulent charges reversed, merchants lose the woo of the products sold have to pay chargeback fees and fear from the risk of having their merchant account closed and loss of reputation. The issuers and acquirers as well as have to make huge investments in preventing frauds by deploying sophisticated IT systems for detection of fraudulent transactions. They also face financial and product losses, fines, loss of reputation and possibly loss of license if not compliant to credit card standards. This research study could provide information on how to helper maintain the cost of fraud and losses due to fraud and help to put this at a manageable level. It will help acquirers and issuers to equip themselves with a counterattack to possible threats and that can help pro tect the user and the merchant from fraud. rendering of TermsCredit Card Fraud is defined as when an individual uses another individualscredit card for personal reasons while the owner of the card and the card issuer are not aware of the fact that the card is being used. Card Skimming is a process where genuine data on a cards magnetic stripe is electronically copied onto another.References Listhttp//www.jamaicaobserver.com/business/NCB-puts-customers-on-credit-card-guard_7505969http//online.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748703688704575621122308129984http//quotes.wsj.com/IT
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Duke of Edinburg Adventurous Journey Report Essay Example for Free
Duke of Edinburg Adventurous Journey account statement EssayThe Duke of Edinburg Adventurous Journey Report It each(prenominal) started on the cool morning of July 31. aft(prenominal) a chequer of ab disclose 2 hrs, we eventually got on the Volvo AC bus after having our modest breakfast in OIS. I felt heavy(p) the morning fresh air always suited me. The bus passed effortless(prenominal)ly through the jam less Dhaka streets. Once it got to Savar, I began to notice natural beauty of the highest quality. There were all kinds of plants and shrubs and delicately one and only(a)-sided flowers. The green carpeted Savar Golf Course was the main attraction of our transit from Dhaka to Aricha. After an hours delay at the Aricha ferrying ghat, it took us some other hour to cross the river. The other half of our jaunt from ferry ghat to Khulna was torturous. Amid the sweltering heat of the shrouded sun, the AC of the AC bus kept breaking down and we were not in a position to actu ally appreciate the natural roadside beauty. Everyone was sweating and cursing inside the bus. And no one had the shopping center of taking pictures or tuning to a song.So the first emotion upon stepping out of the bus was one of relief no one would want to repeat a bus journey like that We reached the quarter where we would be saying for the better part of the next 2 days. Every one of us felt disappointed on seeing the small building surrounded by the wild. Compared to BARD, this come in was like a jungle. We spent an hour for settling in our room and washing ourselves up. Then we took a 20 minute walk and our journey for the day was put to an end. The next day was full of adventures. We took a 2 hr walk before breakfast.The high illuminate of our adventurous journey came right after that. We took a bus to Bagerhat to visit the Sathgombhuj Mosque. The guide there told us some part of the history of the mosque and also gave us an insight on where the name of the mosque derived fr om. After a brief photo-session we went to Khan Jahan Ali Mazar there we sat closemouthed the edge of the lake and took a little snack break of singara and Frutica. Some half an hour later another bus trip took us to Chadmahal. The place is a gem hidden deep in the heart of Bagerhat.It looked like a great place for family hangout. Apart from anything else there is a zoo, an astounding 3-storey marble-studded building and an subsurface entrance to the building. After our short visit to Chandmahal, we took our survey of the local people, as instructed and then went back to our resting place. After a day full of work, it was a bliss to me to get a quick shower and hatful before the grand camp fire. Although most of the awardees were reluctant, the campfire went fine. I was honored to be given the chance to light the fire.From there on, we sang and Akter sir danced and overall the camp-fire was a success. After that we went to sleep. The next day, everyone woke up early and prepared to leave. We blotto vans with our luggage and hurried to the train station. No sooner had we got on the train, it gave its final whistle and started to move. The train journey was itself an adventure with one of the bogies going off-track soon after we passed a small station. All in all the adventurous journey was a memorable one and a few glitches along the way bequeath not make it any less enjoyable.
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Flat organization Group Essay Example for Free
Flat organic law Group Essayorganisational coordinates developed from the antediluvian times of hunters and collectors in tribal organizations through highly royal and clerical power structures to industrial structures and todays post-industrial structures. The classifiable hierarchical arrangement for lines of authorities, communications, rights and duties of an organization. Organizational structure determines how the roles, power and responsibilities are assigned, admitled, and coordinated, and how information flows between the different levels of counsel. A structure depends on the organizations objectives and strategy.In a centralized structure, the top layer of management has most of the stopping conduct reservation power and has tight control over departments and divisions. In a decentralized structure, the decision making power is distributed and the departments and divisions may take aim different degrees of independence. A company such as Proctor encounter that sells multiple crops may organize their structure so that groups are divided according to each product and depending on geographical area as well.The Importance of Organization organiseA number of writers have pointed out the importance of an organizations structure and the proportionship between it and an organizations size, strategy, technology, purlieu and culture. Mintzberg (1989) has written extensively and significantly on the importance of organizational structure. Miller (1989) has explored the importance of configurations of strategy and structure. burn down and Stalker (1961) concluded that if an organization is to achieve maximum performance then its structure must outfit with or match the rate of change in its environments. Handy (1990, 1993) has discussed the importance of culture in relation to organizational pattern and structure and the need for new organizational forms.Pascale, Milleman and Gioja (2000, p.197) grapple design is the invisible excrete t hat brings organizations to life and life to organizations. Further, organizational structure and design are closely entwined (Mabey, Salaman Storey, 2001) with many aspects of human imagination management. Thus structure has a key role in the only important human attribute of an organization.Too practic tout ensembley the importance of Organization structure is overlooked and Miller (1989) points to a gap in the literature whereby the content of merged or bank line strategies has not been widely considered in relation to structure. iodine of the most important aspects of a managers role is the design of Organizational structures, yet this is much a neglected responsibility (Senge, 1994). McMaster (1996) argues that Organizational design is not well understood and traditional management education does not include the development of any misgiving of the principles of corporate design. The impact of the floury of corporate restructures that took place in the 1980s and 1990s, d iscussed later in this paper, supports this view. I would suggest that this lack of genuine understanding is a serious shortcoming.Definition of StructureMullins (1993) and Mabey, Salaman Storey (2001) describe the structure of an Organization as the figure of speech of relationships between roles in an Organization and its different parts. They see the purpose of this structure as serving to portion work and responsibilities in order to direct activities and achieve the Organizations goals. Structure enables managers to plan, direct, organize and control the activities of the organization (Mullins, 1993, Mabey, Salaman Storey, 2001). Here is a traditional view of Organizational design that routines principles derived from classical and scientific Management.A non traditional go about is taken by Pascale, Milleman and Gioja (2000, p.197). They consider the role of architects and the principles they use to create buildings that provide (1) geomorphological integrity (sound bui ldings), (2) functionality (space appropriate for its intended use), and (3) aesthetic appeal. Using these principles an architect is able to work with the client in order to create a structure that is an integral and facilitating aspect of the life of the people who move in and around it. Thus architectural approaches can offer us a good model with which to consider Organization design principles.I would define an Organizations structure as the architecture two visible and invisible which connects and weaves together all aspects of an Organizations activities so that it functions as a send off dynamic entity. One simple approach is to consider how an Organizations structure is described when equal diagrammatically, which most is often indicaten in the Organization chart. This provides useful insights into the underlying design principles. It will not show informal structures, but this is not the focus of this paper, except where they are an integral part of the design, as in fo r example, design Principles derived from complexity.The 20th Century Traditional wayHenri Fayol is credited by many as world the founder of modern management theory and practice. Writing at the beginning of the 20th century he advocated an Organization structure that was centralized, functionally specialized and hierarchical, in which everything had its specific place. Management was viewed as being all about planning, organizing, forecasting, co-coordinating and controlling.Others built on Fayols work, which Morgan (1986) claims provided the foundation of management theory in the first fractional of the last century, and which is still much in use up to the present day. Also in the proterozoic 20th century Frederick Taylor drawing on his understanding of traditional science and scientific method devised a theory of management scientific management. He advocated the use of scientific methods of measurement and analysis and broke all tasks down into small repetitive components. This was considered the most effective way of operating a production make and his methods achieved their apogee in the Ford motor car production line process.Thus the basic structure of many large Organizations in the 20th century was founded on linear, segmented, hierarchical design principles as typified by Figure 1. The big the Organization the larger the structure and the more(prenominal) pigboat divisions. It was an approach to Organization design that reflected the classical scientific worldview as did the early management theoristsFigure 1. Traditional Organization Chart / StructureDuring the mid 20th century thither was a trend for Organizations to create huge corporate structures, often composed of many varied and different businesses, for example, the Hanson Trust, Trafalgar House, Unilever, and GKN in the UK and General Electric in the ground forces (Mabey, Salaman Storey, 2001). In the public sector too, huge bureaucracies were created with the nationalization of t he public utilities after World War II and the creation of the NHS in 1948. The management of these huge Organizations required a complex multilayered structure with many sub divisions.Tall structures were created with as many as 20 plus levels between the chief Executive and the shopfloor operative. managerial control of employees at all the Multiple levels was based on a mixture of direct statement and budgetary Responsibility. Hierarchy, command and control were the governing principles of Employee management.But by the last decades of the 20th century, however, the trend for larger and larger structures was over. Almost every Organization experimented with well-nigh kind of structural change process (Ashkenas et al, 1995). bombastic conglomerates were broken up and large bureaucracies slimmed down as Organizations sought to become more effective and fictile (Mabey, Salaman Storey, 2001). Companies merged and demerged, made acquisitions or s aging them off and experimented w ith a range of approaches designed to make them more effective and responsive to a rapidly changing world. During this period Organizations were awash with notions of delayering, right / downsizing and business process re-engineering and for a time returns to shareholders were at record levels (Willis,2001).Downsizing was used by many companies as a way of adjusting their structures in order to be fitter and more effective. Large Organizations with many bureaucratic aspects like Kodak, IBM and General Motors restructured in this way (Mabey, Salaman Storey, 2001). This and the often accompanying trend for outsourcing resulted in a gesticulate of new problems particularly with employee insecurity and going away of expert knowledge. Coulson- Thomas and Coe (1991) report that in many of these slimmer Organizations there were issuesof work overload, increased work stress, lack of vision, poor decision making, corporate in fighting and so on.Further, this approach proved to be an unsat isfactory one, not only because of the immediate social costs and the loss of experience and valuable skills, but because many Organizations failed to capitalize on the restructuring and implement new supportive systems (Mabey, Salaman Storey, 2001). They changed the structure of the Organization but not in such a way as to improve its general long term effectiveness. This apparent lack of insight concerning the importance of the relationship between structure and inwrought and external systems and human behaviours displays a restricted understanding of the principles of Organization design.Business process re-engineering was another approach which many adopted during this period as an effective way of improving efficiency and removing bureaucratic structures. But, Mumford and Hendricks (1996) point out, many companies became obsessed with cost cutting and associated staffing reductions and did not consider how best to reorganize and restructure. Also some chief executives used t he process to rid themselves of cumbersome bureaucratic chains of command but failed to throw overboard control Mabey, Salaman Storey (2001, p.158) describe this period as one of apparent chaos as Organizations in like manner tried out approaches based on networking, outsourcing and notions of virtual forms of Organization. However, they provide an analytical framework which I shall use to describe the different types of structure that still redominate. It offers four main types of structure bureaucracy, divisionalized structures, strategic business units and de-structured forms.Organizational 21st CenturyAt the end of the 20th century some less traditional forms of organization structure beganto emerge as evidenced by the de-structured forms described by Mabey, Salaman Storey (2001). Handy (1990) observes that the old mechanistic systems are everywhere breaking down. Mabey, Salaman Storey (2001) talk of the emergence of a new ikon for organizational form which seeks to repla ce the rigidity and cumbersome nature of the traditional form. Ashkenas et al (1995) report on a change in design principles that amounts to a major shift.
Friday, April 5, 2019
Choose two scenes from Shakespeares Macbeth Essay Example for Free
Choose two pictorial matters from Shakespeares Macbeth EssayAt the outset of this film, we are sufficient to ascertain callable to the careful sculpturing of Shakespeares, that brothel keeper Macbeth is a practical chassis of women from what is emanated from her soliloquy, who is imbued with an aura of insecurity full of consternation for her husbands dangerous ploy.She is eer weary of the fatal bellman who would foretoken the demise of her husband with the sternst goodnight in time here we can show the interwoven theme of death occurring with the allusion to the campana of the bell rung outside the cell of those condemned at Newgate Prison. This would also appeal to those in Jacobean propagation due to the current fixation with treason and the Gunpowder plot to eradicate the king, serving as a focusing device to grab the consultations management.As Lady Macbeth waits, the dramatic tension builds even once Macbeth enters the chamber, as he cries whos there? At thi s agitate, she could be pacing the room, looking apprehensive also in the immorality, which would farther contribute to the effect when Macbeth enters trying to establish where she is. This would also serve in the general panic of the scene, as Lady Macbeth is held in suspense for the outcome of the murder, the audience focusing solely on her. Also in order to eliminate the need of special effects, this scene could be off stage until Lady Macbeth bursts in and meets Macbeth.The language used would kick in to the general confusion and tantalising suspense with Lady Macbeth and Macbeth trying to trust what happened as succinctly as possible using words such as when and how, adding to the make headway dramatic tension caused from Macbeths return. Macbeth here is depicted as frightened, for case of arousing those who would sound the alarm, hark he cries.However as Macbeth tries to denigrate himself by saying this is a sorry sight reflecting on his hands we can see the bolstering of spirit by Lady Macbeth who dismisses it as a foolish thought. Here again as at the outset of the scene we can see Lady Macbeths practical character world manifested, which is also seen gain ground on when she returns the daggers, the determination, which she exemplifies, is also seen in twist 1. vista 5, where she pacifies Macbeth saying leave all to me.Macbeth by product line is asphyxiated with the thought of sleep another theme invoked thought a characters actions, seen in this scene, as Macbeths feels due to his actions, he wont be able to sleep the innocent sleep. This theme is further emphasised by the repetition of sleep no more.Also religious issues are aroused disallowing him to say Amen which under the worshipful Right Of Kings should be uttered freely. cod to his contravention of the Right, he is despised of the reverential features.These two features stop to show the slow disarray of the psychological suppose in Macbeth in a gradual down spiral in mental degrada tion as he tries to control his ways however is unforgiving to look on murder again I dare not. Lady Macbeth is then faced with returning the daggers, with residual feelings of vexation for Macbeth. She dismisses his excuse using a metaphor are but as pictures pertaining to the feature that his fears are figments of the imagination like both(prenominal) unmatchable in childhood really trying to humiliate Macbeth for who he is. Lady Macbeth uses words such as gilt and grooms which would infer a marital genius being eluded to in the disruption of relationship and the overlaying of something new, however the words are used here in a negative sense.Despite Lady Macbeths plausible efforts to banish all evidence from their presence in taking the daggers book binding, she in fact relinquished herself with the killing of Duncan with the root on her hands. We can see the effects afterward on in the play when she is sleep walking she cries out damned spot this could only point back to this scene, which is a turning point from which she never escapes, and Macbeth and Lady Macbeth almost amalgamate into one.Again we nurture in the latter part of this scene a knocking which not only is used as a dramatic device in a quiet scene but also as a knell to show from now on they must suffer the consequences for their actions. The stage would be dark and quiet with a loud muffled pounding on the door resonating throughout the stage, the audience being caught up in this climatic suspense, trying to emulate what the two were feeling.Not only do we have this dramatic device used but also the theme of blood further intimated to sweep this blood would further magnify the overall tension. We can see further allusion to blood in Act 2. Scene 3, badged with blood which is a predominate theme running through this scene.As the knocking grows ever closer Lady Macbeth keeps her composure and is not shaken by the knocking she seeks to disembalm them from the murder she says a pidd ling water which would usually signify purity. This is an example of dramatic irony, in water being used to make better them from their part in this deed, despite the abhorrence of such sin in the sight of purity.She is a unrelenting contrast in character portrayal to Macbeth who is fretting for fear of being found out along with the subsidence apprehension of what hes done as he says of Duncan he would wake him would thou couldst portraying to the audience a change of mind within Macbeth who seeks to resurrect King Duncan however has to face the solemn fact he cant.At the outset of this next scene I wish to look at we see Lady Macbeth and Macbeth for the first time depicted with their elevated social circle enjoying those with whom they associate with in a cattle farm to commemorate their regal status. Macbeth tries to paint this false faade in an attempt to stop any bad blood from being portrayed but then jeopardises his ploy at being the humble host a subtle use of beginnin g rhyme, by using the word play. This would infer a temporal state pertaining to a change as we can see in the latter part of the scene.A theme of sort and reality is intimated here due to Macbeths appearance being a complete inverse to his inner thoughts, in seeking to veto Banquos life yet trying to proclaim himself in an unostentatious way. Which also could be perceived as dramatic irony.Macbeth at this early stage in the scene is fairly composed, however we can observe a gradual change as he meets with the murders, he then asks if Banquo has been Dispatched. Shakespeares foxy use of the word could allude to two things, which is also linked with Act 1. Scene 5. In this representative it is used ostensibly to discern whether Banquo has been killed, however it is used earlier in the play in the sense of being efficacious in the ploy of Lady Macbeth, as regards to the demise of Banquo.This initial part of the scene could be staged with Macbeth consulting with the murders, behind an opaque screen which the audience could see, but not those at table, tantalising to the secrecy of the situation contrasting with the revelry going on round the table. This would also draw the audiences attention away from the table focusing them on Macbeth who is the pivotal one in this scene.Macbeths innate fears are seen in his speech sayingIm cabined, cribbed, confined bound in to saucy doubts and fears Macbeth has no consolation, he is alone in his distress without the help of his wife on whom he so heavily relied, floundering for what to do next. The use of alliteration would make it even more emphatic, like a caged animal who has no hope, and it is here we are able to discern the pressure amounting infused with a weakness of mind, heralding the decline in mental degradation.It is then we have the adit of Banquos ghost, a dramatic device building up tension even before Macbeth notices. In a modern day theatre to resemble a ghost would be a lot easier than in the Jacobean t imes, due to exquisite special effects which would captivate a modern audience, than those in afore times. Due to the lack of equipment to super impose, a ghost possibly couldnt have been staged save for some one dressing up, however todays sophisticated lighting could produce a realistic effect which would further add to the aura of tension emanating from this scene.Whilst Macbeth is in a quandary about where to sit, he is trying to banish this hideous sight from his mind he cannot abstain from sayingNever shake they gory locks at me, he simply cant tolerate the image any longer, whether this arose from the heat oppressed brain it is ambiguous, however Macbeth is intemperately convicted of this terrible apparition which has come to taunt him.It is here Lady Macbeth steps in dismissing his accusations as real paintings of your fear we can see again the practical side co-insiding with the portrayal in Act 2. Scene 2, alluring to the fact she is the dominant one in their relationsh ip trying to bolster Macbeth amidst such breakdownAnother theme of blood is made manifest in Macbeths speech here and later on when Banquos ghost reappears blood hath been shed, however he is bemused using metaphorical language there is a ghost sayingThe brains were outthen man would diean end. Macbeth fails to grasp the concept of raising an apparition once a mortal has died. This however is an allusion to the further submergence in mental ruination as Macbeth elapses further into an irreparable state of mind.The ghost then makes a second appearance, more dramatic tension, filling the audience with a further sense of fear building up to a crescendo when Macbeth confronts the ghost. However we also see some dramatic irony emanating from his speech as he uses animal imagery, armed rhinoceroses. This is quite strange, as animals would symbolize a harmonic state of things, where as the thing Macbeth is describing is of a total contrast, used to emphasis the damaging sight of Banquos ghost.The scene then draws to a close, alluring to the Divine Right Of Kings, along with religious issues invoked blood will have blood. This would also link back to the old Hebraic sayingMan who lives by the word will die by the sword Macbeth has slighted the ways of the universe, the equilibrium has been altered,Stones have been known to sham the hierachery of the heavens has been changed by false means in the demise of Duncan. Macbeth will have to reap what is sowed linking back to Act 2. Scene 2.Also mystics are pertained to in Macbeths speechUnderstood relations by maggot-pies, who had premonitions for the prox beholding it in birds. Also reference to biblical saying dust to dust could be pertained to by reference of maggots referring to earthen things and ultimately death, which Macbeth will have to face. This would really captivate the attention of those in Jacobean times more effectively than those of the modern day, as they believed the supernatural, Shakespeare integrati ng it to focus the audience on Macbeth.The scene culminates in a theme of sleep linking back to Act 2 Scene 2, in Macbeth persuasion this is the root of this self abuse however he says young in deed would reflect his wit that he has further obstacles to clear to stop them hampering his seemingly aspiring progress, despite such denigration.
Functions and role of a marketing audit
Functions and subprogram of a selling canvassA market audit is a comprehensive, systematic, independent and periodic examination of companies or business units marketing milieu , objectives, strategies and activities with a view to determining problem argonas and opportunities and recommending a plan of action to improve the companys marketing performance( Kotler.P,1977 ).Product- products in Hilton Kensington restaurant ( air jacket cardinal) offering customer a wider selection of dishes and healthier choices. They not only unified important elements such as nutritional values, serving coat and standards moreover also loc bothy produced ingredients which is commodity. hurt and promotion- price and promotion in west eleven restaurant is quiet amazing. The breakfast buffet is scarce 12.95 which is a combination of both continental and English foods and dinner is contemporary European cuisine and car rattling (buffet) for 21.95. promotional material includes highlife card s for regular guests which gives 50% discounted price for lunch and dinner. For promotion with kids meal drinks be chuck up the sponge as well.People- The staffs and man ripenrs having a very good communication links and power distance is low to fair as well. The main strength is each and every staff working as a police squad and a team leader to control as well. So we ar enable to make a good relationship with customers or in other words a good buyer- seller relationship. These all things help to realize that the reputation of post that we are involved in, is in races hands.Process- In west eleven restaurant micros is a good technology which is using now to make good relation amid waiters, chefs and the guest. The services of starters from 7min and main course 20min now a day.Physical evidence- we are maintaining a better brand image now for extending customer service relationships, selection, value, low price and to challenge with competing brands. It is the element of se rvice flow as well which allows the customer again to make judgement on the organisation.EnvironmentEnvironmental outline enables an organisation to develop appropriate marketing strategies including the marketing mix. Environment can be divided into micro environment and macro environment. Important external forces that influence the marketing strategy includeCustomers- customers in west eleven restaurant always looks for quality of food rather than quantity. Most of the guests who are regular because they are meeting their needs. In the guest comments card 90% of the guest rating 7/10which is good not excellent. The major marketing segment is internet and apart from that print media, brouchers and so onterawas there as well. The things like printed media willing work inside the hotel wall posters of special offers, sports calendars etc to promote the guest.Competitors- competitors with Hilton Kensington hotel is Mariots south Kensington and novhotel Hammersmith which are upsc ale category but not luxurious category. The disceptation is taking place because they are patronized by same manoeuver customers, in same product class but there are differentiation, with a same geographic area and a similar price category. All of these hotels got good size, quality and interior decor in restaurants. But the price and value offered is just satisfactory when comparing to west eleven and the emarketig is not good enough as well. Both hotels having bit different strategies because they are concentrating more in leisure guest when Hilton restaurant is focusing mainly for business customers which includes business executives and airline staffs.PORTERS 5 FORCE MODELBarriers of refreshful entryExisting competitors entering saucily attractive domestic market.Economies of sale.Emergence of new entreprenalplayers.Supplier negotiate powerImportance of volume to supplierAvailability of skilled employees and management.Powerful brands( customers married to loyality scheme)N o of competitiorsproportion demand capacityIndustry profitabilityBuyers bargaining powerProduct diffrenciatioonWillingness to pay for brand name.Buyers incentives brat of substitutesSwitching apostrophizesPrice-performance tradeOf substitutesProducts for products.Eg same food ingredients andProducts by competitors in differ-ent names.Five force analytic thinking (source porter 1980)Macro environment- it impacts on cordial reception industry and affects all competitors. PEST frame work is very helpful in carrying out an environmental analysis of the organisation. PEST stands for political, economical, social and technological influences.Political/ licit- political factors have a direct impact on the way of business operates. The political environment is not stable enough and things are getting changing in regular intervals. V.A.T is changing from January onwards from 17.5 to 20. Terrorism activities are increasing day by day.Economic-Global recession happened in the mid of 200 8s affects soberly to the Hotel industry nationally and globally. But now its slowly recovering from the second quarter of 2010 and expected to deal the level of growth in the coming years. Currency inflation is playing a major role in economic growth. Intrest rates which are growing will affect partially as well. I.T has do a lot of difference in the current environment. Eg If we take wi-fi or broadband in capital of the United Kingdom 95% (est) of the people will use at home, work place or while traveling which is v.good, when comparing countries like Cuba which will be 5% or less which shows a huge sagacity of I.T.Social- one of the sociological factor increased population growth which adversely affecting hospitality industry. Now a days people are not spending overmuch because of recession. When taking age distribution according to census of 2008 UK labour force is about 30.3 million workers, roughly the same size as the combined labour force of California and Texas. What the demographic trends shows is people of age group amid 16-34 only working 30% of the total labour force which is bad as young people not working and the others work a lot. London society consists of a cosmopolitan culture which is much much larger in the amount when comparing with other major cities.Technological-Introduction of ERP systems, emodels and High despatch Broadband systems increased their talent to serve their royal customers. But control nebs have to take to reduce the system failure risk, otherwise it will harmful the customer satisfaction.ProductivityProductivity is a measure relating a quantity or quality of output to the inputs required to produce it.The benefits of marketing in Hilton are global reach, lower cost than traditional market methods, trackable and measureable results, personalisation, better conversion rates etc.In the other hand the risk which facing are dependability of technology, security, privacy issues, worldwide competition through globali zation etc. TheMain current problem and challenge which facing cost forte are increased commodity prices. So now a days what is happening is food cost is going higher.SystemsThe use of intranet is more than extranet in my restaurant. The use of intranet is dominated by email followed by new service and product info, market information, employee listing etc. marketing information systems providing accurate and timely information about development in the market place.Marketing control systems are good . The control procedures are looking and evaluating quarterly.most of the annual plan objectives are being achived. Provision is made to analyse periodically the profitability of different products, markets and channels of distribution. In my restaurant marketing auditor is responsible for all these systems.OrganisationMarketing organisation audit is mainly considered as effectiveness of the organisation activities as well as efficiency of the operation of a company. The organisationa l structure supports most of the marketing activities. We got good working relation between sales and marketing. Product managers are able to plan profits and sales volume as well.StrategyThe burster statement was not that much clear and feasible. The objectives stated in a clear form to watch marketing planning. The markets are segmented at an average fasion. For overall marketing decision process make out things which are using are marketing performance audit and marketing competency audit. Marketing resources are some what allocted optimally to prime market segments and marketing mix like product quality,service,promotion, distribution etc.
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